Bobsleigh Silver Ends Drought


Bobsled foursome, headed by Oskars Melbārdis. Foto: Romāns Kokšarovs, Sporta Avīze, f64

It was a long time coming but the Latvia’s 4-man bobsleigh crew consisting of 26 year old pilot Oskars Melbārdis and crew members Daumants Dreiškens (29), Jānis Strenga (28) and Arvis Vilkaste (24) brought home a silver on the last day of the Sochi Games. They finished behind Russia by 9/100th of a second. After a shaky 1st heat when they finished 5th, the crew nailed it on the second when they shot up to 2nd place and kept that position through the 3rd and 4th heats.

Twenty six years ago at the Calgary Olympics in 1988, a four man crew piloted by Zintis Ekmanis consisting of three Latvians and a Russian, and a two man crew piloted by Jānis Kipurs, brought home a gold and a bronze. Unfortunately the medals went to the Soviet Union. Four years earlier in Sarajevo, Zintis Ekmanis piloted a 2-man sled to a bronze.

When the Soviets decided to take up bobsleighing in 1980 they leveraged the luge tradition in Latvia and Latvians were front and centre in Soviet bobsleigh. There were high hopes that the medals would continue after Latvia regained independence. That was not to be the case. Bobsleighing is an expensive sport. Sleighs are high tech and cost over $100,000 each. Latvian bobsleighing struggled as the country transitioned to a free market economy where state funding had to be replaced by private sponsors.

The luge and skeleton are less expensive and Latvian athletes in those sports were able to eclipse the bobsleighers. But over the last few seasons, the bobsleighers were starting to podium on the World Cup circuit and they finally delivered on February 23 at Sochi.

Meanwhile Latvia’s second crew consisting of Oskars Kibermanis, Raivis Broks, Helvījs Lūsis and Vairis Leiboms finished 14th. Only twenty years old, pilot Kibermanis will be a future force in Latvian bobsleigh. Earlier in the week during the two-man bobsleigh competition, pilot Oskars Melbārdis and brakeman Daumants Dreiškens came in 5th while Kibermanis and Leiboms finished 16th.

Latvia’s flag bearer at the Sochi Olympics closing ceremonies is bobsleigher Daumants Dreiškens. He has been competing in bobsleigh since 2003 and was chosen by the Latvian Olympic Committee as an athlete who sets the example for others through his character, work ethic, perseverance and teamwork.

Perhaps the only black mark for Latvia at these Olympics was that hockey player Vitalijs Pavlovs tested positive in random doping tests conducted on four players from each team after every game. Ostensibly it was a food supplement. Pavlovs plays for Dinamo Riga in the KHL.

Top 10 finishes for Latvia included a 4th place finish by Tomass Dukurs in the skeleton just shy of a medal, a 5th in two-man bobsleigh, 9th place by Andrejs Rastorgujevs in the 12.5km biathlon pursuit, 10th place by Mārtiņš Rubenis in the luge and another 10th place by Oskars Gudromovičs and Pēteris Kalniņš in the men’s double luge. As a footnote, Latvia pocketed one of only three goals scored in hockey against Canada as the Canadians advanced and eventually won gold against Sweden.

With two silver and two bronze medals, this is Latvia’s best Winter Olympics showing topping the two medals picked up in 2010 at Vancouver. Latvia is proving to be a sliding power and along with Russia and the United States were the only countries with medals in all three disciplines, the bobsleigh, luge and skeleton.

Russia won the official medals standing where a gold counts more than a silver and a silver more than bronze. Norway came second and Canada third. The United States came second in the unofficial total number of medals count regardless of colour. Latvia placed a distant 23rd with 26 out of 89 countries at Sochi picking up medals.

But Latvia was the only one of the three Baltic countries to medal.

Epic David and Goliath Battle in Sochi


Latvian goaltender Gudlevskis and defencman Sotnieks keep Canada puck out. Photo: AFP/Scanpix

Latvia pulled off an upset at Sochi in men’s hockey on February 18 beating favoured Switzerland 3:1. That set up a David and Goliath battle the next day between Latvia and Canada.

