So far just one resident of Latvia, a woman who received a minor head injury, has been identified among hundreds of people hurt in the July 7 terrorist bombings in central London, according to the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the LETA news agency.
The woman spent the night in a London hospital but has been released.
About 700 people were hurt and more than 50 killed when three bombs exploded in London’s subway system and one ripped apart a double-decker bus during the morning rush hour, according to London’s Metropolitan Police. Although police say they have not received any claim of responsibility for the attacks, news reports have pointed to an al-Qaeda group’s announcement on a Web site that said it organized the bombings.
Of the injured, 22 are in a serious condition and remain hospitalized, police said. Of those, none are residents of Latvia, the foreign ministry in Rīga said.
The Latvian Foreign Ministry asks those who know of persons who could have been in the blast areas and whose whereabouts remain unknown to telephone the ministry in Rīga at +371 7016364 (during work hours) or +371 9287398 (24 hours a day). The ministry said it is trying to confirm the whereabouts of at least 56 individuals.
(UPDATED 08 JUL 2005)
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