Nīderlandē sākušies kora mēģinājumi un ‘Saulītes’ mācību gads

Nīderlandes latviešu bērnu skolā “Saulīte” jaunais mācību gads iesākās 12. septembrī ar kopīgu dziesmu un iepazīšanos, jo šogad skolas pulkam pievienojās jau trīs jaunas ģimenes, ziņo skolas administrācija. Parasti mācību telpu iekārtoja tikai skolotāji, tad šoreiz aktīvi iesaistījās arī bērni, izvietojot un nostiprinot Latvijas karti, kalendāru, alfabēta, krāsu un skaitļu kartiņas.

Pirmās nodarbības tēma bija “Skola”. Pirmsskolas bērni atkārtoja alfabēta pirmos burtus, mācījās par dzelteno krāsu un apli. Nobeigumā kopīgi zīmēja skolas simbolu – saulīti. Lielie bērni latviešu valodas stundu iesāka ar atjautības anketas aizpildīšanu, un vēlāk tika sadalīti divās grupās, ar atšķirīgiem grūtības pakāpes uzdevumiem. Sākumskolas bērni lasīja un pildīja pareizrakstības vingrinājumus, tukšajos lodziņos ierakstot attiecīgos darbības vārdus, tikmēr pamatskolas bērni atkārtoja patskaņus, vienskaitli un daudzskaitli, minēja krustvārdu mīklu, kā arī laboja viens otra veiktos darbus. Visi kopā bērni gāja rotaļās un iemācījās divas jaunas dziesmas: “Cāļus skaita rudenī” un “Lācēns skolā kad iet”.

Kā katru gadu, pirmās nodarbības nobeigumā bērni varēja skatīties multiplikāciju filmas latviešu valodā, kamēr vecākiem notika sapulce. Sapulcē tika pārrunāti tikšanās laiki, tuvāko svētku svinēšana, mācību programma un priekšlikumi atpūtai ārpus skolas telpām. Turpmāk katram skolas “Saulīte” bērnam būs sava skolas somiņa no auduma, kurā glabāt savus pierakstus, zīmējumus u.c. darbiņus.

Plānotās tikšanās reizes 2010. un 2011. mācību gadā: 3. oktobris, 14. novembris, 12. decembris, 9. janvāris, 13. februāris, 13. marts, 10. aprīlis, 8. maijs un 12. jūnijs.

12. septembrī Hāgā Eiropas Patentu ofisa telpās arī notika pirmais latviešu kora mēģinājums Nīderlandē. Kopā pavisam bija sanākuši 17 dziedāt gribētāji. Mēģinājuma beigās koristi jau varēja trīsbalsīgi nodziedāt :Pūt vējiņi”, kas priekš pirmās sanākšanas reizes ir ļoti labs rādītājs.

Nākamais kora mēģinājums notiks 3. oktobrī no plkst. 15:00-16:00. Tiek aicināti visi, kuriem patīk dziedāt. Pieteikšanās korim pa e-pastu kristine.timma@gmail.com.

San Jose to induct hockey player Irbe into local Hall of Fame

Latvian Arturs Irbe, who spent several seasons as a goaltender for the San Jose Sharks in California, will become the first professional ice hockey player inducted into the San Jose Sports Hall of Fame, the San Jose Sports Authority has announced.

Irbe, known as “The Wall” for his impressive abilities to stop the puck, joined the Sharks in 1991 after spending his first year in the United States playing for the former Minnesota North Stars. Previously he had played for Dinamo Rīga.

Irbe and four other athletes with San Jose connections will be inducted into the local Hall of Fame in Nov. 16 ceremony, the sports authority announced in Sept. 22 press release. The others are Olympic decathlon champion Bruce Jenner, women’s soccer pioneer Keri Sanchez, and brothers and wrestlers Dave and Mark Schultz.

While with the Sharks, Irbe during the 1993-1994 season took over the top goaltending spot and led the team to the biggest turnaround in National Hockey League history and a spot in the playoffs. Irbe set a single-season NHL record of 4,412 minutes on the ice. Irbe in 1994 also became the first Sharks goalie to be named to the NHL All-Star Game, according to the sports authority press release.

“Beyond his impressive statistics, there are intangibles that cemented Irbe’s place in San Jose sports lore,” according to the press release. “He was a consensus choice as the most popular player among fans during the first decade of the Sharks franchise. He was the first player to have his name chanted inside the new San Jose Arena, and he returned the fans’ sentiment with his tireless community work and selflessness.”

Irbe played two more seasons for the Sharks and then joined the Dallas Stars, followed by the Vancouver Canucks and Carolina Hurricanes. When a labor dispute shut down the NHL season for 2004-2005, Irbe returned to play in Europe. Irbe also played with the Latvian national team in the Winter Olympics and in the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) World Championships. Last year he joined the Washington Capitals as goaltending coach.

Earlier this year, Irbe was inducted into the IIHF Hall of Fame.

The San Jose Sports Authority is a non-profit organization whose mission is to increase the City of San Jose’s economic development, visibility and civic pride through sports.

Polling stations open for 10 days to help voters prepare for election

Polling stations across Latvia and in dozens of locations abroad open Sept. 22 to give voters an opportunity to familiarize themselves with candidate lists, party platforms and the balloting process, the Central Election Commission in Rīga has announced.

The polling stations in Latvia will open for four hours each day through Oct. 1. Polling stations abroad will be open at various times. However, voters will have to wait until the Oct. 2 election day to cast their ballots.

A list of the 64 polling stations abroad and their open hours in the days before the election is available online from the election commission’s website, www.cvk.lv. Six polling stations have no open hours indicated.

On election day, polling stations will be open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. local time.

In the United States, polling stations have been set up in Boston; Chicago; Cleveland; Detroit; Grand Rapids, Mich.; Indianapolis; Los Angeles; Milwaukee; Minneapolis; New York; Philadelphia; San Francisco; Seattle; St. Petersburg, Fla.; and Washington, D.C.

Polling stations in Canada will operate in Montréal, Ottawa and Toronto.

In the United Kingdom, polling station have been set up in Bradford, the Straumēni rest home in Catthorpe and London, while in Ireland a station will operate in Dublin.

In Australia, polling stations have been established in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney.

Polling stations also will operate in Vienna, Austria; Minsk and Vitebsk in Belarus; Brussels, Belgium; São Paulo, Brazil; Santiago, Chile; Beijing, China; Prague, Czech Republic; Copenhagen, Denmark; Cairo, Egypt; Tallinn, Estonia; Helsinki, Finland; Paris, France; Berlin, Germany; Tbilisi, Georgia; Athens, Greece; Budapest, Hungary; Tel Aviv, Israel; Rome, Italy; Tokyo, Japan; Vilnius, Lithuania; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg; The Hague, Netherlands; Christchurch, New Zealand; Oslo, Norway; Warsaw, Poland; Lisbon, Portugal; Kaliningrad, Moscow, Pskov and St. Petersburg in Russia; Madrid, Spain; Goteborg and Stockholm in Sweden; Geneva, Switzerland; Kiev, Ukraine; and Tashkent, Uzbekistan.