Folk-rock band IVA releases debut album

The Latvian folk-rock band IVA, fronted by singer Vita Ivaškeviča, has released its long-awaited first album. Titled Tuksneša dārzi (Desert Gardens), the 10-track record was presented earlier this month in Rīga.

The album includes two songs already released as singles, including “Traveller” and “Highway.” Five of the tracks are in Latvian and five are in English.

Ivaškeviča, who also has been active in the local government of Jaunsvirlaukas parish near Jelgava, composed her first song at age 18, according to the band’s Web site. From 2001-2004 she was a member of the band Soli Deo Gloria, after which she spent some time in the United States, becoming familiar with American folk music and the mandolin, as well as composing several of the songs on the album.

Tracks on the album include:

  1. Traveller
  2. Mīlestība vienā dienā nenotiek
  3. Afišstabi
  4. Confession
  5. Highway
  6. Pilsonis
  7. Sweetheart
  8. Atvadas
  9. Laimīgs cilvēks
  10. The Beautiful Land

Besides singer and guitarist Ivaškeviča, members of IVA are Baiba Plakane (guitar and mandolin), Andris Tučs (bass) and Viesturs Samts (drums).

For more on the band, visit or its page on the social network Some videos of IVA may be viewed on the band’s YouTube channel.

Tuksneša dārzi

The first album from the folk-rock band IVA is Tuksneša dārzi.

Andris Straumanis is a special correspondent for and a co-founder of Latvians Online. From 2000–2012 he was editor of the website.

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