Asoc. prof. Inta Mieriòa.

Migration researcher Inta Mieriņa outlines aim of new research survey

The Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the University of Latvia (LU FSI) has launched a new survey, funded by the Fundamental and Applied Research Programme (FLPP). Aimed at Latvian nationals and emigrés living outside Latvia, as well as those who have returned or moved to Latvia. The project, titled “Well-being and Integration in the Context of Migration” is the second wave of a survey that was conducted by the Institute 5 years ago, titled “The Emigrant Communities of Latvia”.

The survey is available at Migracija ⇄ LV in three languages – Latvian, English and Russian. There are two options – a short (20 min.) or long (30 min.) version.

This interview with lead researcher of this project, Director of the Diaspora and Migration Research Centre (LU DMPC), Dr. Inta Mieriņa will reveal more about the research.

How does this study differ from previous LU FSI and LU DMPC research?

This study is the continuation of research in the form of a survey, conducted by researchers at the University of Latvia in 2014, with participation by over 14 000 people living in 118 countries. This time we would like to invite those who previously responded to take part, as well as those who didn’t, or only emigrated later.

We are most interested in finding out how the lives and views of people from Latvia living abroad have changed in the past five years. During this time Latvia has experienced changes – both wage growth and a change of government as well as the adoption of a Diaspora Law and a number of major upheavals have rocked the world in general.

The study is unique in that it is the first longitudinal study of its kind in Latvia, following the lives of emigrants – for instance, who has returned, who has remained, whether their life circumstances and life satisfaction have changed, their relationships with their loved ones, their ties with Latvia.

A longitudinal study is the most effective way of researching this as it allows researchers to gain evidence of the influence of different factors on the life course of a person. This is of great value not only in the context of Latvia but is also a rarity in the European context.

Will this study be aimed at a particular target group?

This study will differ from others as it is not only aimed at emigrants but also those who have returned to Latvia. This year’s research will also help us to gain better insight into the number of Latvian nationals who live outside Latvia and those who have returned to Latvia. Currently there are different versions and calculations but there is no precise data. But this should be the foundation for our research! We especially need data on the emigre (trimda) Latvians, and so this time around we sincerely hope that many members from this group will take part, which would give our colleague, Prof. Hazans the opportunity to be able to make a more precise evaluation of the situation.

We are also particularly interested in a group called the transnationals – people who define their home to be in a number of countries, who are in constant movement between Latvia and another country, maintaining close ties with a number of countries. Our 2014 data shows that 17% of our respondents fall into this category. Migration processes are no longer the same as they were previously – a person makes a decision to leave, packs his bags and goes. Nowadays these processes are much more flowing and dynamic, often a person may live in one country, he may have another job or his family in another country. This category is steadily on the rise, and for this reason our research will focus also on this group.

What is the aim of the research?

The central issue is the wellbeing of emigrants and return migrants. Our aim is to find out how Latvian nationals feel living outside Latvia, analysing this in depth from various aspects – those that are most important to migrants, including psychological wellbeing, the availability of health services, their inclusion into the labour market and the value of their skills and contribution outside as well as in Latvia. We will also be looking at the integration of emigrant and return migrant children into the school system and other questions that influence the wellbeing of migrants, with the aim to understand what support would be required to help solve these problem situations. From a scientific point of view, the plan is to find out the factors that allow people to integrate into their new host country most seamlessly, and why some people decide to return.

From theories we know that by emigrating, one improves one’s economic situation, career prospects, gains new skills and knowledge and improves one’s financial and material situation in various ways. Yet we know much less about the way that emigration influences other facets of life: relationships with one’s peers and friends, family, how one integrates in society as a whole, the extent to which one gets involved in social and political life, the availability of health care, how children integrate into schools, other details that are no less important than the material side of things. We would like to find out if, by improving one’s material situation, we end up paying for it in other areas – do our ties with loved ones and an overall sense of belonging weaken, do we have to live with psychological tension and stress in a foreign environment, with difficulties in the labour market, the education of our children.

What questions would you like to get answers to in this study?

We will cover a number of different themes. One of the most recent questions – how we can look at questions of integration in the context of flowing, transnational migration, bearing in mind that up till now, the politics of integration has been directed at people who have moved to live in a particular country permanently? What does integration mean to those migrants who have not fully integrated into a society, and maybe don’t even wish to integrate, feel quite satisfied with the situation that they are in. What does being well-integrated mean? Does this mean it is mandatory to learn the official language? Does it necessarily mean you should establish close ties with the local community? Or can you be a good resident without all these things?

