Song festival donates profit to Gaŗezers

Programs at the Latvian center Gaŗezers have received a USD 41,000 donation from profit made during last year’s song festival in Chicago.

Alberts Legzdiņš and other members of the song festival’s organizing committee announced the donation during the opening ceremony of the Gaŗezers summer high school. The song festival, in which students from the high school participated as choir singers and folk dancers, was held July 2002 in Chicago.

The largest share of the donation—USD 18,000—is earmarked for the high school. The high school also received USD 2,000 toward its participation in the next general song festival in the United States, scheduled in 2007 in Indianapolis.

The Latvian center itself received USD 15,000 for capital projects, Legzdiņš announced.

Also benefitting from the donation are the Gaŗezers kindergarten (USD 1,000), the children’s camp (USD 2,000) and the middle school (USD 3,000).

Andris Straumanis is a special correspondent for and a co-founder of Latvians Online. From 2000–2012 he was editor of the website.

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