The ‘scandal’ of a Latvian minister in Australia

It is rare for Australia to be mentioned in Latvian political despatches: as in most of the world, news from Australia usually only covers bushfires, floods, sharks or crocodiles.

Yet over this Christmas-New Year period, considerable political passion was spent on Latvia’s Minister for Culture, Žanete Jaunzeme-Grende’s visit to Australia. She was in Adelaide to attend the biennial Latvian Cultural Festival and other cultural events and was accompanied by her husband, spending 10 days in the country. Yet the political storm this created reveals a still nasty underside to Latvian politics and more generally social attitudes there.

Why was she there? Why had she chosen to go to Australia in their summer? With her husband – who paid for his ticket? How much was her airfare? Who knew or did not know about her trip? She changed from one hotel to another, closer to the beach! How much did the overtaxed Latvian taxpayer have to fork out for her junket?

Jaunzeme-Grende is from the National Alliance political grouping, and was made Minister for Culture when in coalition negotiations the Alliance was given this portfolio. She is not a professional politician, and has in fact an unusual background for this Ministry – such a position is very prominent and important in Latvia, and has usually been held by people closely associated with the cultural field. Jaunzeme-Grende has a business background, run her own successful risk management firm, and has headed several business organisations.

People in the culture industry in Latvia thus generally do not see her as one of “us”, but she has her own articulate view of cultural priorities: she sees that Latvia produces excellent cultural products, but these need to be publicised, sold and marketed to the world; yet given the long-standing fiscal crisis in Latvia and its slow recovery, resources for culture and the arts had diminished. Latvia has significant cultural events coming up – the notable Song and Dance Festival in July this year, and Riga will be one of Europe’s cultural capitals next year; the much fought-over National Library will also be completed then. And as the economy recovers, these cultural items are important for the Latvian economy and for its profile and brand.

As can be imagined, Jaunzeme-Grende may have people who do not wish her well from within the cultural community, and indeed they were notable in their lack of support for her when trouble brewed. Her visit, which had not received any attention before it happened, was picked up by journalists and the active political scandal sheet

For some reason President Andris Bērziņš, who has little connection with the Minister’s day-to-day affairs, stepped into this, stating he could not understand the reason for the Minister’s trip to Australia, it did not appear useful and did not see it as an effective way of keeping in contact with Latvians overseas. Indeed, he pointed to his own more effective way: in the previous year he had met, in Latvia, with a number of the Honorary Consuls of Latvia in Australia (several states in Australia have such positions) and felt from that meeting he had all the understanding he needed of Latvians in Australia and their situation. Now, Bērziņš has a terrible record in relation to the Latvian diaspora: he is best known there for his comment that the next Director of Latvia’s security service, currently the ex-British Latvian Jānis Kažociņš who is not seeking renomination, should be a “Latvian from Latvia”. His comments were widely criticised and interpreted as wanting a more political ‘insider’ and less independent candidate for the job. His address to the diaspora on Latvian National Day on November 18 was almost incoherent, stodgy, totally uninspiring; it is not clear whether this was poor rehearsal, or indicates growing personal feebleness.

Yet the President’s effort did not end there. The Mebourne-based Latvian online newspaper contacted the President’s office to ask if his comments meant that he would never himself envisage travelling to Australia as President to meet Latvians there? They received a classic back-flip – No, of course the President would be pleased to visit if circumstances permitted, it was important to keep up relations with the diaspora etc. We have problems with our President.

An equally poorly-briefed Prime Minister, Valdis Dombrovskis, looked serious in his doorstop interview, commenting darkly that this was the first time any ministerial visit during his government had raised concern, and said he would investigate the matter. Now, either of these two leaders could have easily stopped the supposed scandal as soon as it had begun, all they needed to say was that the Minister was doing her job. Dombrovskis, an economic technocrat who has done well in the eyes of this commentator to guide Latvia through its financial crisis, unfortunately seems to be completely inarticulate in fields outside economics; yet culture, education (where Dombrovskis also has not supported the Minister with this portfolio), welfare, social integration and having a vision for Latvia’s future are now urgent matters, and demand leadership. Are we beginning to have a problem with our Prime Minister too?