In the literature, these questions are usually answered from an epistemological point of view, also a philosophically theoretical sense, yet in this study we plan to ask the people to answer this themselves.  Do they feel well-integrated or a sense of belonging to the society in the host country? Do they even want to fit in? If not, why not? If they do – in what way? This could help to understand the new reality that the increasingly mobile Europeans are faced with. Maybe we try to force unnatural models of integration onto people, who feel very different?

Our previous research clearly illustrated the subjective status of migration – what does leaving or returning mean? For this reason we will also ask how people see themselves – as emigrants, as Latvian nationals living abroad, as exile representatives, as members of the diaspora?

Many of these terms are foreign to our people living outside Latvia. For instance, we know that many don’t identify themselves as members of the diaspora, even though this is the most frequently used term in political documents. And the term emigrant doesn’t sit well with the old emigre community, who don’t see themselves as emigrants, as this word has a negative connotation. Those who have left recently also frequently don’t want to see themselves as emigrants or migrants either, as there is generally a prejudice towards the word migrant. Therefore we will find out how people identify themselves.

It is important that among our researchers are people who live or have lived outside Latvia; that also contributes to a better understanding of the views of people living outside Latvia.

Why should people take part in this research?

In the past five years, significant changes have occurred in diaspora and remigration policy. We are pleased that our scientific research has provided the inspiration and informative base for various policy initiatives and have made a significant contribution to the development of diaspora policy. Because those of you living outside Latvia have trusted us with your opinions, we have been able to lobby for the changes required in certain areas. Among these are support for return migrant children, or changes to taxation regulations and social benefits, the establishing of support mechanisms in Latvia.

Our research has also promoted the development of various private and social initiatives regarding job opportunities. The research findings have been widely publicised in the media in both Latvia and outside, they are utilised in the academic teaching sector and have been published in international journals and monographs, helping to better understand the views of those who have left, their motivation and life stories. If I am asked – is it worth taking part in the research, then today I can proudly show quantifiable results that have been achieved because of our previous research efforts.

In addition to academic interest, policy makers are also interested in the findings of this research. In the realm of diaspora politics, our research is taken into account very seriously and serves as an information and knowledge base for the developing of support measures for the diaspora and return migrants. It is not just research like any other research. It is being conducted by Latvia’s leading emigration researchers and it has a unique knowledge base that will ensure that the results will be voiced loudly and have far-reaching influence. We are also convinced that we as researchers should work with the diaspora – collaborating with diaspora organisations and groups, tackling the most pressing problems that the diaspora and return migrants face and helping to highlight and solve them.

If you would like to take part, please complete the survey by 31st October at Migracija ⇄ LV.

The original version of this interview, in Latvian, is available at Migracija ⇄ LV

Laura Bužinska ir ieguvusi bakalaura grādu Latvijas Universitātē Āzijas studiju programmā un maģistra grādu izglītības zinātnē programmā Dažādības pedagoģiskie risinājumi. Latvijas Universitātes Diasporas Migrācijas Pētījumu Centra pētniece.

Second global Latvian émigré and return migrant survey launched

A team of researchers at the University of Latvia has launched a survey on current migration-related themes, with responses welcomed from those Latvians who live outside Latvia permanently or semi-permanently, as well as those who have returned or moved to Latvia after living or working abroad. This is the second large-scale survey of its kind being conducted in Latvia.

The study is being carried out within the frame of the project “Wellbeing and integration in the context of migration”, financed by the Latvian Council of Science. The aim of the survey is to find out how Latvians living abroad feel, providing in-depth analysis in a number of areas that are important for émigrés, including the availability of health care services, psychological wellbeing, integration into the labour market and the assessment of skills abroad and in Latvia etc.

The greatest focus will be on changes to the lives and future plans of those people who have left Latvia, what has motivated or hindered them from returning to Latvia. In short – the central theme is the wellbeing of emigrants and return migrants. However, in this survey, the response from exiled (trimda) Latvians and their descendants is especially welcomed – to be able to make a more precise assessment of the size of the Latvian diaspora.

