New British ambassador presents credentials to Latvian president

The United Kingdom’s newest ambassador to Latvia has been accredited by President Valdis Zatlers, the president’s press service announced May 11.

Ambassador Andrew Soper met with Zatlers on the same day that the U.K. was getting a new prime minister. Conservative leader David Cameron replaced the Labour Party’s Gordon Brown.

Soper, born in 1960, is a graduate of Cambridge University, where he studied economics and modern history. He has worked for the U.K. Foreign and Commonwealth Office since 1985 and has served in Argentina, Mexico, Israel, the United States and Brazil. His most recent posting was as high commissioner in Mozambique.

Soper replaces Ambassador Richard Moon, who served from November 2007 until July 2009, just a month after his wife died of cancer. Moon returned to London. From last summer until Soper’s appointment the British Embassy in Rīga was led by chargé d’affaires Anthony Stokes.

In their meeting, Zatlers noted to Soper that the U.K. is one of Latvia’s most important economic partners, as well as an ally in the European Union and the NATO defense effort. The president also recognized the U.K. embassy’s participation in the Unity Kilometer event for disabled participants that will be part of the Nordea Rīga Marathon scheduled May 23.

Britain first recognized Latvia in January 1921, according to the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Andrew Soper

Andrew Soper is the new U.K. ambassador to Latvia.

Andris Straumanis is a special correspondent for and a co-founder of Latvians Online. From 2000–2012 he was editor of the website.

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