Song book “Lokaitiesi, mežu gali” now in digital format


Song book “Lokaitiesi, mežu gali” now in digital format

One of the many missions of the American Latvian Association (ALA) is to save many of the books used in Latvian schools during the time of exile and make available digital copies of them, to ensure the materials are available for future generations to benefit from.

ALA has made available a digital copy of one of the most popular and beloved Latvian song books – Lokaitiesi, mežu gali. Originally published in 1981 and used throughout Latvian schools in the United States and elsewhere, Lokaitiesi, mežu gali was used by multiple generations of Latvian children to learn Latvian folk songs.

Compiled by Valda Lēvenšteina, the song book collects more than fifty of the most popular and best-known Latvian folk songs, including the music, and each picture is accompanied by charming and lovely illustrations by artists Dzintra Lejiņa and Ilze Freivalde-Loxley.

Lokaitiesi, mežu gali is an invaluable resource for Latvian children, parents and schools, and provides many examples of the richness and beauty of Latvian folk songs.

The song book can be downloaded here – Lokaitiesi, mežu gali

Egils Kaljo is an American-born Latvian from the New York area . Kaljo began listening to Latvian music as soon as he was able to put a record on a record player, and still has old Bellacord 78 rpm records lying around somewhere.

New film about Toronto Latvian dance group Daugaviņa’s participation at Song & Dance Festival in 2023 in Riga

New film about Toronto Latvian dance group Daugaviņa’s participation at Song & Dance Festival in 2023 in Riga

In Toronto’s multicultural heart, Canadian Latvian immigrants unite across generations in the “Daugaviņa” dance group to preserve their ancestral traditions through folk dance and journey to Latvia to participate in one of the biggest folkdance festivals in the world.

The Latvian Nationwide Song and Dance Festival, held every five years, is one of the world’s largest folkdance events, with nearly three times the participants of the Olympic Games but rarely seen globally. It represents the enduring preservation of Latvian culture—a tradition fiercely upheld by the diaspora during Soviet occupation. More Than a Dance follows the Canadian Latvian dance group Daugaviņa as they prepare for this momentous festival. The documentary captures their journey to Latvia, exploring their search for belonging between two homes, the challenge of maintaining cultural traditions in a globalized world, and their profound reconnection with their roots.

The film’s director, Pauls Dombrovskis, shares his thoughts on the film’s concept: “For better or worse, I have lived in Germany, New Zealand, the USA, Australia, Canada, and India during my life, but I’ve always found myself between these countries and Latvia. Like the film’s main character, Selga, this has led me to ask the same question—where is my true home? In seeking the answer to this and other questions about belonging, I share a common goal with these characters – the preservation and promotion of Latvian culture.”

KULTFILMA, led by acclaimed director and producer Dzintars Dreibergs, is a distinguished Latvian production company with over 15 years of industry experience. The studio gained international recognition for its hit historical war drama Blizzard of Souls, which broke Latvian box-office records, was shortlisted for an Oscar in the Best Score category, and was featured in Variety’s Top 25 Best International Films. KULTFILMA is known for its expertise in creating historically rich narratives and films that explore culture, heritage, and history, as well as highlighting people who make significant contributions to society. The studio also has an extensive portfolio of documentaries and TV programs that reflect its commitment to quality and storytelling excellence.

Trailer with English subtitles:

Contact Ilze Faļkovska, KULTFILMA Producer at

Jauna filma “Vairāk kā deja” attēlo Toronto kopas “Daugaviņa” ceļu uz 2023.g. Dziesmu un Deju svētkiem Rīgā

Jauna filma “Vairāk kā deja” attēlo Toronto kopas “Daugaviņa” ceļu uz 2023.g. Dziesmu un Deju svētkiem Rīgā

Nupat tapusi dokumentālā pilnmetrāžas filma “Vairāk kā deja” (“More Than a Dance”), kas stāsta par Toronto latviešu tautas deju kolektīva “Daugaviņa” ceļu uz “Dziesmu un Deju svētkiem” Rīgā, 2023. gadā. Filma, fiksējot emocionālo ceļu no Kanādas līdz Latvijai un atpakaļ, izkristalizē kolektīva dalībnieku stāstus, tradīciju saglabāšanas un izcelsmes nozīmi viņu dzīvē, latviešu valodas pastāvēšanas izaicinājumus diasporas trešajā un nākošajās paaudzēs, ar Latviju tieši nesaistītu cilvēku iesaistīšanos dejas kustībā un jautājumu, kas aktuāls daudziem trimdas latviešiem – kur ir manas mājas, un kas cilvēkus “velk” pie Latvijas un latviešiem? 

Šī filma ļauj ieskatīties arī Kanādas latviešu sākotnējās gaitās caur plaši neredzētiem privāto arhīvu kadriem no 60. gadiem un vecākās paaudzes atmiņām – kāda ir mūsu tautas tradīciju nozīme un ietekme esot svešumā, vai tādā veidā varam sev, kā nācijai pievērst uzmanību plašākā mērogā? Tāpat filmā redzami iespaidīgi Dziesmu un Deju svētku kadri, kas liks lepoties ar mūsu tautas tradīcijām un iespējams iedvesmos pievienoties kādam tautas kolektīvam.

Filmas veidotāji meklē iespējas filmu izrādīt ārpus Latvijas, lai par latviešiem pastāstītu plašāk pasaulē. Šobrīd filma ir izrādīta Toronto notikušajos Dziesmu un deju svētkos pagājušā gada jūlijā, Oslo Baltijas filmu dienās, Londonas Baltijas Filmu festivālā, bet 14. martā paredzēta filmas pirmizrāde Latvijā.

Filma ir sagatavota izrādīšanai uz kinoteātru ekrāniem, gan mazākās zālēs uz projektoriem, lai sniegtu skatītājam pilnvērtīgu audiovizuālo pieredzi. Filmā skan gan latviešu, gan angļu valoda, un tai ir pieejami attiecīgie subtitri. Tāpat filmas veidotāji ir gatavi piedalīties ar uzrunu un/vai Q&A sesiju pēc filmas noskatīšanās klātienē vai attālināti, kā arī dalīties ar idejām par filmas izrādīšanas reklamēšanu un papildus aktivitātēm saistībā ar filmas seansu.

Filmas treileris un pirmizrādes plakāts pieejami šeit