Trejasmens album presents cultural and historical wealth of Ropaži

Trejasmens album presents cultural and historical wealth of Ropaži

Latvian folk ensemble Trejasmens perform songs from and about the Ropaži parish (in the Vidzeme region, east of Riga) in Latvia. Combining songs and stories, their albums reveal the extensive cultural and historical richness of this region.

Their latest album – Mežā un ciemā – was released in 2022, and, as per the group, this collection is dedicated to the ‘cultural and historical monuments, historical events and natural treasures’ of Ropaži.

Trejasmens, who have been performing together since the early 2000s, combine many different styles into their performances – from more traditional, even ancient styles to songs in a more modern style with electric instruments. The Latvian kokle provides the foundation for the somber ‘Divi dienas mežā gāju’, while ‘Kas redzejēa Auseklīti’, a song about going off to war, is infused with the sounds of Renaissance-era music.

The initial calmness on the album is broken by the sounds of electric guitars on ‘Ogļdeģi’, a song that would also fit in with the repertoire of Latvian metal ensemble Skyforger, ‘Juglas bērni’ is only vocals and electric guitar, but no less intense or powerful.

As on their previous album – 2018’s No Ropažnieku dzīves – the songs are interwoven with spoken stories. On Mežā un ciemā these include ‘Kūpošie Uzkalniņi’, a story about burning trees and the resulting charcoals (there are approximately 4000 such charcoal piles), as well as ‘Mazās Juglas Kaujas’ – Latvian rifleman Kārlis Baltgailis’ harrowing memories of the battle of the Mazā Jugla River during World War I.

Though most of the performances on the album are somber and serious, with mainly folk song texts, the album takes an unexpected turn at the end, concluding with the almost ‘indie rock’ style of ‘Skolas diena’, a bouncy song about the first day of school.

The CD booklet supplements these stories (in Latvian and English) with additional historical notes – like the venerable old oaks of Ropaži,  the unique geological formations of the ‘Lielie Kangari’ nature reserve, and the Endzeliņi Tavern, a place that often resulted in supernatural occurrences for visitors.

Blending both ancient and modern instruments, Trejasmens present the cultural wealth of the Ropaži Parish on Mežā un ciemā. The group is deeply studied in history and archeology, and the knowledge they have gained adds to the authenticity of the performances on the album.

For further information, please visit the Lauska website.

Mežā un ciemā


Lauska CD099, 2022

Track listing:

  1. Divi dienas mežā gāju
  2. Kas redzēja Auseklīti
  3. Vēlā vakarā Kangaros
  4. Ropalniekam trīs dēliņi
  5. Kūpošie uzkalniņi
  6. Ogļdeģi
  7. Lielā Jugla – pavasara ceļš
  8. Juglas bērni
  9. Gadījumi Mācītājmuižā
  10. Mazās Juglas kaujas (Strēlnieka Kārļa Baltgaiļa atmiņas)
  11. Kad ar uzvaru
  12. Naudas māte
  13. Skolas diena

Egils Kaljo is an American-born Latvian from the New York area . Kaljo began listening to Latvian music as soon as he was able to put a record on a record player, and still has old Bellacord 78 rpm records lying around somewhere.

“Ai, bagāta man zemīte” – jauna horeogrāfija XVI Latviešu Dziesmu un deju svētkiem Kanādā

“Ai, bagāta man zemīte” – jauna horeogrāfija XVI Latviešu Dziesmu un deju svētkiem Kanādā

XVI LATVIEŠU DZIESMU UN DEJU SVĒTKU KANĀDĀ Dagmāras Bārbales jaunās horeogrāfijas “Ai, bagāta man zemīte” oriģinālmūzika tagad pieejama straumēšanas platformās

Ziemeļamerikā ir vairākas mazas deju grupas, bet repertuārs grupām ar mazu dejotāju skaitu nav plašs. Gribēdami piedāvāt jaunu, jauku deju šīm grupām, XVI Latviešu dziesmu un deju svētku Kanādā rīkotāji vērsās pie horeogrāfes Dagmāras Bārbales, ar lūgumu radīt deju četriem pāriem, kas būtu piemērota gan vidējai paaudzei, gan jauniešiem. “Mani ļoti iepriecināja šis aicinājums radīt deju Latviešu dziesmu un deju svētkiem Kanādā, jo uzskatu, ka dziesmu un deju svētku tradīcijas uzturēšanai ārpus Latvijas robežām ir nenovērtējama loma mūsu nacionālās identitātes stiprināšanā. Ļoti gribējās radīt šiem svētkiem, ko pavisam īpašu, tāpēc nolēmām radīt ne tikai deju, bet arī mūziku”, stāsta D.Bārbale. 

“Mēs ļoti priecājamies par skaisto deju un mūziku! Dejas “Ai, bagāta man zemīte” iekļaušana svētku progrmma, turpina Kanādas iesākto Svētku tradīciju  – jaunu deju radīšanu tieši deju Lieluzvedumiem – 2009.g. Zigurds Miezītis, 2019.g. Jānis Purviņš”, saka Tija Freimuta – Tautas deju nozares vadītāja un Svētku vice-priekšsēde.

Dejai mūziku komponējis Mārtiņš Miļevskis, teksta autore Inga Cipe. Dziesmas ierakstā piedalījušies bungu un dūdu mūzikas grupa Auļi, ģitārists Jānis Kalniņš un koklētāja Latvīte Cirse. Dziesmu iedziedājis Renārs Kaupers. Ieraksts tapis Studijā “LAUSKA”, skaņu režisors Kaspars Bārbals. Dziesma klausāma arī Dolby Atmos Spatial audio formātā.

