British authorities say Latvians made to work in ‘appalling’ conditions

British authorities have revoked the license of a labor provider that made a group of fruit pickers from Latvia live and work in what was described as “appalling” conditions.

Citing a “shocking catalogue of failures,” the Gangmasters Licensing Authority (GLA) announced Aug. 11 that it had taken the action against Plus Staff 24 of Skelmersdale, which is in Lancashire northeast of Liverpool.

The more than 30 workers from Latvia were not paid the national minimum wage, had to live in filthy and dangerous houses, and were taken to work in the fields in an uninsured minibus that sometimes was driven by an underage driver, the GLA said in a press release.

The GLA began operating in 2005 to curb the exploitation of workers in the agricultural, horticultural, shellfish gathering and associated processing and packing industries.

The authority named Jose Rosa as the director of Plus Staff 24, but also said that Maria Baptista, whose license had previously been revoked, was involved in the business.

Plus Staff 24 racked up 242 non-compliance points, the GLA said, when 30 is enough to revoke a license. The revocation went into effect July 22.

In one case, a Latvian was left owing Rosa money because the worker had to borrow cash at a repayment rate of 6 percent. The GLA also accused Rosa of not recording holiday and sick pay, and with failing to record deductions to pay on wage slips given to workers.

“This is a flagrant abuse of power over workers,” GLA Chairman Paul Whitehouse said in the press release. “When a human being has worked hard for a month and gets paid nothing after deductions and even owes the gangmaster money, how are they supposed to survive?”

Since March 2007, the GLA has revoked the licenses of 113 labor providers. Among them was Baltic Work Team Ltd., run by Latvian gangmaster Andris Tiltnieks, whose license initially was revoked in March 2007. Tiltnieks unsuccessfully appealed the revocation. In February 2008 he unsuccessfully sued The Guardian for GBP 3.7 million, claiming he was libeled by the British newspaper’s coverage of his business.

Workers rights brochure

Brochures such as this one in Latvian are distributed to workers by the Gangmasters Licensing Authority.

Once upon a time in the White House

Twenty years ago a Latvian prime minister and foreign minister met with an American president in the Oval Office of the White House. It was July 30, 1990, and Latvia was still an occupied country. Why did President George H.W. Bush meet with Ivars Godmanis and Jānis Jurkāns a year before Latvia restored its independence, and why does it matter today?

The story begins on May 4, 1990, when the Latvian Supreme Council voted to restore Latvia’s independence, and chose Ivars Godmanis to head the government that hoped to make that goal a reality.

As the Washington, D.C., lobbyist for the American Latvian Association (ALA), I had worked with Godmanis since his days at the Popular Front, and met with him in Rīga again in June to discuss how the ALA could support the new government. The Latvian independence movement had taken a bold step forward, now had a government to work with, and needed international support to realize its goals. As we strolled through the Esplanade out of earshot of microphones in the Cabinet of Ministers building, Godmanis and I agreed that he and his Foreign Minister Jānis Jurkāns needed to come to Washington. We planned it for the last week in July.

As far as Moscow was concerned, Latvia was still a Soviet Socialist Republic at the time. The powers that be in Washington, D.C., disagreed. The U.S. had never recognized the legality of Soviet rule in Latvia, and thus had never recognized any of the Soviet government officials that claimed to represent Latvia. Technically, Godmanis and Jurkāns were also Soviet Latvian government officials because they had acquired their positions by the rules of the Soviet system they were imprisoned in.

But Godmanis and Jurkāns represented a government that was pulling away from the Soviet yoke and was moving toward the restoration of the Republic of Latvia that had first been established in 1918. Latvia had established diplomatic ties with the U.S. in 1922 and its legation in Washington, D.C., was still recognized by the U.S. as Latvia’s only legal representative. In 1990 the legation was headed by Charges d’affaires Anatols Dinbergs, a career Latvian diplomat who first came to the U.S. in 1939 and continued to serve his country as a diplomat in exile for more than 50 years.

