Diverse group of singers on Auļi sixth album each display unique native style

Venerable Latvian drum and bagpipe ensemble Auļi have, for almost two decades now, entertained listeners with their powerful and energetic performances. Though mostly performing instrumental arrangements inspired by Latvian folk songs and folklore, the group often collaborates with vocalists to add an additional dimension to their already layered instrumentation.

Expanding the scope of their collaboration rather dramatically, Auļi released their sixth album – Senču balsis (or Voices of the Ancients) in 2019, which features a varied group of singers performing vocals in their own, native style. Guest vocalists include Batzorig Vaanchig from Mongolia, Kai Somby from Norway, Edgars Lipors from Latvia and Albin Paulus from Austria. Highlighting the distinctive vocal talents of each singer, Senču balsis proves to be one of the most diverse Auļi albums yet, displaying the various ways the human voice can be used to sing.

Batzorig Vaanchig performs in the khoomei or ‘throat singing’ style, and also writes his own songs, such as ‘Hunnu guren’, a war song about the Hun Empire. Vaanchig’s khoomei singing, which sounds like a deep growl, but still rhythmic and melodic, fused together with the driving drums and bagpipes of Auļi, creates, gives a cinematic quality to this song about the Hun army setting forth to conquer Asia. Vaanchig also lends his talents to ‘Chinggis Khaan’ (also known as Genghis Khan), an ode to the Mongolian ruler of the 13th century. This epic tale, which also features Vaanchig performing the morin khuur, a traditional Mongolian stringed instrument, creates a music tribute to the fearsome (and often brutal) conqueror.

As a somewhat jarring contrast to Mongolian throat singing, Albin Paulus, an accomplished yodeler, provides a rousing performance of the Austrian folksong ‘Almerlied Huidirdio’, a song about churning butter and then bringing it to market. The joyous song, which concludes on the positive note of making a lot of money at market, displays not just Paulus’ talents, but also the seamless flow between Auļi and this traditional Alpine vocal style. Paulus is also a songwriter, and one of his original works, the rapid and almost frenetic ‘Maijodler’, features him rapidly yodeling over the pulsating beat of Auļi.

Representing the Sami joik singing tradition, Kai Somby sings in a dramatic, wordless manner on songs like ‘Orbina’. Joiking is described as ‘an expression of a person’s feelings without words’, and this becomes clear on the weighty, fateful ‘Orbina’ (or ‘Orphan’), a traditional Sami joik, with the drums and bagpipes of Auļi accenting the tragic sadness of the performance. Somby also performs on the brief, yet expansive ‘Eallin’ (or ‘Life’), which, as the title indicates, is a joik about all the stages of a person’s life, from birth to old age. Though it has a subdued beginning, the sections of the joik are bridged with pounding, almost sudden interludes by Auļi.

The Latvian singing style is represented by Edgars Lipors, who is also known from his work with the men’s folk group Vilki. Lipors has spent most of his life immersed in Latvian folk songs and folklore, and his deep reverence and appreciation for the music can be heard on songs like ‘Bērītim, kumeļam’, a wedding song which also features all the other guest vocalists on the album, creating a memorable and fascinating pastiche of the varied singing styles. The incantation ‘Dzelzs vārdi’, a song about preparing for war, provides for a memorable conclusion to this collection.

The CD booklet has extensive details on not just all the guest singers but also notes on each individual’s singing styles as well. It also notes that Auļi journeyed to the homelands of all the vocalists, to ensure an authentic and immersive listening experience. Bringing together varied singing styles, with the drums and bagpipes of Auļi providing the foundation, Senču balsis creates a vivid musical journey.

For further information, please visit the Auļi website.

Senču balsis


Lauska, CD090, 2019

Track listing:

  1. Bērītim, kumeļam
  2. Hunnu guren
  3. Almerlied Huidirdio
  4. Orbina
  5. Tēva bites
  6. Tavan Hasag
  7. Auerhahnjodler
  8. Uhcavieljaš
  9. Chinggis Khaan
  10. Maijodler
  11. Eallin
  12. Dzelzs vārdi

Egils Kaljo is an American-born Latvian from the New York area . Kaljo began listening to Latvian music as soon as he was able to put a record on a record player, and still has old Bellacord 78 rpm records lying around somewhere.

