‘Milda’ might return on euro coin

The young woman in folk costume who once graced the 5-lat coin in pre-war Latvia might return someday to the nation’s version of a euro coin. The suggested design is part of the winning entry in a contest to conceptualize what Latvia’s eight euro coins might look like, the Bank of Latvia announced Aug. 16.

Ilze Kalniņa of Jēkabpils won the LVL 1,000 top prize in the contest. She suggested that Latvia’s version of the 2 euro coin display the picture of the woman from the old silver coin, popularly known as the “Milda.” Kalniņa also suggested that a picture of the Freedom Monument appear on the 1-euro coin and that Latvia’s coat of arms appear on lesser denominations.

A total of eight euro coins are used in the European Union, the 1-, 2-, 5-, 10-, 20- and 50-cent coins, as well as the 1- and 2-euro coins. They share a common side, but have different national sides, according to the European Central Bank.

Kalniņa’s concept was selected by a jury from a total of 1,088 entries received from January to April, the bank said.

The bank said the design concept might be modified during discussions with the mint. The earliest the coins might appear, if Latvia is deemed ready to switch to the euro, is January 2008.

A picture of the woman in folk costume appears on the current 500-lat banknote.

Andris Straumanis is a special correspondent for and a co-founder of Latvians Online. From 2000–2012 he was editor of the website.

One thought on “‘Milda’ might return on euro coin

  1. I am very glad to read that “Milda” may again grace a Latvian coin. I have the 5-Lat coin in a fond memory. One such coin is attached to the chain of my Omega watch received in 1941 for my confirmation. God bless Latvia !

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