Latvia names next ambassador to Germany

Latvia’s next ambassador to Germany has received his letter of accreditation from President Valdis Zatlers, the president’s press office announced Aug. 18.

Ilgvars Kļava replaces Mārtiņš Virsis, who served as Latvia’s chief diplomat in Berlin since September 2002. Kļava has been assistant state secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In Kļava’s meeting with Zatlers, the two discussed German and Latvian relations in the areas of economics, culture and education, including the Essentia Baltica culture festival that continues in Germany through the year. They also discussed the situation in Georgia.

Virsis, according the foreign ministry, will now be the ministry’s inspector general.

Andris Straumanis is a special correspondent for and a co-founder of Latvians Online. From 2000–2012 he was editor of the website.

Rīgā kursi latviešu valodas skolotājiem diasporā

Latviešu valodas apguves valsts aģentūra (LVAVA) regulāri piedāvā skolotājiem tālākizglītības kursus. Viens no LVAVA darbības virzieniem ir latviešu valodas mācīšana diasporā. Šovasar Rīgā notiks skolotāju profesionālās kompetences pilnveide, mācot latviešu valodu diasporā. Uz kursiem var pieteikties ikviens, kas nodarbojas ar latviešu valodas mācīšanu ārpus Latvijas. Kursi notiks no 19. lidz 22. augustam un tos vadīs augstskolu macībspeki, skolotāji un LVAVA tālākizglītotāji.

Kursu laikā latviešu valodas skolotājiem būs iespēja iepazīties ar „Eiropas kopīgajām pamatnostādnēm valodu apguvei: mācīšana, mācīšanās un vērtēšana” un to pielietojuma iespējām mācību priekšmetu programmu un pārbaudes darbu programmu izveidei atbilstoši individuālajām un reģionālajām vajadzībām, ar „Eiropas Valodu portfeli” un tā nozīmi izglītojamo pašvērtējuma veidošanā un iespējām izstrādāt savas valodas apguves stratēģijas. Skolotāji tiks iepazīstināti ar „Satura un valodas integrāciju valodas apguves procesā” (CLIL) un bilingvālajām valodas apguves metodēm un to pamatprincipiem. Viņi apgūs šīs metodes izmantošanu praksē un tiks iepazīstināti ar citu valstu pedagogu labāko pieredzi šai jomā. Skolotāji tiks iepazīstināti ar daudzveidīgiem metodiskajiem paņēmieniem valodas apguvei diasporā, ar izglītības normatīvajiem dokumentiem Latvijā (mācību priekšmetu „Latviešu valoda” un „Svešvaloda” standartiem pamatizglītības un vispārējās vidējās izglītības pakāpē), mācību sasniegumu vērtēšanas formām un metodiskajiem paņēmieniem.

Tuvāku informāciju sniedz Daina Laganovska, e-pasts, tālrunis +371-6-735-0765. Skatieties arī LVAVA mājas lapā,


Latvians join Washington protest against Russia

Latvians joined other Eastern European groups in an Aug. 15 demonstration in Washington, D.C., against the Russian invasion of Georgia—and they plan to do it again Aug. 16.

The protesters demanded Russia’s withdrawal from Georgia and asked the International Olympic Committee to strip Russia of the right to host the Olympic Games in 2014. Responding to Georgian military operations in the breakaway region of South Ossetia, Russian forces entered Georgia on Aug. 8 as this summer’s Olympic Games were beginning in Beijing, China.

Russia plans to host the 2014 Games in the Black Sea resort city of Sochi, the same place where Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Aug. 16 signed a truce with Georgia. But the ceasefire came among reports of Russian forces continuing to advance within Georgia. Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili signed the agreement on Aug. 15.

The Washington protest, supported by the American Latvian Association, took place near the White House and at the Russian Embassy, the Joint Baltic American National Committee said in a press release.

Another demonstration is scheduled at 3 p.m. Aug. 16 in Lafayette Park in front of the White House, the ALA said in an e-mail to supporters.

In Latvia, President Valdis Zatlers on Aug. 16 signed a book of condolences at the Georgian Embassy in Rīga. Zatlers said Latvia is working to quickly send international observers to Georgia to oversee the truce, according to president’s press office. Zatlers received some criticism in the media for failing to travel to the Georgian capital of Tbilisi in a show of support with the presidents of Estonia, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine. He remained in Beijing at the Olympic Games, but Prime Minister Ivars Godmanis did join the presidents.

Latvia’s government will contribute LVL 100,000 in humanitarian aid to Georgia.

Protest against Russia

Gustavs Plato, treasurer of the American Latvian Association, is interviewed during the Aug. 15 demonstration in Washington, D.C., by Rustavi 2, an independent broadcaster in Georgia. (Photo courtesy American Latvian Association)

Andris Straumanis is a special correspondent for and a co-founder of Latvians Online. From 2000–2012 he was editor of the website.