Nelsons named music director of Boston Symphony Orchestra

Andris Nelsons, who has led the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra in the United Kingdom since 2008, has been appointed the new music director of the Boston Symphony Orchestra.

The Latvian-born Nelsons, 34, will be the youngest music director of the Boston symphony in more than 100 years, according to a May 16 press release announcing the appointment.

“Sought after by the top orchestras and opera houses of the world, Maestro Nelsons, at age 34, is already considered one of the most brilliant conductors of our time,” said Ted Kelly, chairman of the Boston symphony’s board of trustees.

Nelsons was born in Rīga in 1978 into a family of musicians, according to the press release. Before studying conducting, Nelsons played trumpet in the Latvian National Opera Orchestra. From 2003-2007 he was the music director of the Latvian National Opera and from 2006-2009 conducted the Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie in Herford, Germany. Nelsons is married to Latvian opera star Kristīne Opolais.

Nelsons first conducted the Boston Symphony Orchestra in March 2011 in a concert at Carnegie Hall in New York. He will be the 15th music director in the orchestra’s history.

“Each time I have worked with the BSO I have been inspired by how effectively it gets to the heart of the music, always leaving its audience with a great wealth of emotions,” Nelsons said in the press release. “So it is with great joy that I truly look forward to joining this wonderful musical family and getting to know the beautiful city of Boston and the community that so clearly loves its great orchestra.”

Through this summer, Nelsons will be the music director-designate for the Boston orchestra. He will appear with the orchestra in a July 27 concert at Tanglewood, the orchestra’s summer home in Berkshire County in western Massachusetts. Nelsons’ first official concert after assuming his new role as music director of the orchestra will be Oct. 17-19.

Saeima approves dual citizenship

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Ilmārs Čaklais of the Unity (Vienotība) party confers with other MPs during the May 9 debates on amendments to the Citizenship Law. Čaklais led the Citizenship Law Amendments Subcommittee of the Legal Affairs Committee. (Photo by Reinis Inkēns, Saeima Chancellery)

After several hours of debate, the Latvian parliament on May 9 approved legislation that will allow dual citizenship for many individuals, including World War II-era exiles and their descendants.

The amendments to the Citizenship Law, which passed on a vote of 54-27, take effect Oct. 1.

The amendments also clarify the citizenship process for children born to non-citizens or to those born abroad to Latvian citizens. In addition, they spell out changes in the naturalization process.

Reworking the Citizenship Law became increasingly urgent in recent years as tens of thousands of Latvia’s citizens have emigrated since the country became a member of the European Union in 2004. Diaspora organizations have pressured Latvian politicians to deal with the question of dual citizenship.

The parliament faced 93 proposals to review as part of the final reading of the amendments. Debate arose around a number of proposals that dealt with dual citizenship and the granting of citizenship to children.

Almost immediately coalition and opposition MPs began sparring over a new section of the Citizenship Law that outlines the goals of the legislation, including the guarantee that ethnic Latvians and Livs may register as citizens.

Valērijs Agešins of the opposition party Harmony Centre (Saskaņas centrs) said the language moved Latvia closer to becoming an ethnic state that would ignore the interests of minorities. Harmony Centre’s base of support is largely within the Russian-speaking minority.

Ilma Čepāne of the Unity party (Vienotība) and head of the Legal Affairs Committee responded that Latvians and Livs are the core of the nation.

In a series of proposals that were turned down, Harmony Centre (Saskaņas centrs) also sought to broaden the countries with which Latvia would recognize dual citizenship.

Under the approved amendments, dual citizenship will be allowed for those Latvian citizens who have become citizens of member states of the European Union, the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the NATO defense alliance. In addition, thanks to lobbying by the World Federation of Free Latvians (Pasaules brīvo latviešu apvienība) and other diaspora organizations, dual citizenship also will be allowed with Australia, Brazil and New Zealand.

This did not sit well with Harmony Centre MPs, including Agešins.

“Only those Latvians who live in the right countries will be able to have dual citizenship,” Agešins said during floor debate.

Harmony Centre tried unsuccessfully to replace EFTA with either the Council of Europe or the World Trade Organization. Both organizations include Russia as a member state.

