Drawing determines order of candidate lists

The 13 political parties and coalitions competing in the Oct. 2 parliamentary election in Latvia now know the number of their candidate list.

The numbers were chosen in an Aug. 6 drawing organized in the Saeima building in Rīga, the Central Election Commission announced. No. 1 is the leftist party Par cilvēka tiesībām vienotā Latvijā, while No. 13 is the Christian democratic Kristīgi demokrātiskā savienība.

The numbers will be used by the parties to popularize their candidates. On election day, each voter will get a packet of 13 candidate lists, ordered numerically, from which they will need to choose one.

The candidate list numbers are:

  • No. 1, Par cilvēka tiesībām vienotā Latvijā.
  • No. 2, Vienotība.
  • No. 3, Ražots Latvijā.
  • No. 4, Saskaņas Centrs.
  • No. 5, Tautas kontrole.
  • No. 6, Zaļo un Zemnieku savienība.
  • No. 7, Par prezidentālu republiku.
  • No. 8, Par Labu Latviju.
  • No 9, Atbildība.
  • No. 10, Daugava – Latvijai.
  • No. 11, Pēdējā partija.
  • No. 12, Visu Latvijai!
  • No. 13, Kristīgi demokrātiskā savienība.

In all, the parties are fielding 1,239 candidates for the 100-seat Saeima.

Andris Straumanis is a special correspondent for and a co-founder of Latvians Online. From 2000–2012 he was editor of the website.

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