Atvērts 2015.g. Latviešu fonda projektu konkurss

Latviešu Fonda parādīšanās laikraksta slejās decembra mēnesī kļuvusi par tradīciju. Parasti šis ir laiks, kad gada nogalē uz brīdi apstājamies, atskatamies uz paveikto un metam skatu nākotnē. Tad aši ievelkam elpu, lai uzsāktu nākamo maratonu, kas Fonda kalendārā saucas “konkursa cikls” un ilgst no janvāra līdz septembrim. Ja atskatamies uz 2014. gadā paveikto, varam būt lepni. Fonds veiksmīgi novadījis pirmo crowdfunding kampaņu, kuras rezultātā ieguvām papildus līdzekļus vairāku iesniegto projektu īstenošanai – piemēram, Skautu un gaidu Lielās nometnes albuma izdošanai, XI starptautisko latviešu jauno mūziķu meistarkursu organizēšanai Siguldā. Aigājušajā gadā Fondā iestājušies jauni dalībnieki un ar dāsniem ziedojumiem crowdfunding kampaņas ietvaros šī gada projektus atbalstījuši vecie dalībnieki un Fonda labvēļi. Bet pats galvenais – esam lepni par mūsu atbalstītajiem jaunajiem projektiem. Tam pamatā ir gan pieņemto projektu kvalitāte gan LF padomes locekļu saskaņotais darbs rūpīgi izvēloties labākos. Lai minam tikai dažus jaunos projektus – grāmata bērniem par latviešu mākslu “Mula un portrets”, Melānijas Vanagas virtuālā muzeja “Esi pats!” izveide, Astrīdas Jansones atmiņu stāsta “Dārlinga līkloči” publicēšana un latviešu literatūras klasiķu darbu izdošana e-grāmatas formātā. Top ari dokumentālā filma par Baltiešu universitāti un drīz notiks pirmizrāde mākslas filmai “Dieva putniņi”. Atsaucība dod mums milzīgu gandarījumu un tātad redzam, ka tas ko dara Latviešu Fonds ir vajadzīgs.

Kas mūs gaida nākotnē? Kā jau katru gadu, janvārī sākās pieteikšanās Latviešu Fonda projektu konkursam. Pirms gada tika ieviests jaunais konkursa kalendārs, kas deva iespēju projektu pieteicējiem daudz ātrāk uzzināt konkursa rezultātus. Arī šogad, pieteikumu pieņemšana notiks no 1. janvāra līdz 15. februārim. Veiksmīgie Mazie projekti tiek paziņoti marta beigās, bet Lielie – jūlija beigās.

Šī gada rudens mēnešos esam strādājuši, lai uzlabotu vēl vairākus ar konkursu saistītus aspektus. LF finansējuma atskaites process ir pārstrādāts un nu ir skaidrāks un pārskatāmāks. Ap Jaunogadu varēsiet redzēt Fonda pārbūvēto mājas lapu, kas ir mūsu logs uz pasauli un svarīgs palīgs projektu informācijas izplatīšanā. Projektu pieteicējiem būs patīkami uzzināt, ka esam izveidojuši pilnībā elektronisku pieteikuma anketu, kas padarīs vieglāku pieteikumu iesniegšanas un pieņemšanas procesu. Anketu esam veidojuši uz iepriekšējo gadu anketas bāzes, bet šogad vairs nepieprasīsim iesniegt pieteikuma eksemplāru arī pa pastu. Šajā gadā turpinam paplašināt LF mājas lapas angļu valodas nodaļu. Blakus anketai ievietosim arī konkursa pieteikšanās noteikumus, un citu noderīgu informāciju. Konkursa noteikumi, pieteikšanās anketa un cita informācija atrodama Latviešu Fonda mājas lapas sadaļā “Projektu konkurss”. Mēs ar prieku atbildēsim uz jūsu jautājumiem pa e-pastu, ja rakstīsiet uz Tomēr iesakam vispirms ieskatīties mājas lapas sadaļā “Bieži uzdotie jautājumi”, kurā ātri atradīsiet pašu svarīgāko informāciju

Ņemot vērā pēdējos gados iesniegto projektu kvalitāti, Latviešu Fonda pilnsapulcē 2014. gada oktobrī Mineapolē tika nolemts palielināt projektu finansējumu atvēlot $25,000.00 Lielajiem projektiem, un $10,000.00 Mazajiem projektiem.