Boriss Cilēvics of Harmony Centre pushed MPs from the ruling coalition to name with which countries Latvia would not allow dual citizenship, while Nikolajs Kabanovs said that the desire to shut out Russia was a political effort aimed against his party.

The only point on which MPs seemed to agree was allowing exiles and their descendants to register as Latvian citizens. That proposal passed unanimously.

The section on exiles applies to persons who were citizens of Latvia on June 7, 1940, as well as their descendants who will have been born by Oct. 1, 2014. Exiles are those who left Latvia during the first Soviet occupation, during the Nazi occupation from 1941-1944, or during the second Soviet occupation up to May 4, 1990, the day the Latvian Supreme Council declared independence from the USSR. Exiles or the descendants who register as Latvian citizens also are allowed to have dual citizenship.

During floor debate, proponents of the legislation pointed out that the language on exiles applies to Latvians regardless of where they live.

Andris Straumanis is a special correspondent for and a co-founder of Latvians Online. From 2000–2012 he was editor of the website.

Latviešu valodas aģentūra piedāvā atbalstu ārzemju latviešu skolām

Latviešu valodas aģentūra (LVA) aicina diasporas nedēļas nogales skolas pieteikties 2013. gadā pieejamajam finansiālajam atbalstam no Izglītības un zinātnes ministrijas budžeta programmas „Valsts valodas politika un pārvalde”.

2013. gadā finansiālais atbalsts tiks sniegts vismaz 20 lielāko latviešu diasporas centru nedēļas nogales skolām, kā prioritāti izvirzot Īriju un Lielbritāniju. Tas uzskatāms par pilotprojektu diasporas nedēļas nogales skolu finansiālā atbalsta izveidei.

Visām Eiropas diasporas nedēļas nogales skolām, kas atbilst zemāk minētajiem kritērijiem un vēlas pieteikties finansiālā atbalsta saņemšanai, elektroniskā pieteikuma anketa – ir jāaizpilda līdz 2013. gada 20. maija plkst. 17.00 pēc Latvijas laika. Pirms anketas aizpildīšanas, lūdzu, vienojieties, kurš skolas pārstāvis to darīs, lai anketa netiktu aizpildīta vairakkārt. Atbildes iesakām sagatavot iepriekš un tad iekopēt anketā, jo pēc anketas iesniegšanas to vairs nebūs iespējams izlabot.

Finansējumam aicinātas pieteikties arī ASV, Kanādas, Austrālijas un Dienvidamerikas nedēļas nogales skolas, kuru turpmākās darbības nodrošināšanai ir nepieciešams finansiāls atbalsts, ko var apliecināt Pasaules Brīvo latviešu apvienība (PBLA).

Kritēriji diasporas nedēļas nogales skolām finansiālā atbalsta saņemšanai:

* skola darbojas jau vismaz 6 mēnešus, un to var apliecināt LVA, PBLA, ELA, Latviešu Nacionālā padome Lielbritānijā (LNPL) vai Īrijas Latviešu nacionālā padome (ĪLNP);

* skolas mērķis atbilst diasporas nedēļas nogales skolu koncepcijai – saglabāt un uzturēt latvisko identitāti, apgūstot latviešu valodu un kultūru;

* skolā darbojas vismaz 2 skolotāji, un vienam no tiem ir pedagoģiskā izglītība vai arī skolotājiem ir iespējams konsultēties ar kvalificētu pedagogu;

*skolu regulāri apmeklē vismaz 8 bērni vecumā līdz 18 gadiem;

* skola darbojas pēc vismaz 75 h mācību programmas (mācību programmā ietilpst arī skolas pasākumi; 1 stunda = 45 minūtes).

Pieteikumus vērtēs LVA izveidota komisija, kuras sastāvā būs LVA, ELA, PBLA, LNPL un ĪLNP pārstāvji. Par
komisijas pieņemto lēmumu finansējumam pieteikušās skolas tiks informētas līdz šī gada 1. jūnijam.

Aija Otomere ir Latviešu valodas aģentūras (LVA) diasporas projektu koordinatore.Pirms tam vadījusi Eiropas Trešo valstu valstspiederīgo integrācijas fonda 2010. gada programmas projekta aktivitāti „Valodas apguve plašsaziņas līdzekļos”