Man sentenced in Irish manslaughter case

A Latvian who in 2006 choked a countryman to death on a fishing trawler in Ireland and then threw his body overboard has been sentenced to time already served, a judge ruled Feb. 16 in Dublin, according to Irish media.

Sergejs Lavrinovics, 36, was sentenced in Central Criminal Court in the death of Igors Bondarenko, 35. Also sentenced were two accomplices, 32-year-old Andrijāns Ūbelis and 36-year-old Freddy Grenzman.

Lavrinovics pleaded guilty to manslaugter for killing Bondarenko sometime in late September or early October 2006 in what has been described as a “fight to the death.” Bondarenko, who had a criminal record in Latvia, had apparently threatened to kill Lavrinovics. He also was suspected in several extortion cases involving Eastern European immigrants.

Ūbelis and Grenzman were charged with aiding Lavrinovics in tossing Bondarenko’s body overboard. Grenzman also was sentenced to time already served, while Ūbelis was given a 12-month suspended sentence.

All three had cooperated with Irish police, according to media reports.

Andris Straumanis is a special correspondent for and a co-founder of Latvians Online. From 2000–2012 he was editor of the website.

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