Lai skanīgs, bagāts un laimīgs Jaunais gads un lai 2015. gada Latviešu Fonda konkurss atnes mums visiem jaunus, skaistus projektus ar kuriem varēsim iepriecināt tuvu un tālu dzīvojošus tautiešus!


All Hail the Mighty Pīrāgs!

For the past eight or nine years, making pīrāgs, those baked Latvian bacon buns, has been a Christmas tradition in our household. More precisely, it has been my tradition, my contribution to Christmas.

It doesn’t always go smoothly. I only make them once a year so every time I roll up my sleeves, I need to jog my somewhat limited culinary skills. Sometimes I don’t nail the dough and it takes a lot of coaxing and off-colour muttering to get it to rise properly. I’m told I get sloppy with the egg wash. Other times my pīrāgs will open up in the oven. I then call them peek-a-boo pīrāgs. I think I may be onto something because I’ve seen photos from Vincents in Riga run by expat chef extraordinaire Mārtiņš Rītiņš with his pīrāgs showing their bacon. And if I get a late start and it’s past midnight as I hit my 100th pīrāgs, you might hear me muttering a bah humbug or two. But the job gets done and there are no complaints. The pīrāgs usually disappear over the next few days as members of the household graze. I’m told I should bake them more often.

Judging by photos posted by my Facebook friends, making pīrāgs is a ritual that is repeated around the globe by those with Latvian roots. This even in the Toronto area where the Latvian Centre bakes and sells them on a regular basis. I’m told they fly off the shelves even at $1.25 per pīrāgs.

Pīrāgs is Latvian comfort food. You can have them with coffee at breakfast, soup at lunch, as a side at supper and snack on them in between. If push came to shove, you could survive on them comfortably for days.

In my travels researching the history of Latvians in Canada’s Manitoba province, I have been told and seen pictures of pīrāgs still being made in Lac Du Bonnet homes where Latvian pioneers and fleeing 1905 revolutionaries settled more than a hundred years ago. I have been served pīrāgs by a wonderful lady, an octogenarian, who lives six hours from Winnipeg in rural Manitoba. She was born to a Latvian pioneer family that came to what was then wilderness from Latvia via Brazil.

Pīrāgs is the ultimate survivor. It has transcended time and geography. The tasty morsel has become an embodiment of Latvian heritage.

Putting aside the large recent outflow of Latvians heading west for better economic opportunities, the Latvian Diaspora was formed and run for many years by those fleeing the Soviet occupation of Latvia. Even though community leadership has been taken over by their baby boomer offspring, or at least those still engaged because the majority have drifted to the periphery and beyond, old attitudes still prevail. Many would dismiss the pīrāgs as being void of cultural substance. Akin to Oktoberfest, oom-pah and lederhosen German.

But the fact is that pīrāgs are still being made and chomped down by second, third and fourth generation Canadians, Americans, Australians and Brits with few other connections to their Latvian heritage apart from memories and family stories passed down from their parents, grandparents and great-grandparents.

The Post World War II Latvian Diaspora is still focused on the exception. As an example, the focus is on the one in ten children and youths of Latvian descent who attend Latvian Sunday schools or Garezers summer high school in Michigan. The one in ten Garezers graduates who make their way back to Latvia. No doubt about it, Garezers is a wonderful place where Latvian language, history and culture are taught. It must be sustained and participation encouraged. But what about the one in ten who don’t make it to Garezers? Or the ninety-nine out of a hundred who don’t make it back to Latvia? What about those for whom that ultimate Latvian survivor, the pīrāgs, is one of their few Latvian connections?

There are around two million Latvian speakers in the world and less than one and a half million Latvians in Latvia. That’s not a lot. It’s smaller than many cities in Europe and North America. A nation with numbers that small cannot be picky. It must reach out to those of Latvian descent in the pale and beyond be they 100%, 75%, 50%, 25% or even 12.5% Latvian by blood. It must venture into pīrāgs territory.

