“Dziesma par laimi,” a song written by Guntars Račs and performed by the duo Fomins & Kleins, will represent Latvia in the Eurovision Song Contest in Turkey.
The duo won the national runup, Eirodziesma 2004, in telephone balloting during the nationally televized event held in Ventspils. They will now compete May 12 in the Eurovision qualifying round in Istanbul. If they are successful, they will advance to the May 15 final.
Fomins & Kleins were one of 10 acts performing in the national contest in Ventspils (three additional songs were held in reserve). They received a total of 41,297 votes, according to the Eirodziesma 2004 Web site.
Their song was the only one sung in Latvian. All the rest were in English.
Last year, Fomins & Kleins came in second with their song, “Muzikants,” also the only one performed in Latvian.
Second place this year went to the father and daughter act, Johnny Salamander and Meldra, who received 37,839 votes for their song, “We Share the Sun.” Third place, with 18,879 votes, went to Tatjana Timčuka for “Like a Star.”
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