Lyrical power of cello highlighted by talented Latvian cellist Gunta Ābele

The cello, with its rich, melancholic sound and tones, has long been a beloved instrument among musicians and listeners. Adapting through the centuries to varied styles and environments – from Johann Sebastian Bach’s cello suites in the 18th century, to more recent arrangements of rock songs by groups like Apocalyptica and Latvia’s Melo-M, the sound of the cello has always been timeless.

The cello has also inspired many composers, and the cello repertoire has a particularly rich array of solo compositions. To present a few selections from this repertoire, notable Latvian cellist Gunta Ābele recorded an album of three solo cello works. Entitled Magnificello, the album was released by the Latvian national record label Skani in 2019.

Ābele’s album is truly a solo album – the three works included, by Hungarian composer Zoltán Kodály, Latvian Pēteris Vasks, and Catalan Gaspar Cassadó, are for solo cello – no other instrument is to be heard on these recordings. Such is the magic of the cello, that even when performed solo, the sounds and images conjured by the performances by Ābele would make any other instrument superfluous.

Kodály’s work Sonata for Solo Cello op. 8, composed in 1915, unites both classical elements as well as Hungarian folk songs and dances. The majestic first movement, which makes dramatic tonal leaps, also has a mysterious element to it, with quick bursts of melody followed by subdued, somber sounds, all the while being dramatic and expressive. The slower second movement, with its long, mournful tones, brings forth a darker mood, perhaps influenced by the upheaval in Europe at that time. The third movement, perhaps the most overtly Hungarian of the three, is an almost frenetic dance, and Ābele’s performance is both energetic and nuanced.

In the Latvian repertoire, Pēteris Vasks’ “Grāmata” (or “Book”) for cello is a well known and beloved entry. Its two movements, being polar opposites (the first movement being fortissimo and the second being pianissimo), reveal a kind of duality, a kind of balance that only the sound of the cello could provide. Due to the work being so popular (it has been recorded many times by cellists around the world), it is a particular challenge to have one’s performance stand out, but Ābele is certainly up for it. From its tense, almost screaming beginnings, the first movement is at times tense, other times almost terrifying. Though composed in 1978, long before any faint hopes for Latvian freedom from Soviet occupation could be felt, Vasks perhaps expresses the pain and suffering of the oppressive regime in his music. The second movement, resigned and disconsolate, seems to project little hope or positivity. The cello is enhanced by Ābele singing a soft, wordless melody, giving the work an eerie, ghostly quality. Ābele’s performance of this work is both memorable and moving, confirming again why this is one of Vasks’ most affecting and poignant works.

Cassadó’s three movement Suite for Solo Cello, composed in the mid-1920s, a golden age of Spanish culture (the era of Dalí and Lorca, among many others), also synthesizes various cultural elements. Beginning with the Preludio-Fantasia, which seems to call to J. S. Bach’s Cello Suites, though also imbued with more modern elements, which then leads into the joyous dance of the second movement – Sardana. The suite concludes with the melodic Intermezzo e Danza Finale, an almost playful and festive performance, allowing Ābele to display her abilities in interpreting a multi-faceted work like this.

The three distinctive, 20th century cello works on Magnificello highlight Gunta Ābele’s skill and talent with the solo cello repertoire in its many diferent forms. All three of the works, expressive and multi-layered in their own distinctive ways, confirm not just Ābele’s abilities, but also the versatility and lyrical power of the cello.

For further information, please visit Gunta Ābele’s website and the Skani website.


Gunta Ābele

LMIC/SKANI 073, 2019

Track listing:


Sonata for Solo Cello op. 8 (1915)

1. Allegro maestoso ma appassionato

2. Adagio (con grand’ espressione)

3. Allegro molto vivace


Grāmata čellam (1978)

(“The Book” for Solo Cello)

4. Fortissimo

5. Pianissimo


Suite for Solo Cello

6. Preludio-Fantasia

7. Sardana

8. Intermezzo e Danza Finale

Egils Kaljo is an American-born Latvian from the New York area . Kaljo began listening to Latvian music as soon as he was able to put a record on a record player, and still has old Bellacord 78 rpm records lying around somewhere.

Daugavas Vanagiem jauna vadība

Ir pagājuši 75. gadi kopš Zedelgemas gūstekņu nometnē 1945. gada 28. decembrī tika dibināta Daugavas Vanagu (DV) organizācija. 2020. gada decembrī tā laika DV priekšnieks Gunārs Spodris pasludināja 2021. gadu par jubilejas gadu.

