‘Latviešu tautas piedzīvojumi’ now in podcast format

The popular story of the Latvian people’s struggle for freedom, Latviešu tautas piedzīvojumi by historian Uldis Ģērmanis, has seen several editions since first published 40 years ago. Now it is available as an audio podcast, thanks to the Daugavas Vanagi veterans group in Canada.

Ģērmanis, who died in 1997, was born in Latvia during World War I. He completed his education in exile, earning a doctorate in history in 1974 from Stockholm University. For more about Ģērmanis and his role in countering Soviet propaganda about Latvia, see the article Cīnītājs pret latviešu politisko vientiesību.

The podcast, recorded by Ivars Auziņš, is long—more than 10 hours, or just about the time it takes to drive from, say, Minneapolis to the Latvian center Gaŗezers near Three Rivers, Mich.

The Daugavas Vanagi group offers a few other gems on its publications page, including a 1988 lecture by Ģērmanis, “Aktuālais moments ar priekšvēsturi,” about the situation in occupied Latvia.

Latviešu tautas piedzīvojumi was published in English translation in 2007 as The Latvian Saga. For more information, visit publisher Atena’s Web site, www.atena.lv.

Andris Straumanis is a special correspondent for and a co-founder of Latvians Online. From 2000–2012 he was editor of the website.

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