On Wednesday, February 27th 2013, Latvia mourned the death of, arguably, the most beloved modern Latvian poet Imants Ziedonis at the age of 79. Ziedonis, whose career as a poet (and as an author of short prose) spanned decades, rose to prominence during Soviet times and grew further during the Latvian Reawakening in the 1980s and further still in the 21st century.
Ziedonis’ work inspired many songwriters and musicians, with the Viegli project in 2011 – both an album of songs with his poetry, as well as a charitable fund dedicated to supporting creative work in Latvia – a particularly noteworthy recent event.
In a rather sad coincidence, a new album of songs with words by Ziedonis – Ziedonis. Lācis. Sievietes. was released shortly before his death. The album, featuring compositions by pianist Kārlis Lācis was released by the deBUSUL music label. As the word ‘sievietes’ in the title would indicate, the singers of all the songs on the record are female, and feature some of the best known Latvian singers of today – names such as actress Rēzija Kalniņa, Aija Andrejeva, Dita Lūriņa, among many others.
Joining Lācis in the band are Gints Pabērzs (saxophone, clarinet, flute), Kaspars Zemītis (guitar), Jānis Stafeckis (contrabass), Ainis Zavackis (drums) and Artūrs Noviks (accordion).
For further information, please visit the deBUSUL record label website at http://www.debusulmusic.com, as well as the Fonds Viegli website at http://www.fondsviegli.lv.
Track listing:
1. Nieki.Nekas – Rēzija Kalniņa
2. Visskaistākās Ogas Pasaulē – Aija Vītoliņa
3. Ar Tevi Es Lasīju Kastaņus – Aija Andrejeva
4. Nekā Jau Nepietrūkst – Dita Lūriņa
5. Visbriesmīgāk Ir, Kad Otram Sāp – Ilze Ķuzule-Skrastiņa
6. Es Tevi Gribu – Dārta Daneviča
7. Ko Runājat Par Mīlestību – Aija Andrejeva
8. Ir Tādi Cilvēki – Jolanta Strikaite
9. Kādām Dīvainām Kustībām – Greizām Un Lauztām – Aija Vītoliņa
10. Jauns Brīnums Parādījās – Agnese Jēkabsone
11. Tu Atnāci Pie Manis Nu Jau Otrām Lādzēm – Ieva Segļiņa
12. Sliņķu Dziesma – Inese Kucinska
13. Bez Mīlestības Nedzīvojiet – Aija Andrejeva & Aija Vītoliņa

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