Two new Latvian ambassadors, for Belarus and Kyrgyzstan, have been accredited by President Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga. They are Igors Apokins in Kyrgyzstan and Maira Mora in Belarus.
Apokins also is Latvia’s ambassador to Uzbekistan. In a July 7 meeting with the president, Apokins discussed developing economic contacts in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. He told Vīķe-Freiberga that both countries want to learn from Latvia’s experience in reform, according to a press release from the president’s press office.
Mora previously was Latvia’s ambassador to Lithuania. She replaces Egons Neimanis as ambassador to Belarus.
The president also recently accredited Pēteris Elferts as Latvia’s ambassador to the Council of Europe. He replaced Georgs Andrejevs.
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