Jūlijā pirmoreiz Latvijā notiks Pasaules latviešu jaunatnes nometne “2×2”

Pasaules latviešu jaunatnes nometne „2×2” notiks no 2015. gada 9.- 17. jūlijam LU konferenču un atpūtas centrā „Ratniekos”.

Pirmo reizi Latvijā rīkojot pasaules latviešu jaunatnes nometni „2×2” izvēlēts sauklis „Baudi savu latvietību”. Plašā programma piedāvā jauniešiem no diasporas zemēm un Latvijas kopīgi diskutēt, iedvesmoties vienam no otra, dalīties iespaidos par savu latvisko pasauli un iegūto nest tālāk citiem latviešiem.

LU konferenču un atpūtas centrā „Ratniekos” nometnes dalībniekiem tiks piedāvāta augstvērtīga programma, kurā iekļautas mūsdienās aktuālas tēmas: Latvija jaunajā ģeopolitiskajā situācijā. Vai Latvijas mediji sasniedz diasporu? Kā kļūt par uzņēmēju ?

Nometnes dalībnieki vecumā no 18- 30.gadiem varēs darboties vairākās ievirzēs – „Mediji un kultūra Latvijā”,”, „Vadi sevi, vadi citus”, „Uzņēmīgie latvieši”, „Kādi mēs esam?” u.c. Pēcpusdienu projektos iekļautas daudzas un dažādas radošas nodarbības – dabas mākslas darbnīca, aušana, tautas dejas, „Mūsdienu latviešu virtuve”, rotkalšana u.c.

Ievirzes un projektus vadīs LTV žurnāliste Eva Ikstena-Strapcāne, projektu vadītājs uzņēmumā „Draugiem Group” Dāvis Siksnāns, SSE Rīga pasniedzēja Vanda Dauksta , jauniešu apmācību trenere Madara Mazjāne, žurnālists Ansis Bogustovs, šefpavārs Māris Jansons, rotkalis Vitauts Straupe, Elīna Ķersele u.c

Nometnē uzstāsies pazīstami lektori no Latvijas un ārzemēm, neiztrūks vakara nodarbības, danči, dziesmas un izbraukumi pa nozīmīgām Vidzemes vietām.

Nometnes rīcības komitejā darbojas iepriekšējo 2×2 nometņu dalībnieki, latviešu jaunieši no Latvijas, kā arī tie, kas dzimuši ASV, Kanādā un Vācijā un tagad mācās, strādā un dzīvo Latvijā.

„2×2” ideja dzima 1964. gadā ASV, kopā pulcinot ārzemēs dzīvojošos latviešu jauniešus, lai nedēļas garumā profesionālu lektoru vadībā padziļināti apgūtu Latvijas vēsturi, politiku, folkloru, etnogrāfiju, žurnālistiku, kā arī lai diskutētu par aktuāliem sabiedriski politiskiem jautājumiem. Laika gaitā kā lektori „2×2” nometnēs darbojušās tādas sabiedrībā pazīstamas personas, kā Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, Bruno Rubesis, Valters Nollendorfs, Līga Ruperte, Uldis Grava, Jānis Domburs, Lolita Ritmane un daudzi citi.

Tuvāka informācija: 2×2 mājaslapā.

Riga Cathedral Boys’ Choir and Sinfonietta Rīga perform Mozart’s works

Though it really does go without saying that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart wrote some of the greatest sacred choral music in history – works like the Great C minor Mass, the Coronation Mass, and, above all, the Requiem – as he was such a prolific composer, many of his earlier works often get overshadowed by the later works.

Recognizing this, an all-star team of Latvian musicians came together and recorded the album entitled simply Mozart, which collects some of Mozart’s earlier sacred choral works, and was released in 2014 by the Latvian concert agency Latvijas koncerti. The CD features the world renowned Riga Cathedral Boys’ Choir, along with the orchestra Sinfonietta Rīga, soprano Inga Šļubovska, all conducted by long time Boys’ Choir conductor Mārtiņš Klišāns. The CD was also released to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Riga Cathedral Choir School in 2014, as well as the 65th anniversary of the Boys’ Choir in 2015.

Almost all of the works contained on the record were written while Mozart was still living in Salzburg, the town of his birth, and prior to moving to Vienna. Though still a teenager, the maturity of these works is evident, and shows a talent and a musical language well beyond his years. In his short life, Mozart revolutionized music, ushering in the Classical era of music, adeptly composing in many different styles, and paving the way for the Romantic era, and influencing composers like Beethoven, Schubert and Rossini, among many other composers throughout the centuries.

Though more and more Latvian singers have become famous on the world stage, Latvian National Opera soprano Inga Šļubovska shows that she is innately suited for the works of Mozart on this CD. Though an early work (composed in 1771), the multi part ‘Regina Coeli’ is still an extremely demanding work of the soloist. Šļubovska sings adeptly and with confidence. Though the vocal parts have coloratura fireworks (perhaps slightly unusual for a serious sacred piece), Šļubovska brings the necessary gravity to the work, her resplendent voice filled with reverence and piety.

Due to the sacred nature of these works, the choir voices are particularly significant, as they need to bring forth the angelic nature of the vocals. With their decades of experience, conductor Mārtiņš Klišāns and the Riga Cathedral Boys’ Choir are uniquely positioned to provide memorable interpretations of these works. For example, in the prayer ‘Inter Natos Mulierum’ (composed approximately in 1771, when Mozart was still fifteen years old), the soaring vocals of the boys’ choir give the listener an idea of what a choir of angels should sound like.

Sinfonietta Rīga, a comparatively young chamber orchestra (founded in 2006), has, in its short history, become an internationally well-known group of musicians. Balancing both the classic and modern repertoire, the orchestra has already won the Latvian Great Music Award twice, and has recorded albums for international music labels. Being a chamber orchestra, the musicians provide nuanced and intimate performances of these works by Mozart. This can be seen on the multi part ‘Exultate Jubilate’, composed in 1773, an almost operatic sacred work. Sinfonietta Rīga provides an appropriately celebratory and vivacious performance.

One of the best known works on the record is ‘Laudate Dominum’ (composed in 1780), begins with an achingly beautiful solo performed by Šļubovska, which is then supplemented by the voices of the Boys’ Choir, then brought to a swelling crescendo by Sinfonietta Rīga and conductor Mārtiņš Klišāns. Though a comparatively more reserved work than the others, the beauty and honesty of the piece, especially in the hands of such a talented team of artists, makes this one of the definitive recordings of this classic.

The CD booklet features notes on all the compositions by musicologist Orests Silabriedis and Lauma Malnace, as well as biographies of all the performers, in both Latvian and English.

Though many Latvian musicians focus on modern works, or the best known classical works, the album Mozart is at once both memorable and refreshing, breathing new life into these works that are centuries old. It is a fitting tribute to both the Riga Cathedral Boys’ Choir and the Riga Cathedral Choir School’s rich histories and decades of nurturing some of the greatest Latvian singers and musicians. Conductor Mārtiņš Klišāns ably and successfully brings together the vocals of Inga Šļubovska, the Riga Cathedral Boys’ Choir, and the gracefully nuanced performance of the orchestra Sinfonietta Rīga to shed new light on these early Mozart works, and the performances are both exquisite and inspiring.

For more information, please visit the Riga Cathedral Boys’ Choir website and the Sinfonietta Rīga website.




Riga Cathedral Boys’ Choir / Sinfonietta Rīga / Inga Šlubovska / Mārtiņš Klišāns
Produced by Latvijas koncerti, 2014

Track listing

  1. Regina Coeli – I. Regina coeli laetare
  2. Quia quem meruisti portare
  3. Ora pro nobis Deum
  4. Alleluia
  5. Inter natos mulierum
  6. Exultate Jubilate – I. Allegro
  7. Recitative
  8. Aria
  9. Alleluia
  10. Sancta Maria, mater Dei
  11. Veni Sancte Spiritus
  12. Laudate Dominum
  13. Misericordias Domini
  14. Ave verum corpus

Egils Kaljo is an American-born Latvian from the New York area . Kaljo began listening to Latvian music as soon as he was able to put a record on a record player, and still has old Bellacord 78 rpm records lying around somewhere.

“Zaļā pasaka” released with narration and musical interludes

Though being best known as a poet, recently deceased Imants Ziedonis also wrote his fair share of prose. Ziedonis’ prose, with its flowery and imaginative language, was almost musical. With this in mind, a recording of Ziedonis’ ‘Zaļā pasaka’ (Green Fairytale) was made with narration and musical accompaniment, and was released by Latvian publisher Musica Baltica (MBR 006).

The story, a fable about the forest unexpectedly coming into Riga one night, driving out all the pollution and dust, is narrated by Latvian singer Lauris Reiniks. Many composers – including Selga Mence, Platons Buravickis, Anitra Tumševica, Evija Vecumniece, Ieva Klingenberga, Laura Gustovska, Juta Bērziņa, and Ēriks Ešenvalds – provide the musical interludes and backgrounds during the storytelling. The music is performed by the combined orchestras of the Jāzeps Mediņš 1st Rīga College of Music and the Pāvuls Jurjāns College of Music, conducted by Laura Staša and Valdis Butāns.

A version in Russian was also released, with narration by Jakovs Rafalsons.

The CD booklet also features the full text of the story in both English and Latvian.

For more information, please visit the Musica Baltica website.

Egils Kaljo is an American-born Latvian from the New York area . Kaljo began listening to Latvian music as soon as he was able to put a record on a record player, and still has old Bellacord 78 rpm records lying around somewhere.