PBLA izdod lasīšanas mazgrāmatiņas

Trīs no astoņām mazajām lasīšanas grāmatām, kas jau šobrīd pieejamas. Foto: Daina Grosa.

2012. gada jūlijā publicētas latviešu valodas skolotājas Unas Auziņas sarakstītas 8 lasīšanas mazgrāmatiņas, angliski readers. PBLA tās izdevusi ar nolūku, ka tās izmantos latviešu skolās ārpus Latvijas, kā arī bērni, kas ir iesācēji latviešu valodā, vienalga kurā pasaules pusē viņi atrastos – arī Latvijā.

Mazgrāmatiņu autore, Una Auziņa, ir Starptautiskās Rīgas sākumskolas latviešu valodas skolotāja, un ir vairākus gadus mācījusi latviešu valodu bērniem, kuriem dzimtā valoda nav latviešu valoda. Klasē mācot Auziņa ievērojusi, ka latviešu valodā nav grāmatu, kas sarakstītas vienkāršā valodā, lai bērni varētu vingrināties lasīšanā. Tā arī radās ideja šai sērijai. Sērija rakstīta ar nolūku, ka bērns pats lasa grāmatu, tajā nav sarežģīta valoda, un tā bērns jūt gandarījumu par to, ka spēj to pats izlasīt. Grāmatiņu ilustratore, Indra Bērziņa, ir uzbūrusi ļoti jauku, ikdienišķu pasauli, ar kuru bērni var identificēties, vingrinoties lasīšanā.

Līdzīgā veidā trimdā jau gadiem ilgi ir no angļu valodas tulkotas angļu bērnu grāmatas, kas rakstītas vienkāršā valodā. Bieži tām pārlīmēts pāri latviešu teksts, lai nevar redzēt angļu tekstu. Tagad nav vairs jālieto šīs pielāgotās grāmatas – latviešiem ir pašiem savi “readers”, vai mazgrāmatiņas.

Grāmatas ir viegli lasāmas, domātas jaunākajām klasītēm – 1., 2. vai 3. klasei. Pirmās grāmatas sērijā ir vieglākas, nākamās būs mazliet sarežgītākas. Sērijā kopumā iecerēts izdot 31 grāmatiņas.

Tēmas ir bērniem saistošas – Mūsu māja, Kur es dzīvoju, Skola, Draugi, Mana ģimene, Mani sauc, Man patīk, Draudzenes. Autore ir īpaši iedziļinājusies bērnu domāšanā un tēmas atlasījusi tādas, kas bērnus saista un kas būtu daļa no bērnu ikdienas valodas.

Grāmatas var iegādāties Rīgā no PBLA biroja, Lāčplēšu ielā 29 dz. 5 par 1 Ls gabalā. ASV un Kanādā tās būs drīzumā pieejamas caur ALA apgādu: dace.copeland@wmich.edu Austrālijā tās var pasūtīt caur Dainu Grosu:  daina.gross@latviansonline.com


Daina Gross is editor of Latvians Online. An Australian-Latvian she is also a migration researcher at the University of Latvia, PhD from the University of Sussex, formerly a member of the board of the World Federation of Free Latvians, author and translator/ editor/ proofreader from Latvian into English of an eclectic mix of publications of different genres.

Book on Jāņi traditions features melodies via QR code

A new book featuring Jāņi traditions titled 3×9 Jāņi has just been published in Rīga. The unique feature in this publication is the option of scanning the QR codes of Jāņi songs in the book with your smartphone to hear the melodies. Now you can access those harder-to-remember melodies anywhere – by the Jāņi bonfire, out in the meadow, in the sauna – wherever your heart desires.

If you’re celebrating somewhere with an internet connection the other choice is to find them on the book’s You Tube link.  It seems there would now be no excuse for not knowing the melodies of those hundreds of songs with the refrain “līgo”.

The author, Ērika Māldere, who is a member of the folklore group Savieši (and formerly a member of the renowned group Skandenieki) has involved the traditional Latvian group in recording the songs. The graphics in the book are those of the author herself, a professional graphic designer. 3×9 Jāņi is full of tips on how to mark this ancient summer solstice celebration the traditional way – from the preparation side to the rituals that are a part of the celebrations on this night, the rotaļas (dancing games) and songs that are an integral part of this symbolic worshipping of the sun.


Daina Gross is editor of Latvians Online. An Australian-Latvian she is also a migration researcher at the University of Latvia, PhD from the University of Sussex, formerly a member of the board of the World Federation of Free Latvians, author and translator/ editor/ proofreader from Latvian into English of an eclectic mix of publications of different genres.

2012 2×2 again set for Malibu

Youth camp 2×2, a camp in the US for primarily North American Latvian youths is scheduled from December 27th 2012 to January 2nd 2013 in Malibu, California. This will be the 4th 2×2 camp to be held since the movement was rejuvenated in 2006. Originally started in 1964 and active until 1996 this movement had experienced a lull for a decade before Aivars Osvalds, a former 2×2 member decided it was time to recreate the atmosphere of previous years.

The focus of this camp is on promoting activism among Latvian youth in North America with the view to make clear succession in Latvian community life – that eventually they will be taking over the reins. Topics for discussion have been Latvian politics, “latvietība”, the options for youth from North America to relocate to Latvia for various lengths of time, ways of expressing your sense of being a Latvian.

Serious discussions are always offset with less brain-stressing acitivities – folk dancing, jewelry making, Latvian cooking, singing and a fun-packed evening programme.

Guest speakers from Latvia over the past years have been writer and playwright Māra Zālīte, journalist Jānis Domburs, journalist Eva Ikstena-Strapcāne, and a host of former emigre Latvians who now reside in Latvia: Māris Graudiņš, Dainis Mjartāns, Andris Gobiņš among others. This year’s 2×2 guest speakers will be singer Renārs Kaupers, politician Raivis Dzintars and former Diena editor and Minister of Culture, Sarmīte Ēlerte.

For more information on 2×2 have a look at the 2×2 website


2×2 group photo at the 2006 camp in West Virginia.

Daina Gross is editor of Latvians Online. An Australian-Latvian she is also a migration researcher at the University of Latvia, PhD from the University of Sussex, formerly a member of the board of the World Federation of Free Latvians, author and translator/ editor/ proofreader from Latvian into English of an eclectic mix of publications of different genres.