Recording featuring works by Pelēcis is quite a revelation


While browsing through the latest releases at the record store one day, I encountered a compact disc entitled Revelation and containing works by Latvian composer Georgs Pelēcis.

Though I had some minimal knowledge about the composer, I was not familiar with any of his works, so I decided to give the CD a try.

And I am glad I did, since the CD was quite a find: an enjoyable collection of modern classical music, as performed by Kremerata Baltica—one of the world’s best ensembles, made up entirely of young musicians from the Baltic states—and its founder and artistic director, distinguished violinist Gidon Kremer.

Pelēcis is a professor at the Latvian Academy of Music and the author of many texts on music. His symphonic music for the Roald Dahl story Jack and the Beanstalk was performed at the Royal Albert Hall in London. His work “Nevertheless” (included on the CD) has been performed in Rīga, Pittsburgh and San Francisco with dance choreography.

Modern classical music has a reputation, often deservedly, as harsh and very difficult to listen to, with jarring intervals and intentional avoidance of melodies and traditional elements. Though Pelēcis is certainly a modern composer, his music is not lacking in melodies and harmonies. As Pelēcis has an interest in ancient music, there are clear melodic elements of earlier eras, making for quite enjoyable listening.

The album begins with the fast paced “Revelation,” featuring not just Kremerata Baltica, but also countertenor Jānis Šipkēvics, Gabor Boldoczki on trumpet and Katia Skanavi playing the piano. As its title would indicate, the text of the work has Biblical elements to it. Šipkēvics’ soaring voice is nicely balanced with Skanavi’s piano playing, while the string ensemble provides a rapidly moving foundation to this celebratory piece. Pelēcis’ interest in ancient and Renaissance music shines through here, with many elements reminding the listener of the Baroque era, but certainly with a modern aspect to it.

Kremer is featured on the composition “Nevertheless,” a single-movement “double concerto” for violin, piano (once again performed by Skanavi) and orchestra. The piano part, very melancholic in its minor key setting and with an almost minimalistic feel to it, balances with Kremer’s violin, which performs a tender melody in a major key. The piano and violin seem to have a conversation with one another throughout the work, with the dialogue switching between the sadness of the piano and the more positive melody of the violin, though, at the end, the piano switches to a major key.

In a slightly different style, there is also the concerto-like work “Buena Riga,” a fantasy weaving together music in the style of Argentine composer Astor Piazzolla as well as Daugavpils-born Oscar Strock, who was of Jewish ancestry and known as the “King of the Tango” in Rīga, where he lived for many years. These disparate elements come together to form one of Pelēcis’ unique compositions, a slow, yet romantic and lyrical tango.

The collection finishes with a brief work (five minutes long) appropriately titled “The Last Song.” It is a slightly ominous work that expresses a sense of loss and regret, expressing the feelings and emotions that arise when someone does something for the last time, or if someone is bidding farewell to some place. Though the work is brief and certainly tinged with sadness, it is a particularly poignant way to finish the collection.

The CD booklet contains biographical information on both Pelēcis and Kremerata Baltica, as well as a brief notes on all of the compositions in English, German and French.

Though perhaps not as well known as others, Pelēcis has clearly established himself as one of the pre-eminent composers in Latvia. Thanks to the always dependable Kremerata Baltica and its visionary leader, this positive and beautiful music is given an excellent treatment and presentation.



Georgs Pelēcis / Gidon Kremer, Kremerata Baltica

Megadisc Classics,  2009

MDC 7797

Track listing:



Buena Riga (Astor Piazzolla, Oscar Strock and Me)

The Last Song

Egils Kaljo is an American-born Latvian from the New York area . Kaljo began listening to Latvian music as soon as he was able to put a record on a record player, and still has old Bellacord 78 rpm records lying around somewhere.

Vēl var paspēt ieteikt Gada vārdu, nevārdu un spārnoto teicienu

Glābējsilīte. Talkot. Ēnstrādnieks. Draugoties. Smacenis. Mēstule. Zīmols. Šie vārdi visi agrāk bijuši “Gada vārdi”, bet kā būs šogad?

Vēl līdz 11. janvārim iespējams nominēt 2010. gada Gada vārdu, nevārdu un spārnoto teicienu, ziņo Maija Sinka, Rīgas latviešu biedrības Latviešu valodas attīstības kopas (LVAK) koordinātore.

Gada vārds, ka rakstīts LVAK aptaujas paskaidrojumā, ir “spilgtākais un trāpīgākais pēc latviešu valodas likumībām veidotais vārds, kas pirmo reizi izskanējis, kļuvis populārs vai populāritāti atguvis 2010. gadā, vai arī jau pazīstams vārds, kas lietots ar šim gadam raksturīgu jaunu vai īpašu nozīmi”.

Savukārt Gada nevārds ir “visnejēdzīgāk darinātais vai visnevajadzīgāk no citas valodas aizgūtais vārds, kas parādījies vai manāmi izplatījies 2010. gadā, vai arī jau pazīstams vārds, kas šajā gadā plaši lietots ar visneiederīgāk vai visnevajadzīgāk sagrozītu nozīmi (piemēram, pēc citu valodu parauga)”.

Bet Gada spārnotais teiciens ir “spilgtākais vai dīvainākais teiciens, kas īpaši bieži lietots vai sevišķi pamanīts 2010. gadā”.

2010. gada vārdu, nevārdu un spārnoto teicienu vērtētāji būs lingvisti un valodas praktiķi no trim organizācijām – LVAK, Latvijas Rakstnieku savienības un Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmijas Terminoloģijas komisijas. Rezultātis paziņos preses konferencē 18. janvārī.

Gada vārdu, nevārdu un spārnoto teicienu var ieteikt līdz 11. janvārim raksto e-pastu uz

Sīkāka informācija par LVAK darbību atrodama interneta lapā

Andris Straumanis is a special correspondent for and a co-founder of Latvians Online. From 2000–2012 he was editor of the website.

Latvian migration to Ireland slowed in 2010, government data suggest

The count of persons from Latvia registering for new identification numbers in Ireland dropped nearly 25 percent from 2009 to 2010, suggesting that the flow of immigrants has slowed.

Data compiled by Ireland’s Department of Social Protection show that a total of 3,134 persons from Latvia last year obtained Personal Public Service Numbers (PPSN), substantially fewer than the 3,916 in 2009. However, the data are not a true measure of immigration to Ireland.

The PPSN is an identifier used by individuals in their dealings with various Irish state institutions.

Since 2000, a total of 45,836 PPSNs have been issued to persons from Latvia. During the four years from 2000-2003, the total PPSNs issued to persons from Latvia reached 6,837. After Latvia joined the European Union in 2004, easing travel restrictions for guest workers, the number of new PPSNs jumped significantly. In 2005 alone, residents of Latvia accounted for 9,328 of the new PPSNs issued that year.

From 2005-2008, a steady decline in new PPSNs was observed, although the number jumped 5 percent from 2008-2009 as the economic crisis in Latvia began to unfold.

In all, more than 154,000 persons obtained new PPSNs last year in Ireland, a 7 percent drop from 2009. Ireland, which for several years saw rapid economic growth that lured tens of thousands of new immigrants, also has suffered an economic decline.

Last year just 207 persons from Estonia sought PPSNs, a more than 50 percent drop from 2009. Meanwhile, 4,353 persons from Lithuania last year obtained the identification numbers, a 15 percent increase over 2009.