Latvian carrier airBaltic seeks public’s input on new terminal design

Latvian passenger carrier airBaltic is giving readers of its blog until Nov. 5 to offer their opinion on what a new Rīga terminal for the airline should look like.

From a list of 125 submissions by architects from around the world, airBaltic’s jury has selected the 10 best designs.

The concepts vary from an industrial-looking terminal, to one focused on sustainability, to one that resembles a big wing. The new terminal is expected to eventually serve 14 million passengers annually and become “a permanent architectural symbol of Latvia,” according to airBaltic. Certainly for many visitors to Latvia the terminal would the first—or the last—place they see.

The airline announced the architectural competition in August, according to the Delfi news portal. The winner is to receive an EUR 100,000 prize.

The Top 10 designs may be viewed on airBaltic’s blog,

Rīga terminal design

Latvian carrier airBaltic seeks the public’s input on 10 different terminal designs, including this one. (Image from

Andris Straumanis is a special correspondent for and a co-founder of Latvians Online. From 2000–2012 he was editor of the website.

Vienotība announces picks for 7 ministries in new government

Seven of 13 ministerial portfolios in a new coalition government led by current Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis have been decided upon, but for the rest Latvia will have to wait to hear Nov. 1.

The centrist Vienotība (Unity) bloc announced Oct. 28 who from its ranks would head up seven key ministries, but its coalition partner, the conservative Zaļo un Zemnieku savienība (Union of Greens and Farmers, or ZZS), has yet to firm up its choices for the six ministerial chairs it will get to fill.

After weeks of negotiations following the Oct. 2 election that at one point promised a four-party coalition government—including the center-left and pro-Russian Saskaņas Centrs (Harmony Centre) and a nationalist bloc led by the ultraconservative Visu Latvijai! (All for Latvia!)—just Vienotība and ZZS were left at the table. Together they will control 55 seats in the 100-deputy Saeima.

While Vienotība plans to keep two current ministers—Economics Minister Artis Kampars and Interior Minister Linda Mūrniece—the other five portfolios would see a shake-up.

The new finance minister would be Andris Vilks, who has served as financial and economics adviser to Dombrovksis. He would replace current Finance Miniser Einars Repše, the former Bank of Latvia president and founder of the Jaunais Laiks (New Era) party.

The new foreign minister would be Ģirts Valdis Kristovskis, chair of the Vienotība bloc and of Pilsoniskā savienība (Civic Union), one of the three parties that make up the bloc. Kristovskis previously served as both defense and interior minister. He would replace current Foreign Minister Aivis Ronis.

In a move some critics see as surprising, current Defense Minister Imants Lieģis is to be replaced by Artis Pabriks, a former foreign minister and a leader of the Sabiedrība citai politikai (Society for a Different Politics, or SCP) movement, which also is a member of the Vienotība coalition. Lieģis is one of only a few diaspora Latvians to have risen to high government posts.

The new culture minister is to be Sarmīte Ēlerte, who until 2008 was editor of the then-leading national daily newspaper, Diena. After leaving the newspaper, she became involved in politics with the Meierovica biedrība (Meierovics Society). Ēlerte would replace current Culture Minister Ints Dālderis.

The new justice minister would be Aigars Štokenbergs, chair of SCP. He previously has served as economics minister and as head of the Ministry for Regional Development and Local Government Affairs. Under the current Dombrovskis administration, the justice minister’s chair has been filled by Lieģis after former Justice Minister Mareks Segliņš quit the Dombrovskis government along with other members of Tautas partija (People’s Party).

ZZS announced that its board of directors is to meet Nov. 1, after which officials would reveal the party’s choices to lead the ministries of education and science, welfare, communication, health, environment, and agriculture. ZZS officials have already said current Environment Minister Raimonds Vējonis would continue in his post.

The new government would have one ministry less than the current government. Vienotība and ZZS have agreed to eliminate the Ministry for Regional Development and Local Government Affairs, moving its functions to the Ministry of the Environment.

President Valdis Zatlers has yet to formally invite Dombrovskis to form the new government, but that is likely to happen soon. The new Saeima, which will have to confirm the government, meets for the first time on Nov. 2.

Andris Straumanis is a special correspondent for and a co-founder of Latvians Online. From 2000–2012 he was editor of the website.

Drum, bagpipe band Auļi releases third album

Auļi, a Latvian ensemble that perform music using just bagpipes and drums, has released its third album, Etnotranss, on the Lauska label. The compact disc contains 12 instrumental works.

Formed in 2003, the group released its first album Sendzirdēju in 2005, followed by Auļos… in 2007. Though the group’s sound has links to Latvian folklore, it also has elements of rock, metal, ethnotrance, ancient music and world music.

The ensemble has worked with Latvian composer Juris Kulakovs on his cantata “Vēstules uz bruģa.” The ensemble also was invited to perform at the opening of the choir concert as part of the 2008 Latvian Song and Dance Festival. It has performed not just in all corners of Latvia, but at festivals at Lithuania, Estonia, Poland and even in Beijing, China.

Bagpipes in the ensemble are performed by Kaspars Bārbals, Leanne Barbo, Gatis Indrēvics, Māris Jēkabsons, Edgars Kārklis and Normunds Vaivads. Drummers include Mikus Čavarts, Edgars Krūmiņš and Kaspars Indrēvics. The bagpipes and drums are supplemented by the trough fiddle (ģīga) played by Gatis Valters.

The CD also features essays in Latvian (with English translation) on each of the songs by Latvian writer Laima Muktupāvela, who some may know from her book, Brālibrāli, about the distinguished twin Latvian choir conductors Gido and Imants Kokars.

Auļi will play as part of the dance performance “No zobena saule lēca” at the Ķīpsala Hall in Rīga from Nov. 18-20. The event will feature more than 1,000 performers.

The album features the following songs:

  1. Diņķis
  2. Ozols
  3. Dieva dēli
  4. Zemzeme
  5. Karotājs
  6. Krustukursti
  7. Naidnieks
  8. Dzīvais ūdens
  9. Senā zeme
  10. Tāltālu
  11. Brammanis
  12. Austras koks

For more information on the band, visit

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The third album released by the drum and bagpipe band Auļi is called Etnotranss.

Egils Kaljo is an American-born Latvian from the New York area . Kaljo began listening to Latvian music as soon as he was able to put a record on a record player, and still has old Bellacord 78 rpm records lying around somewhere.