Bank releases mushroom coin

Hunting for mushrooms is one of Latvia’s favorite pastimes and now a focus of that activity, the baravika, will be found on a new 1-lat coin.

The Bank of Latvia announced March 31 that it will start circulating a half million coins with the mushroom on the reverse. The coin joins a series of 1-lat pieces that honor Latvian symbols. Others in the series include the salmon, the stork and the ant.

The baravika is a large edible mushroom. In Latvia, people often make trips into the countryside to hunt for them and other mushrooms.

The baravika coin was designed by Guntars Sietiņš, who won a two-tiered competition conducted by the bank. The new coin was minted by Rahapaja Oy of Finland.

1-lat baravika coin

The newest 1-lat coin circulated by the Bank of Latvia features a large edible mushroom. (Images from the Bank of Latvia)

Andris Straumanis is a special correspondent for and a co-founder of Latvians Online. From 2000–2012 he was editor of the website.

One thought on “Bank releases mushroom coin

  1. Diemžēl neviens, kam vien esmu prasījusi, šīs jaunās monētas ar stārķi, skudru un tagad ar sēni nav redzējis. Acīmredzot tās apgrozībā nemaz neparādās.

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