New Kamēr… CD with Latvian compositions about the moon

Youth choir Kamēr… have released their latest CD entitled Mēness dziesmas (KCD012). The CD is a companion piece to their 2008 recording World Sun Songs, which gathered 17 new compositions from international composers, all of which had themes related to the sun.

Mēness dziesmas, as its title would indicate, collects songs about the moon. Unlike World Sun Songs, all of the compositions are by Latvian composers. The compositions on this CD were all premiered at two concerts at the University of Latvia earlier in 2012.

This is also the first CD released by Kamēr… since the departure of long time conductor Māris Sirmais – the choir’s artistic director Is now Jānis Liepiņš. The CD booklet contains lyrics for all the compositions, as well as brief descriptions of the songs and biographies of the choir and of Liepiņš. All texts are in Latvian and English. The Kamēr…website provides more information:

Track listing:

1. Tu esi mēness neredzamā puse – Raimonds Pauls

2. Selēnes zilie putni – Juris Karlsons

3. Mani mīl mākslinieks grēcīgs – Līga Celma

4. Mēnessnakts – Kaspars Zemītis

5. Mēnesnīcas noktirne – Arturs Maskats

6. Mēness vocalīze – Evija Skuķe

7. Moonlight Sound Design – Raimonds Tiguls

8. Mēnesī… – Rihards Zaļupe

9. The New Moon – Ēriks Ešenvalds

10. Pasaka ‘Mēnesim robs’ – Andris Sejāns



Egils Kaljo is an American-born Latvian from the New York area . Kaljo began listening to Latvian music as soon as he was able to put a record on a record player, and still has old Bellacord 78 rpm records lying around somewhere.

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