A Latvian diplomat has begun a five-day visit to Brazil during which he will purse an effort to boost economic cooperation and meet with the Latvian-Brazilian community.
Andris Teikmanis, state secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, arrived in Brazil on May 24. His first day included meetings with Brazilian government officials, according to a ministry spokesperson.
During the visit, Teikmanis also will stress the need to finalize an agreement between Brazil and the European Union on visa-free travel. In addition, Teikmanis is expected to sign an agreement between Latvia and Brazil on cooperation in the area of sports.
Visiting Brazil along with Teikmanis is a delegration from the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Latvijas Tirdzniecības un rūpniecības kamera), who will participate in business seminars aimed at enhancing trade between the two countries.
Teikmanis also will officially dedicate an honorary consulate in Brasilia, Brazil’s capital. The consultate has operated since October. The honorary consul in Brasilia is Līga Briede. Latvia also has a honorary consul general, Jānis Grimbergs, who is based in São Paulo.
In the old Latvian colony of Nova Odessa, Teikmanis will meet with Latvian-Brazilians to deliver a message from President Valdis Zatlers congratulating the community on the 120th anniversary of its founding. Nova Odessa, located northwest of São Paulo, was founded by Latvian immigrants in the late 19th century.
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