The charity fund Viegli, created to aid the realization of the ideas of Latvian poet Imants Ziedonis, who passed away in 2013, has released a second album of songs with words by Ziedonis, entitled Vakars. Pietura. Jasmīns.
The first album, simply entitled Viegli, was released in 2011, and featured a number of different Latvian musicians.
Musicians who appear on Vakars. Pietura. Jasmīns. include Jānis Holšteins – Upmanis (Goran Gora), Māra Upmane – Holšteine (of Astro-n-out), Renārs Kaupers (of Prāta vētra), Jānis Strapcāns, Raimonds Gusarevs (El Mars) and Jānis Šipkēvics (of Instrumenti).
The profits from the album will go to the upkeep of Ziedonis’ summer home Dzirnakmeņi.
The fund, founded in 2010, also organized a competition to determine the design of a new Latvian stamp featuring Ziedonis, which will appear in January 2014.
For more information about the album and the fund, please visit (in Latvian)
Track listing:
1. Gods Dievam augstībā
2. Tepat
3. Labā sirds
4. Desmit pāri kedu
5. Pēkšņi
6. Pilni zižņu mani mati
7. Pavēli tai rokai
8. Panāc pretī
9. Ceļa sentiments
10. Es Tevi gribu
11. Vakars. Pietura. Jasmīns.

Postage stamp featuring Ziedonis, to be released in January 2014.

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