New NATO ambassador begins work

Latvia’s new ambassador to the NATO defense alliance, Jānis Eichmanis, began work Jan. 9 in Brussels, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced.

Eichmanis replaces Aivis Ronis, who left the post to pursue private matters. Ronis was a former Latvian ambassador to the United States, and Eichmanis served under him as military attaché.

Born in Latvia in 1942, Eichmanis was educated in Canada and the United Kingdom. His most recent appointment was as Latvia’s ambassador to Greece.

Eichmanis is the third Latvian ambassador to the defense alliance. The first was Imants Lieģis, a Latvian born in the United Kingdom.

Rīga will be the site of a NATO summit in November.

Andris Straumanis is a special correspondent for and a co-founder of Latvians Online. From 2000–2012 he was editor of the website.

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