State Choir Latvija album features Ešenvalds’ works

Latvian composer Ēriks Ešenvalds continues to gain international renown and fame, particularly with his choir music, which is now regularly performed by choirs worldwide. Audiences globally have been moved by his works, with their memorable melodies, their spiritual depth, and emotional resonance.

Ešenvalds’ works have often been inspired by legends, as well as folk traditions, and, recognizing that, the State Choir Latvija, conducted by Māris Sirmais, decided to record an album’s worth of Ešenvalds’ choir works on these themes. Entitled No neatminamiem laikiem (or From the Dim and Distant Past), the CD was released in 2017. Subtitled ‘Tautasdziesmas un teikas’ (or ‘Folk Songs and Fables’), the collection gathers choir songs inspired by folklore and stories.

Though his main influence is Latvian folk songs and fables, Ešenvalds has found inspiration worldwide through his travels. Perhaps it was during his time as composer in residence at the University of Cambridge’s Trinity College that Ešenvalds further developed his interest in the folklore and songs of the British Isles, as this collection features arrangements of both the Scottish ‘My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose’ (words by Scottish poet Robert Burns) and the Irish ‘O Danny Boy’ (although the lyrics were originally by an English poet, it is one of the most famous of Irish songs). Both songs feature the duet of baritone Daumants Kalniņš and soprano Laura Štoma. Ešenvalds takes a traditional approach to these arrangements, leaving the soloists to sing the melody while the choir harmonizes, thereby leaving these memorable melodies in the foreground. The soloists deliver an enrapturing performance of these songs, particularly the heartbreaking ‘O Danny Boy’, with Kalniņš’ resonant, affecting vocals flowing together with Štoma’s soaring, angelic singing to create a deeply emotional rendering of the song.

Legends and stories of the Northern Lights have always been a major influence and inspiration for Ešenvalds’ works, and the album has a number of works on these themes. One example is the song simply entitled ‘Northern Lights’, which begins with a haunting Latvian folk song sung by Ansis Bētiņš. The folk song is about the coming of war foretold by the Northern Lights, and, as the CD booklet notes, in Latvian folklore the Northern Lights are considered to be spirits of soldiers. The song also uses texts by poets Charles Francis Hall and Fridtjof Nansen, also about the Northern Lights, and Ešenvalds meshes all of these evocative images and the wonder and amazement in the words into a memorable musical portrayal of these mystic images.

Ešenvalds has, of course, found much inspiration in Latvian folklore as well. Two such examples on this collection are ‘Ainava ar ganiem’ and ‘Aizej, lietiņ’. ‘Ainava’ combines elements of Latvian folk songs and folklore, presenting a engrossing musical picture of the Latvian landscape and herders working throughout the day. The song also incorporates elements of traditional Latvian singing, which, when combined with the choir’s harmonies, presents a pastoral panorama. ‘Aizej, lietiņ’’ is inspired by the more mystic aspects of Latvian folklore, and the song is one of conjuring and prayer by a herdsman for the rain to depart. The ensemble Altera veritas, with their unique combination of instruments (kokle, flute and accordion), provides an appropriately atmospheric foundation for this compelling performance, which also features soloist and folk singer Asnate Rancāne (of the ensemble Tautumeitas and other folk projects). The atmospheric middle section, with its soloists joining in sequence to create a rich, musical tapestry, then leads to a thundering, transformative conclusion, musically conjuring the celebration of the appearance of the sun.

The State Choir Latvija and conductor Māris Sirmais have long been collaborators and proponents of Ešenvalds’ music (the composer was a singer in the choir for many years). This is their second CD of Ešenvalds’ choir compositions (the first was 2013’s At the Foot of the Sky), and, as on that CD, the choir and Sirmais prove to be peerless interpreters of the composer’s works and again show that they are one of the most talented and versatile choirs performing today.

Folklore and folk songs have long been a source for inspiration for composer Ēriks Ešenvalds, and the fruits of this labor are on full display on No neatminamiem laikiem. The State Choir Latvija and artistic director Māris Sirmais take the listener on a magical and memorable journey throughout tales and songs of Latvia and other nations, throughout songs both sweeping and nuanced, broad in scope and intimate. The voices of the choir join together to lift these songs and bring them to life, majestically presenting these legends and stories. Ešenvalds’ choir music, in the hands of an exceptionally talented choir like Latvija, is a memorable musical accomplishment.