Canada is loaded with NHL stars led by captain and superstar Sidney Crosby. They were expected to cruise by Latvia on their way to the semi-finals. In 15 previous outings against Canada dating back to 1936, Latvia lost all but one, some by huge margins. The exception was a tie back in 1997.

But the match at Sochi played out differently. Latvia gave Canadians watching back home from coast to coast a huge scare as their team barely made it past the upstarts with a late 2:1 victory.

Canada opened with a goal in the first period but Latvia evened the score with a long lead pass by Artūrs Kulda to Lauris Dārziņš who broke in on Canadian goaltender Carey Price to put it up in the top shelf.

It stayed that way until well into the third period with Latvia playing a physical and disciplined game. The defense and spectacular play by 21 year old Latvian goaltender and Tampa Bay Lightning prospect Kristers Gudļevskis shut out the Canadians.

By that point Canada was throwing everything they had and Latvia was hanging on weathering the storm. Just under seven minutes from the end, a shot from the point through traffic beat Gudļevskis on the short side.

Latvia had a couple of chances late in the game but in the end Canada survived and now moves on to the semi-finals against the United States. The Swedes take on the Finns in the other semi-final after Finland knocked out Russia earlier in the day.

The star of the Latvia – Canada game was goaltender Kristers Gudļevskis who stopped 55 of 57 shots. Latvia only had 16 against Canada. He became an instant hero. Media outlets across Canada marvelled at his play.

Ironically the head of the Canadian team at Sochi is Steve Yzerman. He is also the general manager at Tampa Bay. A good time for Gudļevskis to impress his boss sitting in the stands!

Zemgus Girgensons, Lauris Dārziņš, Jānis Sprukts, Artūrs Kulda, Oskars Bārtulis and Sandis Ozoliņš all had great games but everyone on the team deserves credit for coming through.

Canadian Ted Nolan, who is an experienced professional and junior coach as well as Latvia’s head coach, has also been a huge factor for Latvia at Sochi. Even though winless in the first three games they came close against higher ranked teams. According to Latvian players, Nolan believed in them and made them believe in themselves. Nolan who is also coach of the NHL’s Buffalo Sabres will be back as Latvia’s coach in this year’s IIHF World Championships in May.

Despite the loss, today’s game was a huge moral victory for Latvia. Taking Canada to the wire in hockey is like a lesser country almost defeating Brazil in the World Cup. And the PR this brings for Latvia … it’s something the Latvian government could never buy.

ALA stipendijas latviešu studentiem

Amerikas latviešu apvienības (ALA) Izglītības nozare vēlas atbalstīt latviešu studentus, kas studē ASV universitātēs. ALAs gādībā ir vairāki stipendiju fondi, kas domāti atbalstam latviešu studentiem dažādos studiju laukos. Aicinām studentus, kas aktīvi piedalās latviešu sabiedrībā, pieteikties stipendijām 2014./ 2015. studiju gadam.

Pagājuša pavasarī ALA piešķīra nepilnus $17,000 desmit latviešu studentiem. ALA arī atbalstīja divus studentus stipendiju darbos Latvijas okupācijas muzejā. Katram studentam piešķīra $2500, lai palīdzētu ar ceļa un uztura izdevumiem. Fondi no kuŗiem izmaksātas stipendijas, radušies iz latviešu labestības un gribas atbalstīt jaunus cilvēkus. Daudzie dažādie fondi dāvināti, lai tos izmantotu, atrodot atbilstošus kandidātus stipendijām.

ALAs Stipendiju fonds gaida pieteikumus no latviešu studentiem ASV. Vairāki stipendiju fondi atbalsta jebkkuŗu studiju lauku. Citi domāti specifiskām nozarēm. Studentiem, kas mācās paidagoģijas, teoloģijas, bioloģijas vai lingvistikas fakultātēs, ir nozīmētas naudas summas. Ir stipendiju fonds, paredzēts veterinārās medicīnas studijām. Un vēl – stipendiju fonds, paredzēts studentiem, kas mācās jūras zveju, latviešu vēsturi vai latviešu kultūru. Ir viens stipendiju fonds, nozīmēts kādam studentam/ei Latvijā, kas mācās lauksaimniecību, medicīnu, technoloģiju vai teoloģiju.

