Brzeziński leads list of latest Latvian honorees

A former U.S. national security adviser, a well-known Latvian opera singer and the head of the Latvian National Association in Canada are among the latest recipients of the Order of Three Stars (Triju Zvaigžņu ordenis), Latvia’s highest civilian honor.

The latest recipients of the Order of Three Stars, the Order of Viesturs (Viestura ordenis) and the Cross of Recognition (Atzinības krusts) were announced March 27 by the Chapter of Orders. The awards will be presented in an April 27 ceremony in the Rīgas Latviešu biedrības nams in Rīga.

The Order of Three Stars is conferred on individuals for outstanding merit in service to Latvia. The merit “may include either a single outstanding achievement or sustained, exemplary and successful work or special merit in the period of the restoration of Latvia’s independence or during subsequent consolidation of the statehood,” according to the Web site of Latvian President Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga.

The Order of Viesturs honors those who have exhibited merit in military service.

The Cross of Recognition is awarded for “outstanding patriotism and achievements for the good of the nation, society, culture, science, sports and education,” according the Web site.

Order of Three Stars

Recipient of the Order of Three Stars, Second Class, is Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzeziński, national security adviser in the administration of U.S. President Jimmy Carter and now a professor of American foreign policy at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Md.

Recipients of the Order of Three Stars, Third Class, are Rabbi Andrew Baker, director of International Jewish Affairs for the American Jewish Commitee; Daniel S.Mariaschin, executive vice president of B’Nai B’Rith International, and Indulis Zālīte, director of the Center for Documenting the Effects of Totalitarianism (Totalitārisma seku dokumentēšanas centrs) for Latvia’s Constitutional Defense Bureau.

The Order of Three Stars, Fourth Class, will be presented to Māris Andersons, chairman of the ARS Medical Society; opera singer Elīna Garanča; businessman Vitālijs Gavrilovs, president of Latvijas Darba devēju konfederācija; Michael H. Haltzel, senior fellow at the Center for Transatlantic Relations of Johns Hopkins University; Baiba Indriksone, an actor with the National Theater of Latvia; Janīna Kursīte-Pakule, dean of philology at the University of Latvia; Atis Lejiņš, director of the Latvian Institute of International Affairs; poet and children’s literature author Vitauts Ļūdēns; Raimonds Ozols, concertmaster for violins for the Latvian National Symphony Orchestra; Jānis Resnis, artistic director and chief conductor of the Liepāja Symphony Orchestra; Juris Ivars Ruņģis, a community and cultural worker; opera singer Egils Siliņš; Uldis Siliņš, a community and cultural worker, playwright and director; Daiga Upeniece, director of Foreign Art Museum; Velta Vilsone-Sniķere, poet and community and cultural worker; violinst Valdis Zariņš, a professor at the Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Music Academy, and Dr. Valdis Zatlers, chairman of the Hospital of Traumotology and Orthopaedics in Rīga.

Recipients of the Order of Three Stars, Fifth Class, are Arvils Ašeradens, president of AS “Diena,” publisher of the daily newspaper Diena; anesthesiologist Ivars Bekmanis; Modris Klegeris, director of the Rīga English Grammar School; Dr. Harijs Knesis, an anesthesiologist; Kārlis Ķuzulis, a community and cultural worker; Dr. Dace Matule, a gynecologist; community and cultural worker Marģers Pinnis, who is creater of, an online calendar of Latvian events in New York and New Jersey; Dzidra Rieksta, a specialist at the National Botanical Garden in Rīga; Alfrēds Ripa, a director at the National Botanical Garden; Mārtiņš Rītiņš, well-known chef and director of the Vincents restaurant in Rīga; community and cultural worker Aivars Saulītis of Australia; Mārtiņs Reinis Sausiņš, a community and cultural worker and chair of the Latvian National Federation in Canada; Dr. Juris Vītols of the reproductive medical center Embrions, and therapist Dr. Līga Zvaigzne.

The Order of Three Stars, First Grade Medal of Honor, is to be presented to Janina Āriņa, a chemistry teacher at the State High School of Madona and Jānis Veismanis, a community and cultural worker, music teacher and conductor.

Order of Viesturs

The Order of Viesturs, First Class, will be presented to Brig. Gen. Juris Maklakovs, commander of the Latvian Armed Forces.

The Order of Viesturs, Third Class, will be presented to Col. Dzintars Roga, head of the military training command for the armed forces.

Receiving the Order of Viesturs, Fourth Class, will be Maj. Nikolajs Abramovs of the Air Force, Maj. Juris Bajārs of the National Guard, Maj. Anita Bērziņa of the armed forces’ joint command, Lt. Col. Ainars Ķienis of military training command, Lt. Col. Jurijs Pļavīņš of the Air Force and Maj. Modris Rāviņš of the joint command.