For further information, please visit Ēriks Ešenvalds’ website and the State Choir Latvija website.

No neatminamiem laikiem

State Choir Latvija

VAK Latvija, 2017

Track listing:

  1. My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose
  2. Ainava ar ganiem
  3. There Will Come Soft Rains
  4. Rivers of Light
  5. Northern Lights
  6. The First Tears
  7. O Danny Boy
  8. Aizej, lietiņ
  9. Ancient Prairie
  10. Rasa

Egils Kaljo is an American-born Latvian from the New York area . Kaljo began listening to Latvian music as soon as he was able to put a record on a record player, and still has old Bellacord 78 rpm records lying around somewhere.

70th birthday CD celebrating defining voice of 70s in Latvia – Lapčenoks

Few voices in Latvian popular music are as recognizable as the voice of singer Viktors Lapčenoks. Throughout a decades-long career, many of the songs he has sung have become essential classics of the Latvian popular music repertoire. One could even say his voice was the defining voice of the 1970s in Latvia. To celebrate his many achievements, and to celebrate his 70th birthday in 2017, the record label MicRec released the latest entry in their Leģendas series with a collection of his best and most popular songs.

Lapčenoks’ powerful and distinctive voice are a major reason many of these songs remain popular even today, and it is not at all an exaggeration when music critic Daiga Mazvērsīte, in her liner notes to this collection, compares him to world famous rock singers like Robert Plant and David Coverdale. His crisp and clear delivery can be heard in songs like the all-time classics like ‘Zied ievas Siguldā’, ‘Kurzeme’, and ‘Inese’.

Though Lapčenoks worked with many composers, his primary compositional collaborator is Latvian popular music composer Raimonds Pauls. Their work together began in 1971, and, together, they produced an amazing collection of popular music songs.

Besides Lapčenoks’ collaboration with Pauls, the other artist that he frequently collaborated with was singer Nora Bumbiere, and this collection has six of their duets, including such popular songs as ‘Grieze’ and ‘Undīne’. One can see why they were a particularly popular duo, as their voices mesh together effortlessly, with their natural and professional sound.

Though many of the songs he performed were serious and dramatic, there are still moments of humor, for example on the swaggering rock ditty ‘Vardīte’, which, though sung from the point of view of a frog, is still one of the album’s highlights. One could say the same for the song ‘Ai-dundur-dundur-dun-dun-dun’, an otherwise silly song that is made memorable by Lapčenoks and Bumbiere.

Though many of the songs Lapčenoks recorded were popular songs, this collection does contain a few songs that are a bit more ambitious in scope, perhaps even progressive – for example, the expansive ‘Čakarnītis’, which is raised by Lapčenoks’ soaring, expressive vocals. The same could be said for ‘Manai dzimtenei’, which, though it became even more popular as a Song Festival song, Lapčenoks’ deeply emotional delivery revealed the strength and beauty of this song, and allowed it to grow into one of Pauls’ most popular songs of all time.

Of course, at times the powerful performances can become slightly overwrought, for example in the song ‘Varbūt’, a sentimental song about what might have been, but might have benefited from a more nuanced, subtle approach.

Distilling multiple decades and hundreds of songs onto a single CD is simply not possible, so there were quite a few tracks left out. One does wish that they included tracks with music by other composers that Lapčenoks has worked with throughout the years (all tracks on the album were composed by Raimonds Pauls). This is also not the first ‘best of’ release for Lapčenoks, as there have been multiple throughout the years, so long time fans may already have most of these songs on CD already, so perhaps it could have included a few more rarities and less frequently heard songs. However, as introductions to the artist, this is still an excellent, comprehensive collection.

Viktors Lapčenoks could very well be considered the voice of the 1970s in popular music in Latvia. Many of the songs he recorded remain immensely popular today. This Leģendas release, containing many of those songs, will reaffirm Lapčenoks as one of the greatest popular music singers in Latvian history, and serves as a fitting tribute to this monumental singer and his voice.

For further information, please visit the Viktors Lapčenoks website.



Viktors Lapčenoks

MicRec, MRCD 564, 2017

Track listing:

  1. Dziesmiņa par prieku
  2. Zilā
  3. Nekal mani gredzenā
  4. Kurzeme
  5. Inese
  6. Lana
  7. Varbūt
  8. Zied ievas Siguldā
  9. Sanāciet, sadziediet, sasadancojiet
  10. Kad saule aiziet
  11. Vardīte
  12. Čakārnītis
  13. Grieze
  14. Rudacīte
  15. Ai-dundur-dundur-dun-dun-dun
  16. Undīne
  17. Manai Dzimtenei
  18. Latviešu jūrniekiem
  19. Lapsenes nāve
  20. Tā diena

Egils Kaljo is an American-born Latvian from the New York area . Kaljo began listening to Latvian music as soon as he was able to put a record on a record player, and still has old Bellacord 78 rpm records lying around somewhere.

Skolotājas no Latvijas piedzīvo Austrālijas Vasaras vidusskolas dzīvi

Cik sirreāli ir atrasties Austrālijas dienvidos un mosties ar kādu skaistu latviešu dziesmu. Un latviešu mūzika te dzirdama ikviena sirdī. Kaut vai vien pirmās notis, un tomēr…te, pavisam citā zemeslodes pusē.

Piedzīvojot gan Garezeŗa dzīvi, gan Annas Ziedares Vasaras vidusskolas ikdienu, rodas īpaša sajūta, ko šovasar mēdzam dēvēt par “kamolu kaklā”. Cik tomēr latviešu būtība ir spēcīga un nesatricināma. Vēsture mūsu tautiešus ir izmētājusi pa malu malām, taču mēs vēl sparīgi turamies kopā jau paaudžu paaudzēs. Latvietības saknes neiznīkst laikam tāpat kā nezāles.

Protams, viens spēj no galvas citēt Raini vai O.Vācieti, bet kāds tikai apgūst latviski pieklājības frāzes, dažkārt kādam pasprūk kāds angļu vārds, taču…viņi visi ir šeit. Te, lai būtu latviešu sabiedrībā, latviskā vidē. Viegli jau nav dzīvot klajuma vidū visiem kopā, pavadot savu vienīgo brīvo laiku no skolas SKOLĀ. Katram savi iemesli te atrasties, kas atkarīgi no dažādiem faktoriem. Un var jau būt, ka tie nemaz nav svarīgi. Tas, kas ir no svara patiesi, mūsuprāt, ir tas, lai vēlme vai nu attīstās, vai rodas turpināt atrasties “mazajā Latvijā”, kur pulcējas diasporas letiņi. Jo kas gan mūsu dzimtenei līdzēs zelt un plaukt, ja ne mēs paši?

Kā I. Ziedonis reiz rakstījis: “Laiki nav svarīgi. Svarīgs ir tikai cilvēks.” Un te nu ir cilvēki. Īsti, dzīvi cilvēki, kas neļauj aizokeānijā nomirt latviskām dvēselēm. Vēl labāk – tie palīdz tādām pat dzimt. Tas ir apbrīnojami, cik daudz sevis paša ir jāiegulda, lai varētu pastavēt tāda vide, kur tam visam dzīvot. Tas ir apbrīnojami, ka trimdas latviešu vidū četrās paaudzēs ir cilvēki, kas spējīgi pretendēt uz mūsu mazās, bet sarežģītās valodiņas C līmeni. Es neticu, ka ir kāds inteliģents latvietis, kurš ar to no sirds nelepojas. Mēs lepojamies. Ļoti.

Ka jau tika pieminēts…katram te ir savi iemesli atrasties, kā arī vēlmju līmenis kaut ko iegūt, iemācīties atšķiras. Jā, bet tas tā ir jebkur. Un, domājams, būs vienmēr. Un tomēr…ir kaut kas neaprakstāmi aizkustinošs mirklī, kad ik rītu mastā tiek vilkts Latvijas karogs. Un tā ir tā kopīgā latvietība, kas tur augšā plīv.

#Daugav’ abas malas mūžam nesadalās
#Okeān’ abas puses mūžam nesadalās

Ilze Jēgere un Santa Iesmiņa
2018 #LV100