ALA atbalstīs arī divus studentus stipendiju darbos. Latvijas okupācijas muzejs (LOM) uzņems vienu studentu 2014. gada vasarā. Latvieši pasaulē muzejs un pētniecības centrs uzņēms otru studentu.  LOM darbs būs saistīts ar ekspozīcijām Raiņa bulvārī un Latviešu strēlnieku laukumā. LOM piedāvās arī izstādi ‘Stūra mājā’ 2014. gada vasarā. Latvieši pasaulē muzejam galvenais projekts bus „Latviešu koferis”, kas notiks ‘Stūra mājā’, kā daļa no Rīga 2014, Eiropas kultūras galvas pilsētas svinībām. Prakses darba ietvaros abos muzejos, stipendiāti strādās par gidiem un mācisies par muzeja krājumiem. Atkarībā no muzeju vajadzībām, stipendiāti palīdzēs ar dažādiem projektiem divu mēnešu garumā. Stipendiju darbiem aicinām pieteikties studentiem, kam interesē vēsture, muzeji un antropoloģija.

Jāpiemin arī, ka pagājušajā gadā ALA atbalstīja Gaŗezera un Kursas vasaras vidusskolu skolēnus ar stipendijam $16,000 vērtībā. Šovasar ALA atkal paredz piešķirt stipendijas GVV un Kursas skolēniem. Katru gadu ALA atbalsta arī skolēnus, kas piesakās „Sveika, Latvija!” ceļojumiem jūnijā un augustā.

Studentu stipendijām ir savi noteikumi. Studenti ir kvalificēti saņemt ALAs stipendiju, ja tie beiguši viena pilna akadēmiskā gada studijas universitātes vai koledžas līmenī un turpinās savas mācības kādā ASV universitātē vai koledžā bakalaura vai maģistra grāda iegūšanai. Studenti drīkst saņemt stipendiju ne vairāk kā trīs gadus. Studentiem no Latvijas jāparaksta solījums atgriezties Latvijā pēc studiju pabeigšanas, citādi piešķirtā stipendija jāatmaksā ALAi sešu mēnešu laikā. Visiem stipendiju saņēmējiem jābūt ALA biedriem.

Stipendiju pieprasījuma veidlapas atrodamas ALAs mājas lapā:, Izglītības nozares daļā.  Kandidātiem līdz 1. jūnijam pilnībā jāiesūta ALAs Izglītības nozarei: stipendijas pieteikuma lapa, divas atsauksmes vēstules no skolotāja vai darba devēja, kas liecina par studenta centību, un atzīmes (“transcript”) no augstskolas. Atgādinām, ka katra kandidāta atbildība ir gādāt, lai atsauksmju vēstuļu rakstītāji nogādā vajadzīgo ziņu līdz termiņa datumam. Pieņemsim tikai pilnībā iesniegtos pieteikumus!

Amerikas latviešu apvienības (ALAs) Stipendiju fonda noteikumi paredz stipendiju lūgumus izskatīt un uz tiem atbildēt reizi gadā, jūnijā.  Piešķirtās stipendijas izmaksā rudenī, kad saņemta stipendiāta skolas adrese un apliecinājums par studiju uzsākšanu.

Papildus stipendijām ALA piedāvā atbalstu diviem prakses darbiem: Latvijas Okupācijas muzejā (LOM) un Latvieši pasaule muzejā (LaPa).  LOM un LaPa katrs meklē vienu praktikantu, kas pavadītu 8 nedēļas jūlija un augusta mēnešos Rīgā. ALA no saviem līdzekļiem izmaksā praktikantam $2500 pabalstu tam laika periodam, kamēr students uzturas Latvijā. Ieinteresētiem studentiem jāizpilda pieteikšanās lapas, kas atrodamas:,  Izglītības nozares lapā līdz 30. martam. Pieteikšanās lapas un informācija atrodama arī ALJAs mājas lapā. Termiņš ir jāievēro, lai praktikants būtu gatavs stāties darbā jau jūlija mēnesī.

Ja ir kādi jautājumi, lūdzu, sūtiet tos e-pastā Andrai Zommerei, ALAs Stipendiju komisijas vadītājai: