Latvian Chargé d’Affaires a.i. begins work in Australia

On 12 April 2021, the Latvian Chargé d’Affaires ad interim to the Commonwealth of Australia, Ieva Apine, begins her work in Canberra.  She will be making arrangements for the opening of the new Embassy of Latvia. Building close contacts with the Latvian diaspora organisations represented in Australia is of special importance. 

Opening of the new embassy shall ensure that Latvia’s interests are more effectively supported in this strategic Indo-Pacific region. The mission will in fact be regional in its reach, with initial accreditation covering Australia and New Zealand. The Embassy will offer assistance of various kinds to the diaspora, facilitate a more active development of bilateral relations, including through fostering economic cooperation, as well as opening new opportunities for contacts with countries in Oceania in the context of Latvia’s candidacy for the UN Security Council.

The Chargé d’Affaires, a.i., will also be involved in providing consular assistance to Latvian nationals who have travelled to Australia on short visits and find themselves in situations where they require urgent assistance, for example, when their passport has been lost, they have been detained, or have fallen victim to a crime. Such consular assistance will be provided in close cooperation with the Consular Department of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Latvia’s honorary consuls, and missions of other European Union Member States in Australia.

The provision of consular services (passports, eIDs, certifications, etc.) at the embassy will begin as soon as technical arrangements are in place. Until further notification, consular services can be received as before, with the help of Latvian honorary consuls in Australia, at any Latvian embassy across the globe, or remotely, as an e-service. 

A resident Ambassador of Latvia to Australia is to be accredited in the second half of 2021.

Australia became home for a considerable number of Latvians in the wake of World War II, which today is reflected in a large and dynamic diaspora, over 20,000 strong. The main diaspora organisation is the Latvian Federation in Australia and New Zealand, which brings together more than 40 Latvian organisations, communities, congregations and centres and their active social life that contributes so much to fostering and preserving Latvian identity and connectedness with Latvian roots and culture.

Five Honorary Consuls currently represent Latvia in Australia – in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, and Sydney.

The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs still advises against travelling abroad unless absolutely necessary. See the link to current travel advice concerning the Commonwealth of Australia.

In order to contact the Embassy of Latvia in Australia, write an e-mail to

Photo: the Chief of Protocol for the Australian Government, Ian McConville, presents a document confirming the establishment of the Embassy of the Republic of Latvia in the Commonwealth of Australia and on the Charge d’Affaires a.i. of the Republic of Latvia, Ieva Apine, taking up her duties

Vivid works of Latvian composer Plakidis a rich musical legacy

Latvian composer Pēteris Plakidis, who passed away in 2017, left a rich musical legacy. His oeuvre included chamber music, choir music, as well as symphonic music. To highlight his achievements in symphonic composition, the Latvian national record label Skani released the album Atskatīšanās (or Glance Back) in 2019, which collected four of Plakidis’ symphonic works performed by the Latvian National Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Vassily Sinaisky.

Dziedājums, composed in 1986 and dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the LNSO, is full of drama and tension, from the piercing strings that open the work, which are then enhanced with the calls of the trumpets. The brass instruments then present their own discordant sounds in a kind of dialogue with the lighter melodies in the woodwinds. Plakidis regularly alternates between softer melodies and discordant bursts of sound throughout the work, giving the work an ominous feel, that, at any moment, the calm can be broken by a crash of sound. At the midway point, the work reaches its climax, with the strings sounding like an alarm in their relentless performance, which again leads to a moment of calm in the woodwinds and harp performance. The work is punctuated by the sound of a bass guitar, which, with its atypical sound for a symphonic work, adds to the unease. The intensity continues all the way to the conclusion, and only in the closing moments does an air of calmness prevail. Conductor Sinaisky and the LNSO provide for a memorable and nuanced interpretation of this fluid and dynamic work.

Plakidis composed Variācijas orķestrim (or Variations for Orchestra) in 1996, and here again the listener must use their imagination to understand what the variations even are. A tender yet somber descending melody in the strings begins the work, which is then taken over by the woodwinds. An air of mysteriousness arises with the extended performance of the strings, which leads into a deliberate, almost aggressive performance in the brass instruments. An extended interlude gives the work a mystical feel, with brief bursts of activity in all the instruments, but this transforms into an almost grotesque march, with shrieking strings and brass supplemented by thundering percussion.

The composer was known for being very tight-lipped about his works, offering little in terms of explanation or detail about what a work might be about. The CD booklet is then, perhaps appropriately, light on detail on the works, leaving the listener to reach their own conclusions about what the composer was trying to say through his music. The earliest work on the CD – Leģenda (or ‘Legend’), composed in 1976, is also probably the most enigmatic of the four works, perhaps due to the era it was composed (still well into the Soviet occupation of Latvia, as well as the era of stagnation in the Soviet Union). The work begins with a sound like raindrops in the percussion, which is then joined by what might be the sound of birds in the strings. The orchestra does indeed seem to tell a story, and the performance of the LNSO guides the listener through this tale, giving a vibrant vitality to Plakidis’ tale, but it is up to the listener to fill in the details of the story itself.

The appropriately reflective Atskatīšanās (or ‘Glance Back’) closes out this collection. Composed in 1991, at the time Latvia regained its independence during the upheaval in the former Soviet Union, perhaps Plakidis intended this work to be also a kind of a dividing line – between his compositions under the Soviet cultural system and the new, independent Latvian culture. Mystical elements return in this composition, with the sound of the woodwinds akin to a song of conjuring. Still, there are elements of unease and uncertainty, and the work builds to a dramatic crescendo, with tolling of bells to accentuate the somber atmosphere. The music slowly dissipates at the conclusion, perhaps indicating an uncertain, elusive future.

The loss of Pēteris Plakidis in 2017 was a significant loss to Latvian academic music and culture. Though not a prolific composer, the works he did compose were monumental and vivid, and this is confirmed by the recordings on Atskatīšanās. The Latvian National Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Vassily Sinaisky, reveal the many facets and textures of Plakidis’ works, confirming him as a singular orchestral composer.

For further information, please visit the Skani website

Pēteris Plakidis – Atskatīšanās

Latvian National Symphony Orchestra, Vassily Sinaisky conductor

LMIC/SKANI 076, 2019

Track listing:

  1. Dziedājums
  2. Variācijas orķestrim
  3. Leģenda
  4. Atskatīšanās

Egils Kaljo is an American-born Latvian from the New York area . Kaljo began listening to Latvian music as soon as he was able to put a record on a record player, and still has old Bellacord 78 rpm records lying around somewhere.

Summer School of Latvian Language & Culture to be held online

The University of Latvia, in conjunction with the Latvian Ministry of Education and the Latvian Language Agency has commenced enrolment for the 2021 Summer School of Latvian Language and Culture for youth living outside Latvia.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic which has placed restrictions on travel and as it is difficult to predict the situation this summer, the decision was made to run the Summer School remotely using MS Teams.

Participants must be between 17 and 35 years old. The Summer School will be held from 14th to 27th July. Summer School student tuition will be free of charge. Groups will have up to 10 participants.

We are planning to have three groups: for those without prior knowledge of Latvian, those with minimal knowledge and for those with good Latvian language skills.

To enrol complete the enrolment form and write a motivation letter. Enrolment is open until 1 June 2021.

For information in English about the 2021 Summer School (dates, programme, enrolment form) click here.