Unfortunately, Jaunzeme-Grende did not endear herself on her return to Latvia – shocked by the allegations, she responded emotionally, and in relation to a very vitriolic campaign against her in the social media and some newspapers who had themselves generated the ‘scandal’, in one interview she quoted Coco Chanel’s aphorism “I don’t care what you think about me. I don’t think about you at all” – and later needed to retreat and apologise for this.

As it came out in the wash, all the allegations of ministerial wrongdoing were without foundation. Her husband paid for his trip himself, she participated exhaustively in the cultural activities in Adelaide, the visit was perfectly in line with government policy – visiting the diaspora is often done by leaders including the President and Prime Minister, and the government is also finally showing increasing concern about the number of people who have left Latvia to find work in other countries, often carrying with them very negative attitudes towards the Latvian state. And yet, Jaunzeme-Grende is still being pursued: she has been reported to the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB), but one of the grounds for this appears extraordinary: that she did not ask for compensation from her husband for his share of accommodation in Adelaide, even though the hotels charge exactly the same price whether one person or two persons occupy the room!

We still face a political culture where scandal can be raised at any time, where because of the suspicion of corruption exaggerated details are seen as major wrongdoing, where Ministers are often left to hang, and where Latvia’s leaders show poor judgement on who to support and for what reason.

Latvia’s concentric circles of foreign policy interests

A cursory look at Latvia’s National Development Plan 2014-2020 would suggest that foreign policy seems to play a very small role in Latvia’s future. The Foreign Ministry is solely responsible for only one section and that primarily deals with strengthening Latvia’s political and economic interests abroad.

However, each ministry is assigned a “Territory of Responsibility”. Here the Foreign Ministry takes on enormous importance, because its sphere of operation is designated as “The Whole World”.

Clearly, Latvia’s foreign service cannot embrace the entire world, so it is natural to divide that world into regions of priority. For the purposes of the Latvian Parliament’s annual Foreign Policy Debates, I’ve chosen to isolate those priorities by segmenting Latvia’s foreign policy world into concentric circles of interest. I have identified six such circles.

The first and closest circle includes our immediate neighbours: Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus and Russia. While relations with all these countries are important economically, they are much more complex and diverse politically. They will remain a top priority in 2013. 

The second circle is slightly larger, and includes the Baltic Sea region and the Nordic countries. Here we continue to develop good ties in such multi-lateral formats as NB8, the Nordic-Baltic Council and the Council of Baltic Sea States. This year Latvia hosts the Baltic Development Forum and in 2015 during our Presidency of the European Union, we plan to organize a special forum on the EU’s Baltic Sea Strategy.

But in 2013 most of our attention will be focused on the third circle, where I have placed the European Union and NATO.  Both organizations expand our areas of direct foreign engagement, although at the moment the greatest challenges lie in the EU itself, and our place in it. As always, our strategic partnership with the United States anchors our commitment to the transatlantic relationship.

This third circle also reveals the geographic direction of our interest in the fourth circle:  the EU’s Eastern Partnership. Cooperating with and supporting such eastern neighbours as Georgia, Ukraine, and Moldova has always been a priority for Latvia. Direct person-to-person ties in these countries dating back to pre-independence periods has enabled Latvia to make robust use of Cooperative Development programs, which need to be expanded. Latvia also plans to host an Eastern Partnership Summit during our EU Presidency in 2015.

History, economic interests, and Latvia’s foreign policy priorities also determine the geographic direction of our sphere of interest in the next, fifth circle – Central Asia and Afghanistan. Latvia’s embassies in Uzbekistan and Kazahkstan have been extremely successful as contact embassies for NATO, and have developed a special expertise and respect in the entire region. This needs to be expanded.

Latvia’s role in the NATO ISAF mission in Afghanistan has produced a unique opportunity for long-term economic development as well. Working together with the US, Russia, NATO and regional countries, Latvia plays a key role in the Northern Distribution Network – the transport corridor for shipping NATO ISAF supplies from Latvia to Afghanistan. This has enormous future potential, for the moment that this network becomes a commercial transhipment corridor and connects to the planned New Silk Road, the door will open for Latvia’s road to the sixth and last circle, the Far East.

If until now such countries as China, Japan, Korea and India didn’t seem within reach of Latvia’s foreign policy grasp, then today they are very palpable. China and Japan have very active embassies in Riga and soon will be joined by South Korea. These countries are part of one of the most dynamic and rapidly growing regions in the world, and are looking with growing interest at Latvia’s strategic location in Northern Europe. The time has come to focus much more attention to this region, and determine how economic and political developments there can be aligned with Latvia’s long-term national interests. While some commentators have made much of the United States’ ‘pivot’ to Asia, it’s only natural that Europe does the same. Thanks to Latvia’s eastward tangent through the six circles of foreign engagement, this once distant region of the world is the logical next step in the long-term expansion of our international diplomacy.

Last year, the Latvian Foreign Ministry took a bold (and necessary) step in providing the framework for Latvia’s ‘pivot to the Far East’.  It established an ‘External economic policy coordinating council’, which brings together the Foreign, Economic, Transportation and Agricultural ministries, as well as other state institutions.  This institutional model of cooperation is ideally suited to review and analyse just how Latvia’s economic interests, geostrategic location and existing logistical and transportation links to the east can be further developed to promote our national interests. Suddenly, the Far East no longer seems so far.

Latvia cannot embrace the world, but thinking strategically about our potential long-term interests in specific geographic directions and regions, Latvia’s foreign policy can play an essential role in promoting our national interests. We are moving in the right direction. But we must move faster, further and with a greater understanding of Latvia’s unique place in a globalized world. 

(This article is based on remarks made on January 24, 2013 during the Latvian Parliament’s annual debates on foreign policy.)

Vai dzīve ārpus Latvijas nozīmē aizbraukšanu?

Visi latvieši kā viens ir laimes meklētāji, un katrs latvietis kādreiz savā dzīvē kļūst par “Sprīdīti”. Protams, kā kurš: daži paceļo pa Latviju, daži pa Baltiju, citi pa Eiropu un daži sadūšojas, un aizceļo pat vēl tālāk. Bet ne visi atgriežas no šiem laimes meklējumiem. Šeit arī rodas problēmas; dažādais skatījums par to, vai patiešām ir vajadzīgs aizbraukt un vai tad dzimtene nespēj dot tās cilvēkiem nepieciešamo. Šis veicina konfliktus ģimenēs, starp draugiem, politiķu vidū un valsts lokā, radot plaisas tautā.

Neviens jau neapgalvo, ka doties meklēt laimi, braukt un ceļot ir slikti, bet daudzi no šiem Sprīdīšiem neatgriežas un cilvēki šo uzskata par laika tērēšanu un dzīves atlikšanu un pat par Tēvzemes apvainošanu kādos ekstrēmākos gadījumos, jo Sprīdīša moto bija, ka nekur nav tik labi kā mājās. Tomēr iespējams, ka ne katrs ir Sprīdītis un moto” nekur nav tik labi kā mājās” ne vienmēr attiecas uz visiem. Ja tu izbrauc no Latvijas, vai tas tik tiešām nozīmē, ka tu arī aizbrauc un tu esi sarāvis visas saites ar Latviju?

