CD released with Dziesmu svētki 2013 final concert songs

The Swedbank Choir, conducted by Artūrs Ancāns, have been making a name for themselves in recent years, becoming one of the leading amateur mixed choirs in Latvia. Just in time for the 2013 Song Festival, the Choir undertook the ambitious task of recording (almost) all of the songs that will be performed by the massive Song Festival Choir on July 7th.

For the few that were able to get tickets, and for the many more that weren’t, the CD – Dziesmu svētki 2013 – Noslēguma koncerta “Līgo!” programma (released by Micrec) will provide a thorough introduction to the songs in the closing concert – albeit performed by a much smaller choir.

Note that the collection does not include composer Uģis Prauliņš’ ‘Jāņu nakts mistērija’ (perhaps due to the work being completed only recently), nor does it include Ilze Arne’s ‘Daugavas krastā’, which was removed from the repertoire due to a conflict between the composer and the poet Andris Ritmanis.

The Swedbank Choir, founded in 2003, has won awards in competitions in Spain, Estonia, Lithuania, Croatia, Italy, and elsewhere, and were judged to be the third best amateur mixed choir in Latvia in the 2013 choir review.

Swedbank choir website: http:/

CD 1

1. P.Barisons, A.Skalbe “Dziesmai šodien liela diena”

2. K.Baumanis “Dievs, svētī Latviju!”

3. Z.Liepiņš, K.Dimiters “Svētī debesīs šo zemi”, solo Elīza Evalde

4. P.Plakidis, J.Peters “Ar dziesmu dzīvībā”

5. P.Barisons, J.Akuraters “Latvijā”

6. J.Vītols, K.Barons “Upe un cilvēka dzīve”

7. E.Dārziņš, Rainis “Senatne”

8. J.Vītols, L.Paegle “Ziemeļblāzma”, solo Andris Gailis

9. I.Kalniņš, K.Skujenieks “Lūgšana”

10. J.Mediņš, V.Plūdons “Tev mūžam dzīvot, Latvija!”

11. R.Tiguls, N.Ikstena “Dod, Dieviņi”, solo Ilze Ārniece

12. Latvian folk song arranged by I.Ramiņš “Pūt, vējiņi!”, solo Liene Palkavniece


1. Latgallian folk song, arranged by I.Rupaine “Gaismeņa ausa”

2. Latvian folk song arranged by Ā.Šķepasts “Līgo!”, solo Liene Palkavniece

3. S.Mence, Latvian folk song texts “Neba maize pate nāca”

4. Latvian folk song arranged by J.Ustinskovs “Kālabadi galdiņami”

5. Latvian folk song arranged by I.Rupaine “Saule brida rudzu lauku”, solo Ieva Zemīte

6. U.Prauliņš, Latvian folk song texts “Kas dziedāja Jāņu nakti”, solo Ilze Ārniece

7. E.Melngailis, Latvian folk song texts “Jāņuvakars”, solo Ginita Lībe, Mārtiņš Klišāns

8. V.Pūce, A.Neibarts “Augu nakti”

9. Latvian folk song arranged by R.Skulte “Līgo saule vakarā”

10. A.Maskats, Latvian folk song texts “Jāņu dziesma”


Egils Kaljo is an American-born Latvian from the New York area . Kaljo began listening to Latvian music as soon as he was able to put a record on a record player, and still has old Bellacord 78 rpm records lying around somewhere.

3 thoughts on “CD released with Dziesmu svētki 2013 final concert songs

  1. Debra, that is “Līgo”, arranged by Ārijs Škepasts (a version of which is on the CD described in this blog post). Latvian lyrics here: To be honest, I don’t think there is an English translation out there. The lyrics do reference some Latvian pagan mysticism though.

  2. My warmest congratulations for the Latvian popular culture. I am enchanted ando wish to think that Latvia is is a Great small country. I love you. Joaquim Reis (I’m Portuguese).

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