With help from Swedes, solo debut is a hit

Lights On

The Latvian popular music scene never fails to amaze with its good supply of new and up-and-coming talent. To this list we can add the singer Dons, who recently released his debut solo album, Lights On.

The 22-year-old singer, whose real name is Artūrs Šingirejs, recorded the album with the help of Swedish producers and musicians in Stockholm. There are basically two producer teams on the album. Brothers Andreas and Martin Karlegård co-wrote, produced, performed and recorded five of the songs at K*Bros Studio, while Peter Månsson teamed up with James Cartiers on four songs and with Patric Sarin for one song at MIR Studios.

All the songs are sung in English and Dons does a great job with them. Actually, Dons is one of the few singers from Latvia who can sing in English with nearly no accent. His voice sometime sounds similar to that of Huey Lewis and at other times that of Red Hot Chilli Peppers singer (and Lithuanian-American) Anthony Kiedis.

Dons first gained wide notice in Latvia as one half of the duo Dons & Lily, paired with Linda Kalniņa. They met on the Latvian television reality show “Talantu fabrika.” The duo released one album, Viens otram, in 2004, but went their separate ways in 2005.

Lights On kicks off with opening track, “Take Me Alive,” a fast paced number that has a fabulous, screeching guitar solo. Dons really belts out the chorus line on this song. Next is the first single from the album, a ballad called “Light Out,” which has been getting good airplay on Latvian radio stations. There’s a videoclip to the song as well. This is the showcase for songwriters Dons and the Karlegård brothers.

“Jaded,” s song about the new generation taking over, has a little quote from The Doors’ song “When The Music’s Over.” This is not by coincidence, as one of Dons’ favorite groups is The Doors. “American Lovebite” is a Beatles-sounding song complete with a horn section. It’s one of four songs where Dons is not inolved as a songwriter, this being left to his Swedish counterparts.

Really grooving is “When Love Turns to Pain.” All the instruments are played by Månsson, while backing vocals are sung by Sarin. The song also has a catchy chorus.

The next three tracks on the album are produced by the Karlegård brothers, starting with “You Should Know Better,” a powerpop song that goes well together with the previous track. “Best Kept Secret” is a more poppy song, but again with a strong chorus. “Nothing’s Really There” is a song about childhood memories and shadows in the room that are just imagined.

The last two songs are produced by Månsson and Cartiers. “Mr. Greene” is the current single from the album, a steady-paced storytelling track that showcases Dons’ singing abilities. “Just Save Me” rounds out the album and is a rocking walking beat song where Dons goes looking for missing pieces, but I believe he has found them by creating this album.

All in all, the album has 10 good, strong songs, professionally performed, produced and recorded.


Lights On


Platforma Records,  2006

PRCD 151

Where to buy

Purchase Lights On from BalticShop.

Note: Latvians Online receives a commission on purchases.

Raitis Freimanis lives in Stockholm, Sweden, and is a founding member of the Latvian-Canadian band Skandāls.

Concert marks independence, hockey championship

Ten of thousands of Latvians jammed the Daugava River shoreline in downtown Rīga on a sunny and warm spring evening to listen to a free rock music concert May 4 commemorating Latvia’s 1990 declaration of renewed Independence.

Many popular groups were included in the show’s lineup, which also served as a warmup to the International Ice Hockey Federation’s World Championship, scheduled May 5-21 in Rīga.

Latvia on May 4, 1990, declared its renewed independence from the Soviet Union.

New groups such as Z-scars, Astro’n’aut and Melo-M were among the evening’s first groups to perform during the show on 11.novembra krastmala. Later on in the evening prominent groups performed including Pērkons, Menuets, Bet Bet, Jumprava and Lādezers.

Many hit songs performed during the evening were sung in unison by the energetic crowd. Autobuss debesīs closed the concert portion of the show, which ended with a spectacular fireworks show.

The crowd also was treated to scenes from Latvian hockey’s greatest moments on giant television screens as well a a taped good luck message to the Latvian hockey team from Latvian President Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga. —Raitis Freimanis in Rīga

Raitis Freimanis lives in Stockholm, Sweden, and is a founding member of the Latvian-Canadian band Skandāls.

‘Four Shores’ earns four awards

Pop-rock group Prāta Vētra (Brainstorm) came up big during the 10th annual Latvian Music Industry Awards on March 10 in the recently opened Arena Riga, winning four awards for its Četri krasti (Four Shores) album.

The band won all but one of the categories in which it was nominated. Prāta Vētra won awards for best rock song (”Četri krasti”), best rock album (Četri krasti), best music video (“Thunder Without Rain”) and best live concert video of 2005 (Četri krasti koncerts Mežaparkā).

The only category the band didn’t win was for best radio hit, but that didn’t seem to bother the group members, because after winning the fourth award of the evening, singer Renārs Kaupers remarked to rookie hip-hop group Borowa MC that good things don’t come in threes, but in fours. This was in direct reference to the three awards that Borowa MC picked up during the evening.

The new group from the province of Latgale won awards for best hip-hop song (“Vysskaistuokajai meitiņai”), best hip-hop album (Trepis iz nakurīni) and best debut (Trepis iz nakurīni).

Awards for best pop album (K.U.) and best pop song (“Pekinā ir auksti”) went to the duo U.K., Roland Ūdrītis and Egons Kronbergs, who both are members of the group Hobos.

Kronbergs received a third award for his work with the folklore group Iļģi, which won for best contemporary folk music album for Totari.

The evening ceremony included some surprises. The popular a capella group Cosmos, which will represent Latvia in the Eurovision Song Contest, didn’t receive any awards. Likewise, the alternative music group Double Faced Eels came up empty-handed.

Between the presentation of the awards a good cross section of Latvian music was performed by various groups and singers. Prāta Vētra finished off the show with its latest single, “Lapsa.” After the concert, a banquet was held for the participants of the show and invited guests. —Raitis Freimanis in Rīga

Raitis Freimanis lives in Stockholm, Sweden, and is a founding member of the Latvian-Canadian band Skandāls.