The Latvian Diaspora must do so by being multi-tier, inclusive and modular.

Latvian language skills, be they a limited vocabulary or complete fluency, must be encouraged. At the same time the reality of a second language be it English, Spanish, German, Swedish or Russian needs to be recognized. There need to be ways to engage those with poor or even no Latvian language skills.

The Diaspora needs to be welcoming to all who have or are seeking a Latvian connection, be they newbies from Latvia, descendants of Latvian immigrants or those who have drifted away from the community and are circling back. It also needs to welcome any non-Latvian partners who wish to engage.

The Latvian experience abroad can only be modular. It cannot be 24×7. It must be served a la carte. The Diaspora consists of multiple constituencies, each with different interests and possible points of connection.

Traditionally the Diaspora has served its members a heavy dose of Latvian culture and politics. That does not work for many. New points of engagement are required – a segue for possible deeper levels of engagement for those who so wish.

Sports has been grossly underrated by the Diaspora establishment. But when BMXer Māris Štrombergs wins gold at the Olympics or takes the USA Open Nationals, when Šmediņš and Pļaviņš upset the USA in Olympic beach volleyball, when goaltender Kristers Gudļevskis almost singlehandedly upsets hockey super-power Canada at Sochi, when thousands of Latvians vote every day to put up and coming hockey player Zemgus Girgensons into the NHL All-Star game, when Latvians medal in the bobsleigh and the Dukurs brothers dominate in the skeleton, even those with tenuous connections take note. These modern day heroes should be featured front and centre in Latvian media abroad rather than the serpentine comings and goings of Latvian politics.

While it is regrettable that so many young people are abandoning Latvia, they will continue to leave until conditions back home improve. Frowns from Latvians who have lived abroad for decades and have no intention of returning will not change that. Latvian organizations need to reach out to the immigrants and provide information that they need, about schools, housing, social assistance, health insurance and by the way, here’s what’s happening in the community. This isn’t happening.

As people get older, they take interest in their lineage, who they are and where they came from. More than a few are digging into their family trees, signing up to genealogy web sites, hunting down lost relatives. But when they hit Latvia, they often come to a dead-end. Although many records are now online, try deciphering cursive Russian and Gothic German script once you start digging past the 1920s and the early days of independent Latvia. Even modern Latvian is a challenge for some. It is a hit and miss proposition finding help.

Latvia is being discovered. Pick up glossy coffee table books with destinations compiled by National Geographic or Lonely Planet. Latvia is there – Old Riga dating back centuries, a treasure trove of Art Deco buildings in Riga, miles of white sandy beaches along the Gulf of Riga, hundreds of manors, some in ruin and others restored to their former splendor, or the relatively unspoiled countryside. There are opportunities to promote travel to Latvia for Latvians and non-Latvians alike.

Latvia is on the bucket list for some. A once in a lifetime trip. There are those who wish to retrace the journey that their parents or grandparents took as they left Latvia and ending up in Displaced Person camps in Germany. Others want to visit the homeland of their forbearers, perhaps finding the remote rural homestead or the manor where their ancestors toiled. Not easy if you can connect only some of the dots. Where do you go for help?

More English and bilingual web sites are needed. There are a profusion of sites in Latvian but interesting sites serving up or aggregating content for those not fluent in Latvian are few and far between.

There are many opportunities. One needs to think out of the box. The focus must be on the consumer, what they want and not what we think they need.

The question for the Latvian community abroad is not just about right-sizing in face of dwindling demographics in order to continue serving the core. It is a question of survival and reaching out to the periphery and beyond to any with Latvians roots or interest in things Latvian. To reach out to the realm inhabited by the mighty pīrāgs.

These are questions that transcend time and space. There is little to distinguish a baby-boomer off-spring who has drifted away from the community and who struggles with all but the simplest conversations in Latvian, from someone whose grandparents came over more than a hundred years ago for whom only a few stories and Latvian traditions have survived, from children of recent immigrants, many of whom in the next ten or twenty years will succumb to assimilation much like their predecessors. Time and space may differ but their stories are or will be the same.