Mans personīgais viedoklis par to, vai dzīve ārpus Latvijas nozīmē aizbraukšanu ir – nē tas to nenozīmē. Pati esmu aizbraucēja, tādēļ vēlos sacīt, ka neesmu pametusi savu Tēvzemi uz visiem laikiem, un gribētos domāt, ticēt, ka kādreiz dzīvē arī atgriezīšos Latvijā. Pārsvarā visi letiņi, ko pazīstu, kuri ir aizbraukuši vai arī plāno aizbraukt, ir vienādās domās ar mani – kādreiz būs jāatgriežas Latvijā. Kaut arī vairums no šiem aizbraucējiem vēlas atgriezties Latvijā, tas ne vienmēr nozīmē uz palikšanu, bet uz kādu laiciņu. Pati es nezinu, vai es vēlētos pārvākties pavisam uz Latviju. Vēlreiz sākt visu no sākuma būtu atkal grūti un maniem vecākiem neiespējami dažādu apstākļu dēļ. Pat, ja patstāvīga dzīve Latvijā manai ģimenei kopā nav iespējama, tas nenozīmē, ka mēs esam aizbraukuši pavisam. Četrus gadus dzīvojot ārpus “mājām”, tu patiešām saproti, kāpēc tu mīli šo zemi un kāpēc tev tā trūkst katru dienu. Galu galā tur ir mani radi, draugi, atmiņas, tā teikt, vecā dzīve. Šī tēma ir ļoti smaga visiem, kur ir kaut kādā veidā saistīti ar aizbraukšanu un dzīvi ārpus Latvijas, jo dzīve par pagriezties pa 180 ° jebkurå dienā un tu to vari apjēgt tikai pēc kāda laiciņa. Piemēram, vienā dienā tavi vecāki var paprasīt, vai tu nevēlies pārvākties uz kādu ļoti attālu vietu un neapjēdzot, ko tas īsti nozīmē, tu pasaki jā. Tad, kad tu saskaries ar kultūras šoku, tikai tad tu sāc apjēgt, ko tas īsti nozīmē – dzīves ārpus savas dzimtenes.

Kā jau minēju, daudziem cilvēkiem, kuri ir saistīti ar dzīvi ārpus Latvijas, kā arī aizbraucējiem, šis jautājums par dzīvi ārpus Latvijas ir ļoti smags un tuvu pie sirds. Neiesaistītie cilvēki, kuri nevēlas aizbraukt un redz aizbraukšanu kā Tēvijas nodošanu, ne vienmēr saprot iemeslus, kāpēc cilvēki aizbrauc, un bieži šie aizbraucēji nav uzklausīti. Diezgan ironiski, ka demokrātiskā valstī cilvēku viedokļi ir apspiesti un neuzklausīti. No citu atbraucēju stāstiem var skaidri noprast to, ka tu vari censties paskaidrot savus iemeslus aizbraukšanai, bet nebūs kāds, kurš uzklausīs tavus iemeslus un spēs saprast tavu rīcību. Pēc aizbraucēju un medijos ziņotām sūdzībām var noprast, ka šie iemesli tiks tikai nosviesti zemē. Lieliem Latvijas patriotiem ir grūti saprast, ka ne vienmēr cilvēki ir apstākļu spiesti. Ir daudzi faktori, kas ietekmē šos aizbraucējus. Kā piemēram: mācību līmenis citās valstīs ir augstāks, darba trūkums, aukstā ziema, daudzo cilvēku augstprātība un spēcīgie viedokļi, izmaksas u.t.t. Ne visi cilvēki spēj dzīvot šādos apstākļos , kur nu vēl izsisties. Šiem neiesaistītiem cilvēkiem liekas, ja viņi var sadzīvot ar šiem ne tik nozīmīgajiem faktoriem, tad jebkurš cits var. Bet ļoti iespējams, ka šie aizbraucēji vēlas labāku nākotni sev un savai ģimenei.

