Čikāgas piecīši releases career-spanning collection

To coincide with the its first major tour of Latvia in more than a decade, the Latvian-American group Čikāgas piecīši, led by founder Alberts Legzdiņš, has released a career-spanning “best of” collection called Zelts. The compact disc features 27 tracks, covering the band’s entire career, spanning a nearly five-decade career. The group’s other CD retrospective, Agrīnie gadi, released in 1996, focused mainly on early work.

The full track listing of the Zelts collection is:

  1. Made in Latvia
  2. Mēs puisēni jauni būdami
  3. Kurzemnieki Viskonsīnā
  4. Sapnis par Latgali
  5. Ciema meita
  6. Tautas skaitīšana
  7. Sekss ir labs
  8. Pēc 20 gadiem
  9. Vecpiebalga
  10. Turaidas Roze
  11. No Lielupes tilta
  12. Sanfrancisko – Rīga
  13. Ziedojiet, ziedojiet!
  14. Piektdienas vakars
  15. Šūpuļdziesma
  16. Man garšo alus
  17. Līgo dziesma
  18. Supermārketā
  19. Kurpniekzeļļi
  20. Sprīdītis Rīgā
  21. Mister, Kurzemniek!
  22. Ziemeļamerikas polka
  23. Pazudušais dēls
  24. Lai visa pasaule to redz
  25. 1989. gads
  26. Par mani, draudziņ, nebēdā
  27. Vai debesīs būs Latvija?

The CD was released by the Latvian label Balss. The group’s tour of Latvia began Nov. 15 in Liepāja and ends Nov. 23 in Cēsis, and included a concert at the Arēna Rīga on Independence Day, Nov. 18.

For more on Čikāgas piecīši, visit the group’s Web site, www.cikagaspiecisi.com, its MySpace page or Legzdiņš’ site on the social network draugiem.lv.

Egils Kaljo is an American-born Latvian from the New York area . Kaljo began listening to Latvian music as soon as he was able to put a record on a record player, and still has old Bellacord 78 rpm records lying around somewhere.

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