But throughout it all, the mighty pīrāgs is there. It will be baked and savoured reminding all of their Latvian connections. Let’s make sure that it’s not the only thing standing.


Viesturs Zariņš lives in Canada and is a periodic contributor to Latvians Online. He was a member of the World Federation of Free Latvians executive board from 1991 through 1999 and a board member of the Latvian National Federation in Canada for 10 years, including three years as its president. He is a former principal of the Toronto Latvian heritage language school Valodiņa. For the past nine years he has represented the Latvian Hockey Federation and handled player recalls from Canada to World Championships.

Advent time in Latvia

Christmas! Deck the Halls, trim the tree, buy, give, eat, fa-la-la-la-laaa.

For myself, this is certainly not the perception of Christmas I was raised with. But, growing up in an ever-commercialised Australia, it seems to be the Christmas that now confronts my children. Is this experience of, what is meant to be, the birthday celebration of Jesus Christ, the same for people in other parts of the world? Happily, thus far in my experience, it does not seem to be.

One of the immutable – and I must say, enjoyable – factors of ‘doing’ Christmas in Riga, Latvia, is being able to experience it in ‘winter’. For many northern-hemisphere citizens, you might be asking yourself, “Is there any other way?” Having been born and grown up in Australia, this is only my family and my ‘third’ experience of Christmas in winter. Growing up with a plethora of songs in some way connected to ‘snow’, describing joyful experiences of consuming copious amounts of rich, heavy food, whilst comfortably hibernating before a roaring fire was, in some ways, irritating. The reality was a yearly family gathering in rising summer temperatures. No sight of snow, but, often, no lack of flies and sweat.

Whilst it is a very pleasant change to be able to (finally) identify with these Christmas carols and prepare for our family Christmas in much cooler climes, different parts of the northern-hemisphere seem to have their own ideas as to how Christmas is ‘done’.

Christmas 2010, my family and I were in London, which is a most exciting place at any time. But, London at Christmas time was truly exhilarating for us. There were Christmas decorations, lights, music and caroling, seemingly, everywhere. It ‘felt’ like Christmas! However, as I stated at the outset, as with Australia, the downside was the prevalent commerciality, with its accompanying pressure to buy, buy, buy.

Our Christmas in Rome, in 2012, was a different experience again. There was no snow, but it was cold and the Italians were very serious about leaving you in ‘no’ doubt as to what time of year it was! The Christmas lights were ‘incredible’! The decorations were beautiful. The huge Christmas tree on the Spanish Steps, with a laser-lit star at its peak, the most beautiful I have seen to date. Christmas songs, music, colours and smells everywhere! Truly wonderful!

Christmas in Riga in 2014 is a new experience for our family, again. I would say that one of the most enjoyable things I am appreciating most about Christmas here is how ‘understated’ it is. Yes, there are lovely Christmas-lights in the streets, but there is no sense of Christmas being ‘forced’ upon you. We have purchased and set up a ‘real’ pine Christmas tree – enjoying the look and smell, with its accompanying constant need for vacuuming errant pine needles. Many apartments and businesses throughout Riga have decorated their windows with lights and candles. Our family has enjoyed perusing several of the squares in Old Town, which have Christmas markets selling locally produced handicrafts, food and beverages such as karstvīns, which is similar to mulled wine.

Whilst, like London and Rome, there does not appear to be much in the way of making apparent the ‘real’ message of Christmas – that is, ‘Jesus’ – there seems to be more opportunity to stop and contemplate what this times of year really means. Christmas! How do I prepare for Jesus’ birthday in Riga, Latvia? No differently than the way I did in Melbourne, London or Rome. ‘Advent’ is contemplated and celebrated around the world in many ways, but, for me, it is simply thinking about the incredible gift that God gave us. I focus on Jesus which I can do anywhere, anytime. Where do I start? Firstly in being grateful for God’s amazing love for me; and, then, the blessing of being able to share that love with my amazing family, friends and others in Riga, Latvia.