Ārzemju latviešu skolotāju tikšanās Rīgā pa Ziemassvētku brīvdienām

Pagājušā gada 30.decembrī toreizējā vēl Latviešu valodas apguves valsts aģentūra (šodien Latviešu valodas aģentūra, jeb LVA) tikās latviešu valodas skolotāji, skolu pārstāvji un vadītāji, lai diskutētu par latviešu valodas mācīšanu diasporas skolās. Nu būs jau pagājis gads un arī šogad ar LVA atbalstu skolotājiem ir iespēja tikties Rīgā, lai diskutētu par aktuālām tēmām latviešu valodas mācīšanas procesā un tā organizēšanā diasporā, ziņo LVA pārstāve Daina Laganovska un Cīrihes latviešu skolas “Auseklis” vadītāja Ilze Schorderet.

Tā kā šī ir pašu skolotāju iniciatīva, tad ir iespēja izvēlēties skolotājiem lielākajai daļai piemērotu datumu.

Aptuvenais datums ir 28., 29. vai 30. decembris. Diskusijas vieta būs Rīgā, LVA telpās. Aptuvenais laiks no plkst. 10.00-13.00.

Diskusijas tēma būs “Latviešu valoda ārpus Latvijas valsts robežām”. Paredzēts, ka dienas gaita būs sadalīta divās daļās: 1. Katrs pārstāvis prezentē savu skolu; 2. Aktuāla diskusija par pozitīvo un negatīvo, mēģinājums meklēt kopīgo risinājumu.

Katram dalībniekam lūgts līdzi ņemt:

  • Savas skolas prezentāciju (PowerPoint), kas ilgst aptuveni 3- 5 minūtes. Prezentācijas būs brīvā izpildījumā, iekļaujot aktuālos foto un svarīgākos skolas momentus.
  • Izvērstajai diskusijai lūdzu padomājiet par trim pozitīviem savas skolas pieredzes novērojumiem (panākumi, pasākumi, sadarbība ar Latviju u.c.) un vienu negatīvo novērojumu (aktuālie trūkumi, problēmas, skolas organizēšanas gaitā).
  • Groziņu.

Skolotāji, kuri vēlas piedalīties kopīgajā diskusijā un tikties ar tautiešiem Rīgā, lūdzu, savu pieteikumu sūtīt Dainai Laganovskai (daina.laganovska@valoda.lv; Daina Laganovska, LVA, Lāčplēša iela 35- 5, Rīga, LV-1011) vai Ilzei Schorderet (schorderet@inbox.lv; Ilze Schorderet, “Auseklis”, Mutschellenstrasse 37, 8002 Zürich).

Pieteikumā norādiet:

  • Jums piemērotu datumu (28.12.09., 29.12.09. vai 30.12.09),
  • vārdu un uzvārdu,
  • valsti, kurā strādājat,
  • skolas nosaukumu, dibināšanas gadu, skolēnu vecumposmu.

Pēc pieteikumu apkopošanas par konkrēto tālāko gaitu ziņos līdz š.g. 14. decembrim.

Biden to address U.S. foreign policy toward Baltics, Central Europe

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden will address the Obama Administration’s foreign policy toward the Baltic states and Central Europe in a speech scheduled Oct. 22 in Bucharest, Romania, according to a spokesman in the U.S. Embassy in Rīga.

The speech comes at a time when political leaders are questioning the U.S. commitment to the region. In July, former Latvian President Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga joined other leaders in addressing an open letter to President Barack Obama expressing concern, noting that “Central and Eastern Europe is at a political crossroads and today there is a growing sense of nervousness in the region.”

The letter came after the Obama Administration said it was looking to “reset” its relations with Russia.  Last month, the U.S. dropped plans for placing a missile defense shield in Central Europe, a proposal criticized by Russia. The missiles, according to U.S. officials, were meant to protect European allies from possible missile attacks from Iran. However, a modified plan is now in the works.

U.S. National Security Advisor Tony Blinken, in an Oct. 19 conference call briefing with journalists, reiterated that while the Obama Administration wants better relations with Russia, “we continue to reject the notion of a sphere of influence.”

“We continue to stand by the right of sovereign democracies to choose their own alliances,” Blinken said.

Biden this week is visiting the Czech Republic, Poland and Romania to discuss U.S. cooperation with the region on issues of security, energy and climate change. The trip coincides with the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The vice president left for the region on Oct. 19, stopping first in Warsaw, Poland. From there he traveled to Bucharest, Romania, where the speech is scheduled at Central University. Biden’s trip will conclude in Prague, Czech Republic.

Andris Straumanis is a special correspondent for and a co-founder of Latvians Online. From 2000–2012 he was editor of the website.

Survey: Six in 10 households in Latvia have Internet access

Almost six in 10 Latvian households have Internet access, but regional differences reveal that Rīga and its suburbs have greater connectivity while Latgale lags, according to data from the Central Statistical Bureau (CSB).

Internet access has increased 5 percentage points over last year to 58 percent, based on a survey of 3,900 households throughout Latvia, according to an Oct. 15 CSB press release.

Sixty-four percent of households in the capital city of Rīga have Internet access, while the capital’s suburbs have 65 percent. Vidzeme province, at 48 percent, and Latgale province, at 44 percent, have the lowest access, the CSB reported. In Kurzeme, 54 percent of households have access, but in Zemgale, the rate is 61 percent.

Not surprisingly, younger people are the most active users of the Internet. Almost all (96 percent) of people age 16-24 regularly use the Internet, the CSB survey found, while 85 percent of those aged 25-34 regularly use the medium. Regular Internet use is lowest, 20 percent, among persons aged 55-74.

Other findings of the survey include:

  • Forty-five percent of households in Latvia use desktop computers to connect to the Internet, while 20 percent use portable computers and another 20 percent use mobile telephones.
  • Almost all (97 percent) of Internet users are looking for information, while 90 percent use it for sending e-mail, chatting or other communication. Sixty-six percent use the Internet to access their bank accounts.
  • A total of 38 percent of Latvian Internet users bought something online this year, compared to 33 percent last year. Popular purchases included event tickets, electronics, clothing and sporting goods.

The CSB survey was taken during the second quarter of this year.

Andris Straumanis is a special correspondent for and a co-founder of Latvians Online. From 2000–2012 he was editor of the website.