Dziesma pieejama visās straumēšanas platformās, ieskaitot Spotify un Apple Music

XVI LATVIEŠU DZIESMU UN DEJU SVĒTKI KANĀDĀ notiks 2024. gadā no 4. – 7. jūlijam Toronto pilsētā, turpinot ilggadējo latviešu dziesmu un deju tradīcīju Kanādā. Svētku ietvaros notiks tautas deju Lieluzvedums, Jaundeju koncerts un TDA “Teiksma” (Latvija) deju koncerts, kā arī kopkoru koncerts, garīgās un orķestra mūzikas koncerts, teātris, bērnu aktivitātes, tirdziņš, mākslas un daiļamatnieku izstādes, balles un citi sarīkojumi. Paredzēts, ka Svētkos piedalīsies kolektīvi un viesi no Kanādas, ASV, Latvijas un Eiropas.

Tija Freimuts ir XVI Latviešu Dziesmu un deju svētku Kanādā Tautas deju nozares vadītāja un Svētku vice-priekšsēde.

Mixed choir Juventus celebrates centenary with works by Latvian composers

Mixed choir Juventus celebrates centenary with works by Latvian composers

Mixed choir Juventus, of the University of Latvia, has had a long and storied history. Founded in 1920, the choir has been active for more than a century and has been led by many distinguished Latvian conductors, such as Haralds Mednis, Daumants Gailis, and Juris Kļaviņš. Throughout its history, the choir has been recognized as one of the premiere amateur choirs in Latvia.

The choir, which celebrated its centenary in 2020, is now conducted by Valdis Tomsons. To celebrate their 100th anniversary, the choir recorded an album of new works – twelve works by twelve distinguished Latvian composers. No small feat, considering that much of the work was done during a global pandemic, when choir rehearsals and performances almost came to a complete halt worldwide.

The resulting album – entitled Jauns sākums (or New Beginning), was released in 2022, and is a digital-only release that can be found on multiple streaming services. The album serves as a bridge between the choir’s two centuries of activity.

The celebratory ‘Rasa’, with music and words by composer Laura Jēkabsone, along with elements from Latvian folksongs, opens the collection. The choir delivers a clearly articulated and crisp performance, as Jēkabsone’s composition moves from an energetic beginning to a more melodic mid-section.

Guitarist Kaspars Zemītis provides the peaceful, jazzy ‘Dialogs’, which begins and ends with the choir simulating the sound of rain, and then, accompanied by the composer himself on guitar, the choir forms a kind of dialog between the male and female voices, resulting in a gently flowing performance.

Composer Jēkabs Jančevskis contributes the somber and haunting ‘Klāt pie sevis’. Similarly, Irīna Mihailovska’s composition ‘Semikols’ (Semicolon), for which Mihailovska also wrote the words, also has tragic undertones – the semicolon here is a symbol of those who have had suicidal thoughts, and the choir provides an achingly beautiful interpretation of this emotional work.

Ārījs Šķepasts has often had world music elements in his choir music, particularly Eastern motifs. ‘Tu tuvināji mani mūžībai’ is inspired by Indian raga music, infused with elements from Latvian popular music (particularly the work of Imants Kalniņš) and the resulting work is atmospheric and immersive, enhanced by the soaring voices of the choir.

The choir presents works of many styles on this collection, and does not shy away from more challenging and difficult works. Composer Andris Dzenītis is known for his complex and intricate choir compositions, and ‘The Morning of the World’ (words by Pablo Picasso) is no exception. At times discordant and harsh, but also harmonious and calm, the work displays the versatility of the choir when singing this multi-faceted and multi-layered composition.

The album also contains works by Valts Pūce, Arturs Maskats, Jēkabs Nīmanis, Andris Sējāns, the group “Sigma”, and Jānis Ķirsis.

In 2023, in addition to preparing for the Latvian Song and Dance Festival in July, the choir will also be traveling to Maribor in Slovenia for the Gallus – Maribor International Choral Competition.

Though the choir is now in its second century of activity, it remains true to its name (‘Juventus’ meaning ‘Youth’), and the dozen performances on Jauns sākums confirm Juventus’ status as one of the best amateur mixed choirs in Latvia. In addition to displaying the skills of the choir and conductor Valdis Tomsons, it also reveals the wide variety and styles of Latvian composers – at times melodic, at times challenging, other times melancholy, even tragic. Juventus and Valdis Tomsons have set a new course – a new beginning – with these twelve memorable performances.

For further information, please visit the Juventus website and the choir Juventus Facebook page.

Jauns sākums

Mixed Choir Juventus


Track listing:

  1. Rasa – Laura Jēkabsone
  2. Dialogs – Kaspars Zemītis
  3. The Morning of the World – Andris Dzenītis
  4. Mēs iedegamies cits no cita – Valts Pūce
  5. Vējasuns – Arturs Maskats
  6. Tu tuvināji mani mūžībai – Ārijs Šķepasts
  7. Tulkojums – Jēkabs Nīmanis
  8. Un tad vienā jaukā dienā – Andris Sējāns
  9. Klāt pie sevis – Jēkabs Jančevskis
  10. Semikols – Irīna Mihailovska
  11. Kalnā – music by the group “Sigma”, arranged by Platons Buravickis
  12. Gaisma – Jānis Ķirsis

Egils Kaljo is an American-born Latvian from the New York area . Kaljo began listening to Latvian music as soon as he was able to put a record on a record player, and still has old Bellacord 78 rpm records lying around somewhere.