Rīgā notiks konference “Radot iespējas attīstībai – diasporas bērni un jaunieši”

Šā gada 22. oktobrī Latvijas Universitātē (LU), Raiņa bulvārī 19, Mazajā Aulā, plkst. 14.30 – 17.00 notiks diasporas bērnu un jauniešu izglītības iespējām veltīta konference. To rīko Latvijas Universitātes Diasporas un migrācijas pētījumu centrs (DMPC).

Bērnu un jauniešu iespēju izzināšana gan Latvijā, gan visur pasaulē ir DMPC šā gada nozīmīgākā prioritāte. Centrs šogad arī izdos apjomīgu grāmatu, kurā daudzpusīgi analizēta diasporas skolu vēsture, mūsdienu problēmas un iespējas, bērnu atgriešanās un integrēšanās Latvijas skolu sistēmā, kā arī citi ar identitāti un vērtībām saistīti jautājumi vairāku paaudžu garumā. Grāmatas pētījumu sagatavošanā piedalījās pētnieki no vairākām pasaules valstīm. Pētījumi ietver arī unikālus datus, piemēram, par Latvijas bērnu skolas gaitām Anglijas skolu sistēmā, proti, mūsdienās galvenajā emigrācijas mērķa valstī. Konferenci noslēgs diskusijas, kuru galvenais mērķis ir iezīmēt tālāko Latvijas virzību, lai uzlabotu bērnu un jauniešu iespējas veidot saites ar Latviju vai pilnībā atgriezties savā vai vecāku dzimtenē.  Nobeigumā arī preses konference un neformālas sarunas furšetā.

LU DMPC izveidots 2014. gadā un saņem Latvijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrijas finansiālu atbalstu. Grāmatas izdošanai par diasporas bērniem un jauniešiem Centrs konkursa kārtībā piesaistījis arī līdzekļus no Latviešu fonda.

 Aicinām piedalīties konferencē! Savu dalību lūdzam apstiprinātrakstot uz e-pastu: diaspora@lu.lv. Plašāka informācija, rakstot uz e-pastu LU DMPC direktorei aija.lulle@lu.lv, vai zvanot 29152006.

Laura Bužinska ir ieguvusi bakalaura grādu Latvijas Universitātē Āzijas studiju programmā un maģistra grādu izglītības zinātnē programmā Dažādības pedagoģiskie risinājumi. Latvijas Universitātes Diasporas Migrācijas Pētījumu Centra pētniece.

CD by new ‘bard’ on Latvian music scene a haunting listen

A new face in the Latvian music scene is singer/songwriter/vocalist Dinārs Gulbis. Slowly, but steadily, he has become a notable Latvian ‘bard’, meaning he writes and performs his own songs, often with minimal accompaniment, following on from similar Latvian artists like Haralds Sīmanis and Kaspars Dimiters. Gulbis, who has gained notice via his expressive and passionate performances of songs at the Jānis Akurāters museum and the Autumn Bard Festival in 2010 (particularly songs with lyrics by Aleksandrs Čaks such as ‘Atzīšanās (Miglā asaro logs)’ and ‘Liepas satumst’), has now released his debut album – Es nezinu kāds ir īsākais ceļš pie tevis.

The album features songs with music written almost entirely by Gulbis, and lyrics by various modern Latvian poets. Gulbis provides vocals, and he is joined by Kaspars Zemītis and Kristaps Sudmalis on guitars, Ivars Sudmalis on piano, Toms Poišs on bass and Andris Buiķis on drums.

Gulbis’ wife, Daiga Gulbe, is a poet, and provides the words for three of the songs on the album (as well as the album artwork), including the somber and brooding ‘Kas paliek’ and the ominous, doleful ‘Robežai pāri’. Gulbe’s lyrics are deceptively simple, but reveal a depth that is well suited for Gulbis’ occasionally rough and raspy vocals. Particularly in ‘Robežai pāri’, where Gulbis sings about a difficult journey – ‘cauri man pukstoši zari plaukst, deniņos saules asmens duras, man jānoturas’ (pulsing branches grow through me, the sun’s blade pierces my temple, but I must stand firm).

Many different Latvian poets are represented on the collection, some well-known, and some whose names might not be as familiar, but no less notable. One such poet is Agita Draguna, whose lyrics provided the title of the album. Draguna’s expressive lyrics, at times romantic, but at times fragile and melancholic, are an appropriate fit for Gulbis’ world-weary voice, as he sings ‘Es esmu juties nodots kad man runā par mīlu’ (I have felt betrayed when one speaks of love to me), but still wishes to travel on that path – ‘Es nezinu kāds ir īsākais ceļš pie Tevis, bet es gribu to iet’ (I do not know the shortest road to you, but I want to travel it).

Poet Imants Ziedonis’ ode to solitude – ‘Vienam būt’ is a particularly powerful performance by Gulbis. He does not hesitate to use these lyrics to bare his innermost thoughts, and his need to be alone. As Gulbis sings ‘Lai paliek ar mani mana nelaime un manas mokas’ (My misfortune and suffering will stay with me), the listener can feel a soul in torment and one that wants to withdraw from all contact with society. Gulbis has a natural talent to reveal in music what a poet was thinking with their words.

