Jauna biedrība – ģimenēm diasporā, kurās tiek uzturēta latviešu valoda

Nesen nodibināta diasporas NVO “Latviešu valodas uzturēšana diasporas ģimenēs”. Tās dibinātāji un biedri esam no dažādām valstīm un ar lielu pieredzi diasporas organizācijās un latviešu valodas uzturēšanas darbā. Remigrācijas pētniece Daina Grosa uzaugusi Austrālijā un aktīvi darbojusies Austrālijas latviešu sabiedrībā, kā arī strādājusi PBLA Izglītības padomē; Inga Sindi, pēc izglītības teātra un literatūras zinātniece, ar ģimeni dzīvojusi dažādās valstīs, tai skaitā Apvienotajos Arābu Emirātos, kur vadīja nodarbības latviešu bērniem un sarakstīja grāmatu “Mama saka ābols, papa saka Apfel”, ko šovasar izdos Latviešu Valodas aģentūra; Ieva Pūpola izveidoja un 12 gadus vadīja latviešu skolu Austrijā; Liene Karhumaki aktīvi piedalās Latviešu Kopienas Emirātos darbā un koordinē latviešu valodas skoliņu AAE bērniem; Inga Česle ir Brisbanes Latviešu nama vadītāja. Šī ir daļa no biedrības biedriem, kas gatavi ieguldīt savu pieredzi un zināšanas, lai informētu un atbalstītu latviešu vecākus diasporā, kā arī skaidrotu ar bērnu daudzvalodību un mantotās valodas apguvi saistītus jautājumus.

Aicinām pievienoties biedrības Facebook grupai “Latviešu valoda diasporas ģimenēs” un / vai sekot tās Instagram kontam lv_diasporasgimenes esošos un topošos latviešu vecākus visā pasaulē, kuri:

  • vēlas un cenšas iemācīt bērniem latviešu valodu citas valodas vidē,
  • interesējas par bērnu daudzvalodību,
  • gribētu uzzināt, kā pārvarēt dažādus sarežģījumus (bērns neatbild latviski; trūkst motivācijas; pašam nav laika mācīt un tuvumā nav latviešu skoliņas) un kur meklēt resursus izmantošanai mājās,
  • labprāt neformāli apmainītos ar citiem vecākiem, kā arī lasītu / uzklausītu bērnu valodas ekspertu ieteikumus.

Veiksim intervijas ar bērnu daudzvalodības pētniekiem, dalīsimies ar citu vecāku pieredzes stāstiem, praktiskiem ieteikumiem ikdienas situācijām un cita veida noderīgu saturu ikvienam, kura bērns aug ar vairākām valodām. Ar laiku sekos arī citas aktivitātes. Izmantojot sociālos tīklus, vēlamies arī izzināt vecāku vajadzības un intereses. Jo mūsu būs vairāk, jo vērtīgāka domu apmaiņa.

Biedrības e-pasta adrese saziņai: lv.diasporasgimenes@gmail.com

Dibinātāju un biedru vārdā: Inga Sindi (Vācija, kontakttālrunis +49 15258296078)

Latvian pianist Dzintra Erliha’s Carnegie Hall debut a memorable musical event

In a triumphant return to the United States, Latvian pianist Dzintra Erliha, in her Carnegie Hall debut, gave a solo concert at the Weill Recital Hall on Friday, February 9. In the intimate confines of the Weill Hall, Erliha’s performance was an impressive and memorable musical event.

Exhibiting the confidence of a pianist who has been performing for decades, Erliha’s resplendent and masterful performance included works by both Latvian and international composers.

Erliha has been at the forefront of championing the works of Latvian composer Lūcija Garūta, and, as a result of Erliha’s efforts, Garūta’s compositions have grown in popularity. One could feel the personal connection between the pianist and composer in Erliha’s performances of Garūta’s Etude ‘Leģenda’ and the 3 Preludes, with moments of both tenderness and strength.

Another highlight of the evening was the performance of Pēteris Vasks’ tragic work ‘Landscapes of the Burnt-out Earth’, the composer’s lament for the damage done to nature throughout the years. With its shrill bird calls and harsh atmosphere (though with the occasional moment of hope) , Erliha’s dramatic rendition of this work confirms that Vasks’ stark and immediate warning to the world is just as relevant today as when it was composed more than thirty years ago.

Erliha’s latest recording Serena, features compositions by both Latvian and American women composers, including distinguished Latvian American composers Dace Aperāne and Lolita Ritmanis (both of whom were in attendance that evening). Erliha has had a long and fruitful collaboration with both composers, and the works performed (Aperāne’s ‘New Moon’ and ‘Daina’, Ritmanis’ ‘Hope’ and ‘Beyond the Window’) were emotional and personal, bringing forth the rich beauty in all these pieces.

Legendary Latvian actor Ivars Stonins was the host for the evening and provided many biographical and musical notes on the pianist and the compositions.

The concert concluded with Erliha joined by violinist Una Tone and cellist Sasha Ono, and included the world premiere of Ritmanis’ composition “Vignettes From the Park”, composed specifically for this trio and this concert, and was a vivid and dramatic finale for this remarkable evening of music.

Erliha’s US tour continues with performances in Boston, Stetson University, Cleveland, Los Angeles, as well as a return to New York in September. Erliha is also releasing her next album – entitled Dreamscapes – later in 2024, which will feature piano music of the 21st century.

For more information, please visit Dzintra Erliha’s website.

Egils Kaljo is an American-born Latvian from the New York area . Kaljo began listening to Latvian music as soon as he was able to put a record on a record player, and still has old Bellacord 78 rpm records lying around somewhere.

Latvian pianist Dzintra Erliha to tour US in 2024

Distinguished Latvian pianist Dzintra Erliha returns to the United States in 2024 with multiple solo concerts, including a performance in the Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall in New York City on February 9.

Erliha will also perform in Boston at the Berklee College of Music, at Stetson University in DeLand, Florida, at Latvian centers in Boston and Cleveland, and will also give concerts in California.

The concerts will include performances of works recorded on her latest album – 2023’s Serena, released on the PRIMA Classic label, which features piano works by Latvian and American women composers. Concerts will also include works by Pēteris Vasks, Starr Parodi, Leanna Primiani, Esin Aydingoz, and others. The Carnegie Hall concert will also include the performance of Lolita Ritmanis’ Trio, and Erliha will be joined by violinist Una Tone and cellist Sasha Ono.

For further information, please visit Dzintra Erliha’s website.

Daina Gross is editor of Latvians Online. An Australian-Latvian she is also a migration researcher at the University of Latvia, PhD from the University of Sussex, formerly a member of the board of the World Federation of Free Latvians, author and translator/ editor/ proofreader from Latvian into English of an eclectic mix of publications of different genres.