Dublinā diskutē par aktualitātēm diasporas jomā

19. un 20. septembrī Dublinā Latvijas vēstniecībā Īrijā notika Eiropas Latviešu apvienības (ELA) biedru organizāciju sapulce. Atklāšanā ievadvārdus teica Latvijas vēstnieks Īrijā Dr. Gints Apals, aicinot ELA sadarboties ar visiem un ikvienu latvieti Eiropā. Ārlietu ministrijas (ĀM) speciālo uzdevumu vēstnieks diasporas jautājumos Pēteris Kārlis Elferts organizāciju pārstāvjus informēja par ĀM aktivitātēm diasporas jomā.

Speciālo uzdevumu vēstnieks pastāstīja par ministrijas un Latvijas vēstniecību šogad īstenotajiem projektiem latviešu mītnes zemēs kultūras, izglītības, zinātnes, ekonomikas un sporta jomās, kā arī diasporas pasākumiem Latvijā. Viens no nozīmīgākajiem notikumiem, pulcējot latviešus no dažādām pasaules valstīm, bija Rīgā notikušais Otrais Pasaules latviešu ekonomikas un inovāciju forums, ko ministrija organizēja sadarbībā ar Pasaules Brīvo latviešu apvienību.

Pēteris Kārlis Elferts uzsvēra diasporas jauniešu organizāciju veidošanās un aktivitāšu nozīmi. 2015. gadā, vēstniecībām sadarbojoties ar latviešu biedrībām, notikuši jauniešu forumi Londonā, Briselē, Dublinā un Rīgā. Speciālo uzdevumu vēstnieks tāpat sniedza informāciju par Latvijas pārstāvniecību atbalstu Latvijas valstspiederīgajiem Latvijas pilsonības un dubultpilsonības jautājumu kārtošanā, kā arī Latvijas valstspiederīgo interešu aizstāvību un konsulāro pakalpojumu nodrošināšanu ārvalstīs.

Latvijas Universitātes Diasporas un migrācijas centrs, kas darbojas ar ĀM atbalstu, 2015. gadā īstenojis pētījumus diasporas un migrācijas jomā, kā arī organizējis dažādas konferences un seminārus. Šī gada oktobrī, piemēram, notiks konferences par diasporas tūrismu, kā arī diasporas bērniem un jauniešiem.

Sadarbojoties ar ELA, šogad Rīgā ministrija organizēja konferenci „Par diasporas un migrācijas jautājumiem Eiropas Savienībā”. Tā notika Latvijas prezidentūras Eiropas Savienības Padomē laikā.

ĀM stiprinājusi arī komunikāciju ar diasporas organizācijām un medijiem. Šogad Nacionālā elektronisko plašsaziņas līdzekļu padome (NEPLP) sadarbībā ar ministriju organizēja otro konkursu par sižetu un raidījumu veidošanu elektroniskajos plašsaziņas līdzekļos par diasporas tematiku.

Noslēgumā Pēteris Kārlis Elferts uzsvēra nozīmīgo diasporas lomu un tās iesaisti gaidāmajos Latvijas simtgades pasākumos.

ELA biedru organizāciju sapulci Dublinā organizēja ELA un Latviešu biedrības Īrijā. Sēdē piedalījās 21 dalībnieks no organizācijām Īrijā, Vācijā, Lielbritānijā, Luksemburgā, Zviedrijā, Beļģijā, Austrijā un Francijā.

Latvijas vēstniecība Īrijā

Ensemble Zāle a mix of indie, folk, world and medieval genres

A recent new entry into the Latvian music scene is the ensemble Zāle. The group draws on a number of different influences, from indie rock and folk music to world music and perhaps even medieval music.

The group, originally formed as a duo, has now grown to be a full ensemble, and have released their first album Viņa. Group members include Marta Kreituse on vocals, Pēters Draguns on vocals and guitar, Sandra Kaņepe on vocals and electric guitar, Kira Maija Kirsanova on oboe and flute, Aivis Gailītis on cello, Dace Zariņa on bass guitar, and Uģis Vītiņš on added percussion, saxophone, electronic effects, and other instruments.

The album begins with the meditative ‘Smilšu laiva’, an almost entirely a cappella song, supplemented only with some sound effects. The interplay between the vocals of Kreituse and Draguns has a haunting effect with the lyrics almost chanted in a conjuring style.

The Latvian folk influences appear in the song ‘Neguli saulīte’, which also features Ernests Medenis on kokle and bagpipes. Kreituse’s vocals, with her deeper voice reminding the listeners slightly of the vocals of Ilga Reizniece of post folk group Iļģi, brings forth the mystical aspects of Latvian folklore, giving the song a dreamy feel.

The song ‘Mitago’ displays some Celtic-like elements, with Kreituse’s vocals reminding the listener of the new age stylings of Enya or Clannad. The song was inspired by author Robert Holdstock’s fantasy novel Mythago Wood, a story of a family and the mythical creatures living in the nearby forest.

The album concludes with the subdued ‘Bišu spiets’, a wistful, meditative work, with its philosophical and metaphorical comparison of life to a swarm of bees. The repeated vocal ‘man jābēg mūžībā’ (I have to flee into eternity) is a pensive rumination on life.

The CD packaging only contains a few pictures, somewhat strange compositions of actor Gints Vilnis with antlers and actress Paula Gorobec’s face colored in blue (the actors having appeared in the video for the song Mitago). Lyrics would have been helpful, if only to appreciate them more (Kreituse also wrote all of the words on the album).

Zāle, with its unique blend of folk, rock, new age, Renaissance, among many other styles, is a welcome new entry in the field of Latvian music. With its haunting vocals and mystical sounds, Viņa, though brief (35 minutes in length), is a highly engaging album, compelling listening with its multiple layers woven together in a dreamy fabric. Balancing both traditional sounds and electronic effects, the result is a truly engrossing album.