Gulbis lives in the town of Salaspils not far from Rīga, and there is an ode to his place of residence – ‘Himna Salaspilij’, with lyrics by another resident of Salaspils, renowned Latvian poet Knuts Skujenieks. Skujenieks’ poems are often based on difficult and often harsh life experiences, but can be also very lyrical. In ‘Himna Salaspilij’, there is a juxtaposition of both the beauty of being on the banks of the Daugava River, but also the idea that one must never forget the blood that has been shed in wars in this area – ‘To maksu neaizmirst, kas samaksāta, lai mums zem saules mierā dzīvot ļauts’ (Do not forget the price that was paid that lets us live in peace under the sun). Though a non-traditional hymn, with Gulbis’ music and vocals, it becomes a powerful paean to Salaspils.

Es nezinu kāds ir īsākais ceļš pie tevis is a haunting listen and will stay with the listener long after it has finished. It is a confident, self-assured debut, and Gulbis’ displays a raw emotion and earnestness in his singing that is rare among other artists. One gets the feeling that Gulbis is particularly choosy about the poems he sets to music – each poem must speak to him personally and resonate deeply so that he can present a sincere and heartfelt performance. Dinārs Gulbis, with his emotive and ebullient vocals, has confirmed himself as an accomplished songwriter and performer.

For further information, please visit Dinārs Gulbis’ draugiem.lv page.

Dinars Gulbis - Es nezinu kads 001

Es nezinu kāds ir īsākais ceļš pie tevis

Dinārs Gulbis
Lauska, 2015

Track listing

  1. Kas paliek
  2. Es nezinu kāds ir īsākais ceļš pie tevis
  3. Es esmu tikai pēdas smiltīs
  4. Robežai pāri
  5. Tieši tāpēc
  6. Manu jaunību sārtās buras
  7. Vai tu tici?
  8. Vienam būt
  9. Es tevi gribu
  10. Satikšanās vieta
  11. Tā bija
  12. Lūgšana
  13. Tā tu aizej
  14. Ceriņdziesma
  15. Vakar uzkritušais sniegs
  16. Himna Salaspilij

Egils Kaljo is an American-born Latvian from the New York area . Kaljo began listening to Latvian music as soon as he was able to put a record on a record player, and still has old Bellacord 78 rpm records lying around somewhere.

New Alis P album a worthy contribution to Latvian rock scene

Latvian rock group Alis P, led by veteran Swedish Latvian guitarist, vocalist and songwriter Gundars Rullis, return with their latest album Ciparu pasaule. Building on the foundation laid by their two previous albums – 2013’s Attiecību putra and 2009’s Uz priekšu, the group provide another refreshing collection of bluesy rock.

Rullis is joined by the team that also played on Attiecību putra – Edgars Rubenis on bass guitar and Edgars Āboliņš on drums, but Ciparu pasaule adds a new ingredient to the mix – the harp (and backing vocals) of Elizabete Lāce (who has also played with Latvian indie pop fairies Sus Dungo). Though the harp would not normally be considered to have a place in a traditional rock ensemble, the sound of the harp adds a new layer to the Alis P sound. In fact, according to the Alis P Facebook page, the group was almost on the verge of breaking up, but a fateful rehearsal with Lāce reinvigorated the band and they began recording new songs.

Alis P have always espoused an intentionally muddier sound, as well as the distinctive vocal stylings of Rullis, and that is evident immediately on the opening track ‘viensPretVienu’, which is underpinned by the thudding bass of Rubenis. However, this muddiness is now balanced by the clarity of the harp, giving the song a richer sound. Also, this song (among many on the album) also features the violin of Dina Skreitule, which gives the song an almost symphonic feel. This balance between instruments is also reflected in the lyrics, with its theme of equal opposites – such as night and day, sun and moon.

The bluesy grooves continue on ‘ceļš uzKautkurieni’, a song about an aimless wander, again built on a bass guitar progression from Rubenis. Here Rullis’ guitar skills are on display, with the squealing guitar again interacting with the dreamy harp of Lāce. The extended outro, with duelling bass and harp, all the time supported by Āboliņš’ driving beat, brings the song to a fitting close.


Title track ‘ciparuPAsaule’ begins with a deliberate, precise, almost mechanical guitar chord, perhaps appropriate for a song that could be interpreted as a critique of the modern day desire to put one’s whole life online. Rullis’ lyrics have often been ruminations and observations of everyday life, and the lyrics also reference Latvian President Vējonis’ remark during his first major speech that “he needs to start with a drink”, and question whether or not this is the kind of politics the people need.

The final song on the album, ‘ietCilvēks’, is also the longest on the album, at nine and a half minutes. The group is also joined by Lāce’s Sus Dungo colleague – Diāna Sus – on backing vocals, adding to the chorus. The song is a lengthy jam, with Rullis’ freestyle lyrics and funk elements combining to create an intricate opus. As the song closes, one by one the instruments leave, and finishes with just an extended drum break.

Combining rock, blues, and funk elements, Ciparu pasaule is another worthy contribution to the Latvian rock scene from Alis P. With the addition of unique sounds and multiple backing vocalists, the songs are now more layered and diverse. Though Rullis is now in his fourth decade of performance, there is no decrease in vitality or energy in the performances, and Ciparu pasaule displays the group at a peak artistic and musical level.

For further information, please visit the Alis P Facebook page.

Alis P Ciparu pasaule

Ciparu pasaule

Alis P
Biedrība HI, 2015

Track listing

  1. viensPretVienu
  2. ceļš uzKautkurieni
  3. pirmDienasVakars
  4. kadTuMosties
  5. ciparuPAsaule
  6. lielieVārti
  7. meklējos
  8. otrāPusēPagalmam
  9. visiemTiem
  10. ietCilvēks


Egils Kaljo is an American-born Latvian from the New York area . Kaljo began listening to Latvian music as soon as he was able to put a record on a record player, and still has old Bellacord 78 rpm records lying around somewhere.