The Order of Viesturs, Fifth Class, will go to Capt. Egīls Andersons of the National Guard, 1st Lt. Igors Kalējs of the Saeima and state president’s security service, 1st Lt. Edgars Ļuta of the Saeima and state president’s security service, Capt. Viesturs Masulis of the Air Force,  Capt. Jānis Pētersons of the Saeima and state president’s security service, 1st Lt. Ivars Unte of the Air Force and Capt. Juris Ušackis of the Armed Forces’ special assignments unit.

Receiving the Order of Viesturs, First Grade Medal of Honor, will be presented to Sgt. Mag. Arnis Čurkste and Sgt. Maj. Jānis Vējonis, both of the Saeima and state president’s security service.

The Order of Viesturs, Second Grade Medal of Honor, goes to Sgt. Maj. Aldis Gurdziels of the Saeima and state president’s security service, Sgt. Kārlis Kalseris of the Saeima and state president’s security service, and Sgt. Maj. Inese Žuka of the Armed Forces’ joint command.

The Order of Viesturs, Third Grade Medal of Honor, will be presented to PFC Zintis Kuļijevs and PFC Aivis Neimanis, both of the Saeima and state president’s security service.

Cross of Recognition

The Cross of Recognition, Second Class, will be presentd to Ambassador Artis Bērtulis, head of State Protocol for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;  Indulis Bērziņš, ambassador to the United Kingdom; Baiba Braže, ambassador to the Netherlands; Andris Caune, director of the Latvian Institute of History; Jānis Eihmanis, ambassador to the NATO defense alliance;  Pēteris Elferts, ambassador to the Council of Europe; Gintas Jegermanis, head of the foreign affairs ministry’s planning group; Jānis Kārkliņš, ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland;  Elita Kuzma, ambassador to Sweden; Rolands Lappuķe, ambassador to France; Jānis Lūsis, former ambassador to Italy; Žaneta Ozoliņa, head of the political science department at the University of Latvia; Normans Penke, state secretary in the foreign affairs ministry; Andris Razāns, ambassador to Denmark; Māris Riekstiņš, former ambassador to the United States; Alberts Sarkanis, ambassador to Poland; Solveiga Līga Silkalna, ambassador to the United Nations in New York; Andris Teikmanis, ambassador to Russia; Pēteris Ustubs, foreign policy adviser to the prime minister, and Andrejs Veisbergs, head of the contrastive linguistics department at the University of Latvia.

The Cross of Recognition, Third Class, will be presented to businessman Juris Biķis, chairman of the board of AS “Latvijas Finieris.”

Receiving the Cross of Recognition, Fourth Class, will be Karl Altau, managing director of the Joint Baltic American National Committee; Inta Bebriša, an actor with the National Theater of Latvia; Rihards Circenis, an agriculture worker; Maruta Dambe, managing director of Sala catering business; Dace Gardovska, a professor and head of pediatrics at the Rīga Stradīņš University; lawyer Laura Keršule; Dick Korver, a police detective from the Netherlands; Ilja Krauliņa, a theater and ballet history teacher at the Rīga School of Choreography; Gļebs Panteļejevs, a sculptor and lecturer at the Latvian Academy of Art; Beatrise Rasuma, a community and cultural worker; Malgožata Raščevska, a professor of pedagogy and psychology at the University of Latvia; Ingrīda Rumba, associate dean of medicine at the University of Latvia, and Antonija Sileniece, former chief accountant at the Bank of Latvia.

The Cross of Recognition, Fifth Class, will be presented to Dr. Helena Bergmane, a gynecologist and birthing specialist; businessman Jānis Bertrands; Ruta Cibule, director of the culture department for Balvi region; Dr. Rolands Gibners, head of the orthopedics department at Rīga Stradiņš University; Artis Kumsārs, director of the Madona Music School; Juris Mangulis, a family doctor and community worker; Gunvaldis Sproģis, an agricultural worker; Margarita Šakina, a community and cultural worker; Jānis Zeltiņš, assistant director of the Latvian Boy Scouts, and Dr. Vitālijs Zvirgzdiņš, a heart surgeon at the Gaiļezers medical clinic.

Finally, the Cross of Recognition, Large Special Grade Medal of Honor, has been earned by Pēteris Brangulis, director of the State Assay Supervision Inspectorate; Kaspars Klints, assistant director of the State Assay Supervision Inspectorate; Aldis Pušpurs, chair of the Susāji township council in Balvi region; Elga Siliņa, a sports teacher at the Pumpura High School in Jūrmala, and Ernests Treimanis, manager of the museum at the professional high school in Kazdanga.

Andris Straumanis is a special correspondent for and a co-founder of Latvians Online. From 2000–2012 he was editor of the website.

One thought on “Brzeziński leads list of latest Latvian honorees

  1. I was awarded the Cross of Recognition two years ago and was wondering if there is an abbreviation for the award which may be used after your name. Such as, Manon van der Horden, CD, OMM. Please advise me on this. Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation.

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