While Dinbergs was sympathetic to the goals of the Godmanis’ government, he could not officially represent it because it was still under Soviet control. Since the legation couldn’t organize the visit, that responsibility fell to the ALA. I booked a hotel room, rented a car, set up an itinerary and did my best to drum up inside-the-beltway interest for the visit of two Latvian statesmen from behind the Iron Curtain.

During a whirlwind week in Washington we met with congressmen, senators, foreign policy experts and think tank pundits. Godmanis appeared on CNN and even the State Department rolled out a diplomatically nuanced carpet for a meeting with the prime and foreign ministers of a government that was defying the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

It had never occurred to us to hope for a meeting at the White House with Bush until we met with Sen. Robert Byrd, a Democrat and one of the most distinguished elder statesmen in the U.S. Senate. I note with sadness the recent passing of Sen. Byrd, because it was his feistiness that put Latvia in the White House that week. During our meeting, the silver-haired senator from West Virginia asked us when we were going to meet with President Bush. We said no such meeting was scheduled. Byrd said: “Nonsense, I’ll make a call.”

And so he did. Later that evening I got a call from one of Sen. Byrd’s aides telling me that a White House meeting with the president was set for next week.

I was not only the chauffeur for Godmanis and Jurkāns, but also their advisor and escort, and on July 30, 1990, the three of us entered the gates of the White House and were ushered into the Oval Office for a 15-minute “courtesy visit: with President Bush. The meeting lasted 40 minutes and when we faced the press outside the West Wing doors, it was clear that Latvia had moved another step closer to full independence.

Many criticize President Bush for taking so long to restore full diplomatic relations with Latvia in 1991 (the U.S. was the 27th country to do so). But many forget that a year earlier, in 1990, President Bush extended a hand of support to all three Baltic countries in their quest for independence. That same summer he met with Lithuanian Prime Minister Prunskienė and Estonian Prime Minister Savisaar. These highly visible meetings brought media attention and sent unmistakable political signals to capitals around the world. Not only Moscow, but the rest of the international foreign policy community got the message: the U.S. was prepared to stand behind the people and governments that sought to restore their independence in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

While this may seem like ancient history to some, it does undermine the old cliché that in international relations “there are no friends, just interests.” I guess we can speculate on the interests that prompted the late Byrd, a senator from the Democratic Party, to convince a president from the Republican Party, to meet with two upstarts from Latvia who were defying the Communist Party. But I saw it as an act of friendship.

And so, when I read tributes to Byrd, the longest-serving member of the Congress in the history of the United States, I think about how once, a good friend helped Latvia make a little history, too.

Bank honors history of alphabet primers with commemorative coins

The Bank of Latvia has issued a new 1-lat coin featuring an alphabet primer. The coin is meant for collectors and will not be put into circulation.

The coin, in both silver and copper-nickel alloy versions, commemorates the history of the ābece, or ABC, in Latvia. The coin’s front side depicts a scene in which country children are learning the alphabet. The reverse shows a rooster, a symbol that has been found on many primers through history.

The first Latvian ābece dates to 1683, according to an Aug. 12 press release from the bank. Uncut printer’s sheets of the primer, adorned with a drawing of a rooster, were found in 1941 in the library of the University of Tartu in Estonia.

“The rooster of the Latvian ABC grows out of an old tradition,” Ināra Klekere, head of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Department of the Latvian National Library, said in the press release. “It is often found also in the ABCs of other nations. The oldest known depictions of rooster have been found in the Polish and German ABCs of the 1570s. (The) rooster on the front cover of the ABC even in modern times has retained its pre-Christian symbolism: it is a herald of light who has set his sights eastward; the three ribbons that are featured also in the Latvian ABC probably symbolize the thrice repeated morning call of the rooster.”

About 200 different alphabet primers have been published in Latvia.

Just 5,000 pieces of the silver coin have been minted, while 10,000 piece of the copper-nickel version were made. Both coins were minted by Rahapaja Oy in Finland.

The coins were designed by graphic artist Arvīds Priedīte and mold maker Ligita Franckeviča.

The coins will be available for purchase at the Bank of Latvia in Rīga, as well as at souvenir and jewelry shops in Latvia.

Coin commemorates alphabet primer

The new 1-lat coin issued by the Bank of Latvia commemorates the history of the alphabet primer.