Goran Gora releases second album

Singer Goran Gora, now teamed up with a band called The Yrs, has released his sophomore album. Titled Mystyrys Yrs, the compact disc includes 13 tracks, all in English.

The artist, whose real name is Jānis Holšteins, released his first album, Jet Lag, in 2007.

Although the album was released May 24 during a presentation at the I Love You Bar in Rīga, it will not be available for sale until after mid-June. Until then, according to a note on the bar’s website, Mystyrys Yrs can be heard streamed on ORB, draugiem.lv and MySpace.

The album includes guest performances by six artists: frYars of Great Britain on the song “A Dance Away”; Thomas Denver Jonsson on “Old Friends”; Astro’n’out lead singer—and Holšteins’ wife—Māra Upmane–Holšteine on “Garden”; Ksenija Sundejeva, lead singer of the on-indefinite-hiatus Tribes of the City on “Silly Tunes”; Detlef on “Hard Case Heartbreak”; and Andris Grīva on “The List.”

Work on the album took one and a half years. Gora worked on the songs with musicians Kaspars Ansons, Valters Sprūdžs and Edgars Runcis. Together they will now perform as Goran Gora and The Yrs.

The album was released by I Love You Records.

Mystyrys Yrs

Singer Goran Gora’s second album is titled Mystyrys Yrs.

Andris Straumanis is a special correspondent for and a co-founder of Latvians Online. From 2000–2012 he was editor of the website.

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