The Latvian rock group Prāta vētra (BrainStorm) is back with a new album, Četri krasti (Four Shores), this after a hiatus lasting more than two years.
That’s not surprising, given that bassist Gundars Mauševics (known as Mūmiņš) died in an auto accident last year. Much of the material on this compact disc was being written while Mūmiņš was still alive. The album is dedicated to him.
The album contains only 10 songs (under 40 minutes playing time), so you don’t have too much time to get acquainted with the album cover artwork or Anton Corbijn’s photographs. However, the album has something for everybody’s musical tastes.
The album takes right off with the title track “Četri krasti“ in a bass and rythmic sound barrage that sounds quite similar to musical material by the Swedish rock group Kent. This is the album’s showcase song.
The next song, “Pilots Tims,“ seems quite ordinary in comparision. A light melodic song with a French chorus text will certainly make a few listeners smile and sing along.
The third song, “Kur milzu kalni liekas mazi,“ uses quotes from the work of Latvian poet Imants Ziedonis, who currently is seriously ill. Perhaps this is a way for lead singer Renārs Kaupers to pay homage to Ziedonis. (The song “Rudens“ also quotes from Ziedonis). It’s a real moody song that takes a bit of time to take off, but once it’s going, it just sounds like a mixture of material the band has done before.
Next is the Midnight Oil-sounding “Tin Drums.“ I can already picture it as the MTV video song. It’s a nice, steady rocking tune with good, catchy lyrics and is one of two English-language songs on the album. (The plan is to release an English version of the album in the fall, according to record company MICREC.)
On the next track, Kaupers teams up with The Hobos frontman Rolands Ūdris for the lyrics on “Purpur“ (Purple). This song uses quite a bit of sound loop effects with which I’m not so impressed. The cheesy Chris Isaac guitar in the beginning just kills the song before it ever gets going. This song is probably the weak link on the album.
On the other hand, “Rudens“ (Autumn) is a nice, little, slow song that’s a real sleeper, but in concert it will definitely work well with the crowd singing along. At first, I was little skeptical about the tremolo organ on the track (probably producer Alex Silva’s idea), but it’s OK not being overdone.
Tick-tack goes the next song, “Tā nogurt var tikai no svētkiem,“ with a lot of ironic lyrics and a catchy chorus.
A movie music track is almost a sure thing on a Prāta vētra record and this time it sounds like the Fiddler on the Roof is singing and dancing with “Māsa nakts“ (Sister Night).
On the R.E.M. and BrainStorm tour earlier this year, I had a chance to hear the second-to-last track, “Sunrise (Deep in Hell),“ a fresh bluesy song that is not quite like anything they’ve done before. The Wurlitzer keyboard sound fits in just right with the choppy guitar.
Lapsa Kūmiņš (Reynard The Fox) shows up on the last song on the album, “Lapsa,” while the rest of the band sing the chorus and tries to catch the tricky fox by the tail. The song is a sure winner with all kids and a good, strong song to round up the album. The chorus reminds me of the melody of an old Coca-Cola commercial, but it sounds good anyway.
As mentioned, there’s something for every listener on this record. But it does leave open to question Prāta vētra’s future music direction. As a whole, the album gets my recommendation, but still doesn’t measure up to masterworks like Veronika (1996) or Viss ir tieši tā kā tu vēlies (1997). My top picks from the album are “Četri krasti,” “Tin Drums,” “Rudens,” “Lapsa” and “Sunrise.” Prāta vētra sets out on a concert tour of Latvia this summer and we’ll probably be sure to hear some of these songs played live during the tour.
Četri krasti
Prāta vētra
Brainstorm Records, 2005
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interesants skatiijums uz albumu… dazhas dziesmas ir nevajadziigi noliktas, bet visumaa raxc ir ok! :)
Very good album. (Cannot get why do they use to associate PV with U2 or the like? For me, they’re driftin from Savage Garden to late Alphaville, A-Ha, and, emotionaly, Reinard ressembles Robert Gawlinski of polish band Wilki).
I was always greatly impressed how PV sounds in the native language. It’s pity that there is no such masterpiece as Maybe in latvian. ( But, on the other hand, there are no Neatgrieshanas or Romeo Un Dzuljeta in eng.)
Oh yes, Rudens is a masterpiece too! I’m so, so much sorry not being able to understand latvian–will have to learn it in a spare time..
si grupa rule
Interesants albums, ļoti patīk!!! Jaunās dziesmas sākumā likās nepierastas un svešas, bet jo ilgāk klausies, jo dziļāk Tu visu saproti, kas tajās ir izteikts. Šis albums man liekas ir atšķirīgs no iepriekšējiem, jo tajā ir zemteksts, kas veltīts vienam cilvēkam un visas dziesmas klausoties, Tu sajūti saikni ar pašu grupu. Nezinu šī albuma anglisko versiju un vai ārzemju klausītāji sajutīs to pašu, ko klausītāji Latvijā, kas pazīst šo grupu (vismaz nosacīti, ja ne personīgi).
Ar katru albumu jūtams grupas nobriedums, ja tā var sacīt. Malači, visi kā viens. :)
Good Service
lapsa dievinu.. jums vajadzeetu veel tik pat krutu albuumu kaa veronika… es dievinu dziemu veronika un kaa jua 7dienaas…!!!! vareetu taadu old school uztaisiin… un k ko bik no cheti krasti!!!!
aa un protams kaa tad var aizmirst pilots tims un çetri krasti… vnk super.. ;)
lai iezper zibens gaudo suns
mees ssonkt piedzimsim no jauna
tad ccetros krastos degsies guns un lidos dzirksteles no kalna
ssampaniets liist ik reizzigadu mijaa domiigas zvaigznessliikstmanaa akvaarijaa viss itkaa bijis un vis vel ir priekssaa gaisma tik spozza atver acis un drossi naac iekssaa
lai iesper zibens gaudo suns mees ssonakt piedzimsim no jauna tad ccetros krastos degsies guns un lidos dzirksteles no kalna
Prata Vetra is one of my favorite bands ever!! Real music, inspiring artistry, big brains and most importantly: HUGE HEARTS! Paldies, Latvia!!!