The survey is open and may be completed by 31st October in Latvian or in English.  Recognising people’s time constraints, there is an option to either complete a shorter or longer version of the survey.

The first study of this kind was conducted in 2014 in the frame of the project “The Emigrant Communities of Latvia”, financed by the European Social Fund and became the largest survey in Europe of the diaspora of one country, with responses from 14 068 people. Due to the great response from Latvians and Latvian nationals living abroad, the survey resonated widely in Latvian society and dispelled many stereotypes that persisted regarding those of Latvian descent living abroad.

The survey methodology and results laid the groundwork not only for the systematic gathering of information on the experiences and lives of the Latvian diaspora in general but also highlighted the need to understand return migration processes, opportunities and restrictions, the motivation for return which was studied in-depth in the University of Latvia project «Returning to Latvia».

Summaries of results of the previous studies are available here (in Latvian).

Dr. sc. soc. Inta Mieriņa ir LU tenūrprofesore , LU Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūta vadošā pētniece un Diasporas un migrācijas pētījumu centra direktore.

ASV skolotāju konferences tēma: mūsdienīgs un saistošs mācību saturs

Septembŗa vidū, pāris nedēļas pēc skolas gada sākuma, Losandželosā satikās skolotāji no desmit ASV latviešu skolām. Kopā pavadījām pusotru dienu pilnveidojot mūsu skolotāju prasmes. Kā atzina paši skolotāji, no Latvijas ekspertēm uzzinājām, ka ir diasporas izglītības vadlīnijas, kas ir izmantojamas kā ceļa stabi latviešu skolu darbā. Iepazināmies ar skolotāja Mārtiņa Puteņa izveidotajiem vēstures mācību materiāliem, un ar tiešsaistes lietotnēm mācību stundu dažādošanai. Uzklausījām ieteikumus un skatījāmies paraugus par valodas mācības integrēšanu citos mācību priekšmetos. Saņēmām praktiskus padomus kā mācīt dažāda vecuma un dažādu valodas prasmju skolēnus mācību stundās. Un visiem par prieku daudz dziedājām! 

Ineta Upeniece, Valsts izglītības satura centra, Vispārējās izglītības satura nodrošinājuma nodaļas vadītāja, pirmā uzrunāja konferences dalībniekus. Pusotrā stundā, Ineta iepazīstināja skolotājus ar Latviskā mācību satura tapšanas vēsturi un nozīmi. Diasporas vadlīniju, “Es esmu vajadzīgs Latvijai, un Latvija ir vajadzīga man”, uzdevums ir palīdzēt jaunietim būt lepnam par savu latvietību, motivēt kopt valodu un attīstīt pilsonisko līdzdalību. Mācību saturs tiek piedāvāts četrās jomās: Latviešu valoda, kultūra, daba un ģeografija un vēsture.

Otrais darba posms sākās ar piemēru: Jāņa Petera un Raimonda Paula dziesmu, “Manai dzimtenei”. Par dziesmas bagātajiem vēsturiskiem elementiem mums stāstīja Mārtiņš Putenis, kas ilgus gadus māca vēsturi Ņudžersijas latviešu pamatskolā. Radās nepieciešamība pēc saistošas vēstures vielas vienam mācību gadam.  Mārtiņš ņēma dziesmas par pamatu, lai mācītu skolēniem Latvijas vēsturi no ledus laikmeta līdz mūsdienām. Mārtiņš Putenis demonstrēja daudz interesantu nodarbību, dažādas spēles un paņēmienus, kā ieinteresēt skolēnus vēstures mācību stundās. Piemēram, iepazīstinot skolēnus ar 1972. gadā komponēto dziesmu, “Manai dzimtenei”, noklausoties ierakstu no dziesmu svētkiem Rīgā, skolēniem rodas priekšstats par to kā dziesma stiprināja nacionālo pašapziņu un vairoja tautas spēku. Mārtiņa jaunie materiāli ir pieejami Latviešu valodas aģentūras mājas lapā, “Māci un mācies” portālā.

Sekoja Antas Lazarevas, VISC Valsts valodas pārbaudes nodaļas vadītājas, prezentācija, “Integrēta latviešu valodas mācīšanās”. Anta uzsvēra, ka lai pilnveidotu latviešu valodas prasmi, ir svarīgi integrēt latviešu valodas mācību vēstures, kultūras un ģeogrāfijas mācību saturā un mācību stundās. Jaunās diasporas vadlīnijas to padara skaidrāku.  A. Lazareva dalījās ar latviešu valodas programmas svarīgākām sadaļām un pēc tam demonstrēja integrētas programmas veidošanu, saistot valodas mācīšanu ar vēsturi, ģeografiju, literatūru un folkloru.  Lektore arī rādīja piemērus kā programmas adaptēt dažādiem valodas līmeņiem.

Pēc trešās uzrunas sekoja pārrunu laiks, kuŗā skolotāji identificēja jaunā mācību satura izaicinājumus. Tika sarakstīti šķēršļi un grūtības veidojot efektīvas mācību stundas. Izskanēja arī daži risinājumi.

Dienas pēdējais posms tika veltīts sarunām par to, kā dzīvāk padarīt mācību stundas izmantojot internetā atrodamo materiālu. Izmantojām savus telefonus, planšetas un datorus, lai spēlētu spēles, kas viegli izmantojamas mūsu skolās. Tiešsaistes materiāli līdzinās skolēnu pieredzei amerikāņu skolās, un dažādās lietotnes viegli izmantojamas latviešu valodas vingrinājumu un pārbaudījumu veidošanai.   Informāciju sniedza Dace Mažeika, ALA Izglītības nozares konsultante. Daces ieteikumus var lasīt viņas blogā, Tikai latviski, un FB lapā Raita valoda.

Pēc tam blakus telpā skanēja dziesmas Daces Mažeikas un Mārtiņa Puteņa vadībā. Izmantojot sagatavotās grāmatas, dziedājām karavīru dziesmas par godu Rīgas atbrīvošanas simtgadei. Par daudzām dziesmām Mārtiņš pastāstīja par dziesmu nozīmi un par pieminētiem vēsturiskajiem notikumiem.

ALA skolotāju konferenci šogad uzņēma jaukā Losandželosas latviešu skolas saime. Aija Zeltiņa-Kalniņa uzņēmās rūpes par telpu iekārtošanu un viesu labklājību. Baudījām gardas maltītes un brīnišķīgu viesmīlību. Paldies Losandželosas skolotājiem, kas piedalījās konferences rīkošanā! Pateicamies nama pārvaldniekam Jānim Taubem par palīdzību ar technoloģiju un jautro uzņemšanu nama krodziņā. Liela daļa dalībnieku bija mērojuši tālu ceļu no pilsētām, kur vasara strauji ieiet rudenī. Baudījām arī Losandželosas silto sauli, tādējādi pastiepjot vasaru garāku.

Svētdienas rīts tika veltīts darba grupām. Skolotājiem bija iespēja iepazīties ar tematisko plānu veidošanu kopā ar lektorēm Inetu un Antu. Bija vairāki skolotāji, kas iedziļinājās lietotņu izmantošanā ar Daci. Grupa skolotāju ar interesi klausījās Mārtiņa ieteikumus par vēstures mācīšanu latviešu skolās.  

Amerikas latviešu apvienība izsludinājusi 2019./2020. skolas gadu par “Sveika, Latvija!” gadu. Dzirdējām Ņudžersijas latviešu pamatskolas ieteikumus par skolēnu projektiem saistībā ar  “Sveika, Latvija!” izglītojošajiem braucieniem. ALA vēlas nodrošināt nākotni programmai, ko baudījuši 820 latviešu jaunieši. Skolu uzdevums ir būt par “Sveika, Latvija!” vēstnešiem savās pilsētās, cerībā piesaistīt plašāku latviešu publiku programmu atbalstīšanā.

Nobeidzot konferences dienas, lūdzām dalībniekiem izteikties par konferencē iegūto, un par to, kā pietrūka. “Par laimi” dalībnieki labāk saprot vadlīnijas un varēs tās pielietot mācību stundās. “Par laimi” skolotāji iepazinās ar jauniem materiāliem, un saņēma konkrētus piemērus, kā veidot mācību stundas izmantojot vadlīnijas un minētos materiālus. “Par laimi” dalībniekiem bija iespēja dalīties pieredzē un apspriest risinājumus dažādiem izaicinājumiem.  “Diemžēl’’ konference bija par īsu, un nepietika laika praktiskām nodarbībām.  “Diemžēl’’ neizdziedājām visas karavīru dziesmas. Tas lai paliek uz nākošo konferenci!