It has been two years since Latvian-Canadian author Ilze Berzins published her last mystery novel, but she returns this month with a new work titled Freedom.
The story takes place on a small farm in Freedom, Maine, the author said in an e-mail to Latvians Online. Characters on the farm include “homesteaders Izzie and Nick and cranky old Aunt Marija,” Berzins said.
“Dzintra arrives from Rīga, hoping for a new life in America, but soon becomes involved in old grudges and secrets that put everyone’s life in jeopardy, including her own,” Berzins said.
The book is based on a true-life adventure, she said.
The 267-page book is scheduled for publication Nov. 23 by Ottawa-based Albert Street Press. It may be ordered for USD 25, including shipping, by contacting the author at
Berzins has authored eight books before Freedom, including the autobiographical Happy Girl and seven mysteries. Two years ago she released Ghosts & Shadows.
Ilze Berzins’ new mystery novel, Freedom, is due out this month.
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This book has been long awaited and is now finally here. Who ever heard of Freedom, Maine? Not the big city of Riga or Ottawa, that is for sure, but even sleepy little towns have a lot happening and Berzins brings this town to life.(or death in this case). Happy reading.