For more information, please visit Zāle’s Facebook page.

Zale - Vina


Melo Records, 2015

Track listing:

  1. Smilšu laiva
  2. Maigi nebūt
  3. Mati
  4. Rudens
  5. Neguli Saulīte
  6. Mašīnīte
  7. Šūpuļdziesma
  8. Rozā pļavas
  9. Mitago
  10. Bišu spiets


Egils Kaljo is an American-born Latvian from the New York area . Kaljo began listening to Latvian music as soon as he was able to put a record on a record player, and still has old Bellacord 78 rpm records lying around somewhere.

Superheroes, manga and Latvian folk outfits – Dziesmu svētki in San Jose

One of my favorite coffee mugs has wisdom from A Prairie Home Companion taking up one side – it ends with the admonition “Drink your coffee. It’s not the best you’ll ever get, but it’s good enough.” At the risk of damning with faint praise, the sentiments on that mug came to mind during the 16th West Coast Latvian Song Festival in San Jose, California. The event ran from September 3-7, 2015, and while it is the smallest of the North American diaspora song festivals, that’s merely a question of scope.

San Jose was an excellent location. The weather was mild and sunny, and the proximity of the venues to one another was ideal. All of the hotels were within a few blocks, and only the church in which the Sacred Music Concert was held was more than one street crossing from the festival headquarters. The fact that a Comic Con was being held next door added some interesting juxtapositions – girls in superhero and manga outfits striding next to girls in Latvian folk outfits, and I had never before ridden up in a crowded song festival elevator with zombies mixed into the fray. Better yet, a bacon festival in the adjoining park on Saturday and Sunday added truly unique meal options based on an ingredient near and dear to Latvian hearts.

The festival featured enough ticketed events to keep a person busy, but not so many that a person couldn’t, with enough stamina and fortitude, experience them all AND find time to eat. Perfect! On one end of coffee spectrum – approaching “If not the best I’ve ever seen, then in the ballpark” were the Sacred Music Concert and the popular music/multimedia event “Here We Are”. Both featured a mix of professional and highly experienced amateur musicians and benefitted from obvious attention to detail.

While the sold-out Sacred Music Concert was of high quality throughout, the middle portion, performed by the choir Cantus Fortis from Latvia and conducted by Ivars Cinkuss, was especially fresh and unique. “O, Salutaris Hostia,” featuring sopranos Ginta Rūse and Jūlija Norvele, was the subject of much after-event praise, as was the inclusion of “No sirds slavēsim Mariju.” “Here We Are” was completely different in tone, but just as big a crowd-pleaser. A cabaret-type show featuring a finely coordinated mix of music, text, and multi-media aspects, it sailed through this challenging premise with hardly a glitch. If there was similarity between some numbers, it hardly mattered – there was always something to watch, listen to, feel, and laugh about, and it was all executed splendidly.

The comedic play, Precies, māsiņ’ (Marry, Little Sister), seemed the event closest to the “Not the best I’ve ever seen” end of the scale. The actors, all professionals from Latvia, were unquestionably talented, the play did draw laughs, and the audience certainly appreciated Guntis Veits’ musical numbers; however, the plot and continuity reminded me of little more than a summer camp skit, stretched out to feature length. “OK…you’ll sing… then we’ll have some jokes, mug it up a bit… then you’ll sing again…” “Wait, why will he sing?” “Who cares? But…ok…how about if she gets all worked up, mugs some more, so I’ll ask him to sing to calm her down?” “Yeah, yeah, that’ll work!” Polishing the script and eliminating a few cheap jokes would have served this event well.

In between, the folk dancing event did not have the precision of the events in Latvia, but everyone seemed to have a good time. The music, which was a mix of live and recorded, was fun, yet another dash of multi-media added to the feel, the few “oh no, I forgot what comes next” moments resulted in no pile-ups, and the tiny tot moments were as charming as ever – kids trying to dance and simultaneously watch themselves on the large screens was a new cute moment subgenre. Similarly, while the combined choir concert also had a few lesser moments, most numbers, notably the Latvian Seasons Cantata, conducted by its composer, Maija Riekstiņa, were crowd-pleasers, watching Juris Ķeniņš conduct is entertaining no matter what the singers do, the chestnuts Gaismas pils and Tēvijai were done justice and with no concerns whether the soloist in the latter would wipe out, and Tev mūžam dzīvot, Latvija and Pūt vējiņi, sung with audience participation, were emotional as ever.

To round out the schedule, Sunday morning’s religious events were both well-attended and well-received by participants. Evening musical events were all rollicking good times: the folklore group Lāčkāja played on Thursday, the group “All Folked Up” on Saturday, and Adam Zahl provided dance music for the holiday ball on Sunday. The greetings at the opening ceremony were kept to tolerable levels, and though seating at the festival banquet went off the tracks, everyone eventually ate well and enjoyed themselves.

The marketplace offered the usual and the unusual in jewelry, clothing, noshes – did you know Lay’s makes creamy mushroom-flavored chips for European markets?! Those sold out quickly – music, and other Latvian goods. There was a small art exhibit, a corner room contained a zolite game for a while, novuss games at other times, and displays by Latvian organizations of various stripes filled the hallways.

And then there were the intangibles, and those, of course, make a song festival more than just a series of events. The first friends you meet in the hotel lobby (“I didn’t know you were coming!!”), hearing Latvian spoken by strangers passing by as you eat lunch in an outdoor café (and of course calling out a greeting), being there when a choir spontaneously breaks into song en route to a concert, seeing people you haven’t seen in (fill in ridiculous amount of years) since (which event was that?).

In short, the coffee and the song festival were both just fine, thank you very much!