The bass player for Latvia’s top pop group, Prāta Vētra, has been killed in an automobile accident, Latvian media report. Gundars Mauševics was killed May 24 about 10 kilometers from Rīga on the Rīga-Jelgava highway, the newspaper Diena reported.
The news agency LETA said it had confirmed the musician’s death. His body was found near an Audi 80 automobile that had run off the road into a peat bog. Police suspect the accident happened up to two days earlier, the news agency said.
Mauševics, known by the nickname Mumiņš, was one of five members of the band, whose lineup has not changed since the group formed in 1989. The band is known outside Latvia as BrainStorm.
Other members of the band are lead vocalist Renārs Kaupers, drummer Kaspars Roga, keyboardist Māris Mihelsons and guitarist Jānis Jubalts.
Road accidents have claimed or seriously injured a number of popular Latvian artists in recent years. Dainis Virga, drummer for the Liepāja rock band Līvi, was killed last July 27 along with sound operator Juris Jakovļevs when the vehicle they were riding in was involved in an accident near Daugavpils. The group’s guitarist Ainars Virga, who was driving, and bass player Jānis Grodums, were injured in the accident. Singer Igo (Rodrigo Fomins) was seriously injured in an automobile accident in May 2000 and spent several months recuperating. Singer Māra Kalniņa of the popular post-folk group Iļģi was killed in 1999 in an accident near Rīga.
Latvia has one of the worst traffic death records in Europe, according to several international organizations that monitor road safety. In the first quarter of this year, a total of 114 people died on Latvian roads, according to the national Road Traffic Safety Directorate.

The pop group Prāta Vētra has lost its bass guitarist Gundars Mauševics (second from right). He was killed in a May 24 automobile accident. (Photo from BrainStorm’s official Web site)
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I’m so sorry, I don’t konw what to do ! I’m probably the only Swede who loves Brainstorm ( no one here knows who they are) But I truly love them! I go to Poland to buy there CD:s, and I love them, I lay them all the time.. I give all my love to the members of Brainstorm and Mūmiņš’s family.
My wife who is from Aizpute latvia was deeply shocked when she heard the tragic news, I have become a big fan of Brianstorm and I hope they we continue to keep rocking. The town where we live in Ireland (Rush) has over 400 Latvians working their and are all very sad about Mūmiņš’s death. May he rest in peace
Unfortunately the best are always the first to die…….. Mūmiņš keep on rocking wherever you are !
***max from Italy***
I’m also so sorry… Was in Latvia at the time he died, just got to know Brainstorm there during my exchange year and now I love them! I’ll never forget Muminsh!
Does anybody know why the accident happened???
Three years and still in my memory
“Birds fly, they don´t think twice,
they simply spread their wings,
The sun shines, it don´t ask why,
or what the whole thing means”
-M. Bolton-