Valss dažreiz nodara pāri tās iedzīvotājiem un daudzi cilvēki to ārzemēs neapzinās. Savstarpējās sarunās var saprast, ka ārzemēs dzīvojušajiem latviešiem, kuri vairs nav dzimuši Latvijā, ir ļoti noslēgts un pozitīvs, un dažreiz pat maldinošs skats uz Latviju. Ja kāds no Latvijas pārvācās prom no dzimtenes, šiem ārzemju latviešiem šķiet dīvaini, un viņi nevar saprast, kāpēc ir jābrauc prom no tik skaistas vietas, jo taču nekas nav labāks par mājām, pie tam ja tās vēl ir tik skaistas. Ārzemēs tās sliktās lietas, kas norisinās ir mazāk vai vairāk apslēptas, lai nākošās paaudzes vēlētos turpināt uzturēt savu latvietību un aizbraukt uz Latviju un redzēt, no kurienes nāk viņu senči, un varbūt pat pārvākties uz dzīvi Latvijā bez aizspriedumiem, kur var rasties, dzirdot negatīvas un pesimistiskas lietas. Dzīvojot aktīvā latviešu sabiedrībā, kurā šķiet, ka visi tevi pieņem, bet tomēr neīsti līdz galam saprot, ir interesanti dzirdēt dažādus viedokļus par zemi, kurā esi dzimis un uzaudzis. Iepriekš minēto iemeslu dēļ atbraucējs, nevar un nedrīkst teikt neko sliktu par savu tēvzemi, kur nu vēl, ka tā ir nodarījusi kādam pāri. Un, protams, ka ideāla Latvija, kas ir radīta latviešu kopienā spēj piesaistīt iebraucēju ar saviem ideāliem un latviskuma kvalitāti.

Uz to brīdi, kad šie cilvēki aizbrauc, viņi ir uzskatāmi par aizbraucēiem, jo viņiem nav atgriešanās biļetes. Katram cilvēkam bērnības mājas ir tuvas un svarīgas, lai arī kādas tās būtu, tāpec visus atvelk atpakaļ. Ja ne uz visu dzīvi un uzreiz, tad vismaz uz kādu laiku noteikti. Tu esi aizbraucējs un tu nevēlēsies atgriezties atpakaļ uzreiz pēc tam, kad esi pametis vai izbraucis no tās zemes, jo aizbraukšanaā ir ieguldīts liels darbs un pūles. Ir ļoti daudzi cilvēki aizbraukšanas procesā, kas saka, ka tev tas, ko esi iecerējis neizdosies un tev nāksies atgriezties atpakaļ, jo būs par grūtu. Kā jau katrs stūrgalvīgs latvietis, centīsies visiem cilvēkiem pierādīt pretēji. Tad, kad viela, tā teikt, nosēžas un ir radies stabils pamats palikšanai ārzemēs, tad cilvēki sāk apsvērt idejas par to, kā būtu, ja es šobrīd būtu mājās. Pēc tam, kad ir nostiprinātas šīs saknes cilvēks atkal ir gatavs pārmaiņām, jo ir iespēja, ja gadījumā kas aiziet ne tā, kā vēlējies, atgriezties pie vecā. Letiņi, kuri izbrauc no Latvijas bez atpakaļ biļetes, vienmēr kaut kur savā prātā domā par to, kā varētu šo atgriešanās biļeti iegūt.

Lai arī kāda ir dzimtene un lai arī kādi ir bijuši iemesli aizbraukšanai, kādreiz dzīvē jebkurš latvietis atgriezīsies savā Tēvzemē. Nav iespējams neinteresēties par to, no kurienes tavi raduraksti ir nākuši, pat varētu teikt, kur tava nākotne ir sākusies. Pat aizbraucēji, kuri ikdienas dzīvē ir ļoti aizņemti un noslogoti ar savu patreizējo dzīvi, katru dienu ir kopā ar Latviju, pat ja tas nav fiziski. Vienalga, kādi iemesli ir bijuši aizbraukšanai – valsts nespēja kaut ko nodrošināt vai vienkārši laimes meklējumi – latvietis būs latvietis, un latvietis mūžam arī paliks tāds.

Šo domrakstu laikā no 2013. gada 2. līdz 19. janvārim radīja Annas Ziedares Vasaras vidusskolas 5. klases audzēkne Šarlote Jakse skolotāja Kārļa Rokpeļņa vadībā.