Latvia fails to advance to Eurovision final

For the second year in a row, Latvia has failed to advance to the final of the annual Eurovision Song Contest, which this year takes place in Baku, Azerbaijan.

“Beautiful Song,” a tune performed by singer Anmary, did not impress television viewers and professional juries in the May 22 semi-final of this year’s Eurovision Song Contest.

A total of 18 countries competed in the first of two semi-finals, but just 10 could get into the final. A second semi-final on May 24 will pit 18 more countries—including Estonia and Lithuania—against each other, also for 10 spots in the final. The final contest is slated for May 26 and will include those 20 contestants plus five core countries that automatically are slotted (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom) and the host, Azerbaijan.

Anmary (whose real name is Linda Amantova) won Latvia’s national Eirodziesma competition on Feb. 18. The tune, “Beautiful Song,” is an homage to the Eurovision Song Contest and was composed by Ivars Makstnieks with lyrics by Rolands Ūdris.

Last year’s entry, performed by the duo Musiqq, also did not make it past the Eurovision semi-finals.

Latvia’s Marija Naumova won the contest in 2002 with the song “I Wanna.”


Singer Anmary is representing Latvia in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest. (Photo by Aigars Altenbergs)

Andris Straumanis is a special correspondent for and a co-founder of Latvians Online. From 2000–2012 he was editor of the website.

LU studente veic pētījumu par diasporu un Latvijas medijiem

Kāda Latvijas Universitātes komunikācijas studiju studente griežas pie ārzemēs dzīvojošiem latviešiem ar lūgumu izpalīdzēt ar viņas pētijumu par Latvijas sabiedrisko mediju lietojumu ārzemēs dzīvojošo latviešu vidē.

Jana Hmeļņicka ir IV kursa studente LU Sociālo zinātņu fakultātes Komunikācijas studiju nodaļā. Pašreiz viņa gatavo savu bakalaura darba pētījumu par Latvijas Televīziju un Latvijas Radio.

Kā Hmeļņicka e-pastā raksta, “Lai saņemtu atbildes uz pētījumā izvirzītajiem jautājumiem, esmu izveidojusi aptaujas anketu, kuras mērķis ir noskaidrot: Latvijas sabiedrisko mediju satura pieejamību ārpus Latvijas robežas; kāds saturs pietrūkst latviešiem ārzemēs, kuru Latvijas sabiedriskie mediji varētu piedāvāt; kādas atšķirības mediju lietotāji saskata starp Latvijas sabiedriskajiem medijiem (LTV1, LTV7) un komerciālajiem medijiem (TV3, LNT utt.).”

Aptauja, pieejama tikai latviešu valodā un tikai līdz 21. maijam, atrodas portālā

Andris Straumanis is a special correspondent for and a co-founder of Latvians Online. From 2000–2012 he was editor of the website.

Country band Sestā Jūdze sets May 5 to release latest album

Sestā Jūdze, one of Latvia’s best known country music bands, is set to release its latest compact disc on May 5. Titled Iebrien manā saulrietā, the album will include 13 tracks, according to spokesperson Baiba Celma.

The band will kick off the new album with a concert in Splendid Palace in Rīga.

Sestā Jūdze was formed in 2001, according to the band’s website. Members of the band include founder and lead singer Agris Gedrovičs, singer and bassist Modris Miķelsons, drummer Aldis Strazdiņš and guitarist Jānis Misiņš.

Also appearing on the album are guest artists Vīgants Murelis on steel guitar and Artis Orups on drums.

The band has previously released the albums Emigrants in 2004 and Kalendārs in 2008.

For more information about Sestā Jūdze, visit

Iebrien manā saulrietā

Latvian country band Sestā Jūdze is set to release its latest album,Iebrien manā saulrietā.

Andris Straumanis is a special correspondent for and a co-founder of Latvians Online. From 2000–2012 he was editor of the website.