Dzimusi Beļģijā, DV tagad ir pasaules mēroga organizācija, pārstāvēta arī Diasporas konsultatīvā padomē pie Ārlietu ministrijas. Daugavas Vanagu Centrālās valdes loma ir pārstāvēt un koordinēt DV darbību visā pasaulē. Tās sastāvā ir locekļi no sekojošām DV zemēm: ASV (Andris Kursietis un Līga Nutere), Kanadas (Gunta Reynolds), Austrālijas (Jānis Kārkliņš), Latvijas (Andrejs Mežmalis) un Lielbritānijas. Tās mērķi ir apvienot latviešu tautas kopību, kā arī sniegt palīdzību, piemēram, bijušajiem leģionāriem, daudzbērnu ģimenēm un audžu ģimenēm.  

Ar  2021. gada pirmo janvāŗi amatā stājusies jauna Daugavas Vanagu vadība: DV priekšnieks (Aivars Sinka), DV vanadžu priekšniece (Ināra Sīkais) un jauns DV CV prezidijs (kasiere: Asja Ramate, sekretārs: Pēteris Pētersons). Prezidijam pievienojās arī divi referenti: Mārtiņš Dāle un Egons Piķelis.

Darbs ir iesācies jaunā stilā, izmantojot attālināto konferenču tehnoloģijas, lai tikšanās starp locekļiem un kontinentiem varētu būt tieša un regulāra. Centrālā valde tiksies uz sēdēm vismaz četras reizes gadā: vienu reizi gadskārtējā klātienes sēdē un attālināti trīs reizes.

Pirmās prezidija un valdes sēdes jau notikušas. DV CV sēde 17./18. janvārī vienoja trīs kontinentus un sešas dažādas laika zonas! Pirmajā sēdē ar balsojumu apstiprināja jaunus DV priekšnieka vietniekus: 1.vietnieks Andris Kursietis, 2.vietniece Gunta Reynolds. Sēdē bija iespēja visiem locekļiem iepazīties, kā arī iezīmēt jauno darbības stilu un mērķus. Valdes locekļi arī ieteica vairākas izmaiņas organizācijas darbības noteikumos.

Liels izaicinājums šajā jubilejas gadā būs jaunā muzeja iekārtošana Lestenē, kas būs veltīts latviešu leģionāru piemiņai. Prezidijs arī uzņēmies sadarboties cieši ar Nameja Fondu, kas atbalsta Nacionālo Bruņoto Spēku veterānus un viņu ģimenes.

Ilgus gadus veiktais  aprūpes darbs arī būs jāturpina. 2020. gadā atbalsts leģionāriem sasniedza 21 793 eiro. Leģionāriem un viņu atraitnēm izsniegti medikamenti 40 883 eiro vērtībā. Daudzbērnu ģimenēm sniegta palīdzība 23 880 eiro vērtībā un audžu ģimenēm 15 724 eiro. Tas nebūtu bijis iespējami bez iepriekšējā prezidija gādības, DV CV Pārstāvniecības vadītājas Annas Šņuciņas lielā darba un ziedotāju devuma no visām DV zemēm – paldies!

Nākamā Centrālās valdes sēde jau paredzēta aprīlī. Ir vēl cerība, ka septembrī vai oktobrī sēde varētu arī notikt klātienē Latvijā, ja ar pandēmiju saistītie  apstākļi uzlabosies.

Saņemt informāciju, uzdot jautājumus, sniegt ierosinājumus vai kā citādi izteikt vēlmi palīdzēt varat sazinoties ar DV CV prezidju sekojošā e-pasta adresē: dvcv.p@inbox.lv.

Daugavas Vanagi, sasauksimies!

Pievienotā attēlā redzam jauno DVCV valdi savā pirmā Zoom valdes sēdē:

Augšējā rindā no kreisās puses: Asja Ramate (LV), Pēteris Pētersons (AK), Aivars Sinka (DVCV priekšsēdis – LV/AK) un Andris Kursietis (ASV). Vidējā rindā no kreisās puses: Andrejs Mežmalis (LV), Jānis Kārkliņš (Aus), Līga Nutere (ASV), Inara Sīkais (Aus). Zemākā rindā no kreisās puses: Mārtiņš Dāle (LV), Egons Piķelis (LV), Gunta Reynolds (Kan).


Pēteris Pētersons ir Daugavas Vanagu Centrālās Valdes sekretārs