Organizers have canceled the planned three-day LatRock6 tour of England by the popular country group Apvedceļš from Latvia. The band was to play in Bradford, Wisbech and the Straumēni rest home in Catthorpe from April 18-20.
Ticket sales were slower than expected and organizers could not risk a financial loss, Pēteris Pētersons told Latvians Online in an April 13 e-mail. LatRock6 was to follow LatRock5, a three-day tour of England during March by the rock band Dzelzs Vilks. Advance ticket sales for the Dzelzs Vilks tour also were slow, Pētersons said.
LatRock began in 2004 and featured Latvian-British bands Arvīds un Mūrsitēji and Cietie Rieksti, as well as Latvian band Logo. Other LatRock concerts have featured Dzelzs Vilks, Mielavs un Parcēlāji and Līvi, as well as Latvian-British bands Alva and Krona.
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So sorry to hear that it is cancelled… I was just about to order 5 tickets for my family and I know that some friends we met up with at Catthorpe were planning to go too… it’s a shame because on the night I’m sure there would have been more than expected. I just wonder what will happen to the people who didn’t know it was cancelled…. Latvians are spread about a bit… I know someone from Wakefield was planning to meet us there… very disappointed.
Cancelling the concerts without warning with less than a week to go was wrong in my opinion. I heard about it on monday. On tuesday I received my copy of Briva Latvija and Lord behold, there on page 11, taking up nearly a quarter of a page, was an advert about the three concerts. Now I am fortunate enough to have the internet at home and can keep up with current affairs, but what about the people who don’t and rely on newspapers, such as Briva Latvija? Who is really at fault here, the organisers or the public for not buying the tickets early enough? I know of quite a few people who were going and paying on the night, so there could have been enough ticket sales in the end to cover the band’s fee. Now, correct me if I’m wrong, no warning was issued by the organisers that they would pull the plug if ticket sales were poor. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but if they were going to cancel the concert, it should have been with about two weeks to go, at least. Everyone’s a loser now, the band (they could have possibly got another gig in Lavia), the public (those that don’t know about the cancellation and turn up at the venues) and the organisers (loss of goodwill and no doubt a financial loss on adverts etc.) I am not a country and western fan, but I bought a ticket anyway, to support Latrock. I have heard the band on CD and what they do, they do well even though it is not to my taste. I am sure, had they played the concerts, they would have gone down well. But we will never know now – will we?