Learning Latvian Online

The following is a list of some websites that offer lessons in the Latvian language:

Ko tu teici?

Developed by the National Programme for Latvian Language Training (LVAVP), this site provides simple Latvian language exercises using everyday words and situations. Unfortunately, the beginning page is only in Latvian—click on “Norādījumi” at the top to get to instructions in English or Russian. Further pages provide instructions in English or Russian, although curiously the page on grammar is only in Latvian. The sound clips, though, are good. The site also has Latvian-English and Latvian-Russian dictionaries (click on “Vārdnīca”). LV EN RU


If you want to learn Latvian or improve your speaking skills, then this site will be a great resource. Although it won’t go into the finer points of grammar and punctuation, it will teach you basic words and phrases with the recording of a native speaker providing the correct pronunciation. Great for the beginner as you will be coached through the alphabet, numbers, days of the week and other essentials. A section that helps you learn the Russian language is also in the pipeline. An interesting story is associated with the origin of LanguageHelpers.com, which is registered to Richard Wright. The United Kingdom-born creator of the site learnt of his Latvian ancestry as a child and was searching for resources to learn the Latvian language a few years ago. Not having much luck he decided to take up the challenge of creating his own resource. Now based in Rīga, this energetic individual is almost single-handedly working on this ambitious project. Hats off to you—we’re sure others will be stoked to discover this site! EN

Basic Latvian I

Produced by the University of Washington Baltic Studies Program, this is the web edition of Jāzeps Lelis’ textbook Basic Latvian (1984). Lelis was a well-respected linguist, and this course is likewise in-depth and intense with a LOT of emphasis on grammar. The site provides plenty of good quality RealPlayer sound files. This structure-based course is best for the serious student who wants to develop a good background of Latvian grammar to build upon and has regular access to a native speaker of Latvian for practice sessions. EN LV


Literatūras ‘zelta fonda’ bibliotēka internetā

Letonika.lv – pazīstama ar savām interneta vārdnīcām – ir atklājusi jaunu interneta bibliotēku, proti, Latviešu literatūras zelta fondu. Šobrīd bibliotēkā atradīsit informāciju par 16 latviešu klasiķiem un viņu darbus: dzeju, lugas, stāstus, noveles un citu žanru sacerējumus. Publicētie darbi aptver lielu daļu latviešu literatūras no pašas sākotnes līdz pirmās Latvijas valsts laikā tapušajiem. Tie ir izturējuši laika pārbaudi, un joprojām ir iekļauti un tiek lasīti pamatskolas un vidusskolas literatūras programmās.

Darbus var meklēt pēc autora, žanra vai darba nosaukuma. Lasīšanas ērtumam uz ekrāna ir izveidots īpašs lasīšanas logs un grāmatzīmes ievietošanas iespēja. Darbojas pilnteksta meklēšana un ātrā atrasto vārdu iezīmēšanas/pārlūkošanas iespēja.

Šī zelta fonda bibliotēka gan ir vēl papildināšanas stadijā. Letonika gaida no lasītājiem atsauksmes, ieteikumus un kritiku – kas patīk vai nepatīk, ir vai nav ērti. Un pats galvenais: ko lasītāji vēlētos lasīt šajā bibliotēkā. Ieteikumus sūtīt uz e-pastu letonika@tilde.lv.

Literatūras zelta fonda bibliotekas atrodama Letonikas mājas lapā www.letonika.lv, uzklikšņinot uz “Literatūra”.

University of Washington offers language study fellowships

Incoming and current graduate and professional students from all departments and schools may apply for Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) fellowships from the University of Washington. The deadline for the current and coming academic years has already passed, but this a unique opportunity to consider for the future.

Incoming and current master’s and doctoral students, who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents, and plan to study a modern foreign language, in combination with area or international studies or international aspects of professional fields, are eligible for academic year awards from the University of Washington. Summer fellowships are granted to those who will be engaged in intensive foreign language study in the U.S. or abroad.

The 2009-10 FLAS award languages cover a broad spectrum: Arabic, Bengali, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, Bulgarian, Burmese, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Filipino/Tagalog, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Indonesian/Malay, Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Kirghiz, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Tajik, Thai, Turkish, Uighur, Urdu, Uzbek and Vietnamese.

FLAS fellowships are funded by the U.S. Department of Education through eight National Resource Centers located in the Jackson School of International Studies at the University of Washington: Canada, East Asia, Global (International) Studies, Middle East, Russia/East Europe/Central Asia (REECAS/Ellison), South Asia, Southeast Asia, and West Europe.

Summer 2009 awards provide tuition up to USD 4,000, plus a living allowance of USD 2,500. Travel awards up to USD 1,000 are available with summer awards only. Academic year 2009-10 fellowships grant tuition up to USD 12,000, plus a stipend of USD 15,000. Graduate appointee health insurance is paid out of the tuition amount.

Students may assemble the information needed to apply by downloading materials from jsis.washington.edu.

For further informatin, contact the FLAS coordinator, Mary Ann Curtis, at +1 (206) 616-8679 or macurtis@u.washington.edu.