Young musicians’ master classes in July now in their 10th year


2012 Master Class participants in the “Baltais flīģelis” Concert Hall in Sigulda. Photo: Alberts Linarts.

The 10th International Latvian Young Musicians’ Master Classes, with the theme – New Dimensions in Music –  took place from July 14 to 23 in the spacious and welcoming Sigulda Arts School “Baltais Flīģelis” . 

A total of 16 concerts were held in Rīga, Sigulda Castle and the beautiful “Baltais Flīģelis” Concert Hall in Sigulda to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the master classes, held biannually in Latvia since 1994.  The directors of the master classes were Dr. Ingrīda Gutberga (USA) and Normunds Vīksne (Vice-Rector of Academic Work at the Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music), Dace Aperāne (USA) was artistic director and Guntars Zvejnieks (Director of the Sigulda Arts School) – the administrator of the master classes.  The core program, consisting of lectures, master classes, individual lessons and free concerts was created in 1985 for the 1st Latvian Music Camp held at the Mount Orford Arts Centre in Quebec. 

At the opening ceremony, Mārtiņš Štauvers, founder of the music camps in Canada and editor of the master classes’ two newspapers, encouraged each of the participants to become a special “note” during their time at the master classes.

Throughout the 9 day professional music program master classes were held in piano, strings, percussion and woodwind instruments, composition, conducting, music pedagogy, voice, vocal and instrumental jazz, as well as chamber music, chamber orchestra, chorus and John Cage’s “Songbooks” ensemble rehearsals.  98 young musicians from a number of music high schools in Latvia, the Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music, the Rīga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy and music institutions in Lithuania, Germany and Switzerland all participated with a wonderful sense of dedication and purpose in their musical studies, activities and concerts. 

One of the most moving concerts was the 10th anniversary concert in which alumni from all of the master classes and even the 3rd music camp in Mount Orford performed on the stage of “Baltais flīģelis”.  The newly-published book Mūzikas nometņu stāsti was presented before the concert.

The participants and teachers came from 10 countries: Latvia, Lithuania, France, Germany, Switzerland, Australia, Mexico, Japan, Greece and the United States.  The faculty of outstanding musicians and guest lecturers consisted of many former master classes’ participants, such as the pianist Lauma Skride, oboist Egils Upatnieks, composers Gundega Šmite, Ēriks Ešenvalds, Andris Dzenītis, Mārtiņš Viļums and Rolands Kronlaks.  Chamber music ensembles were coached by Gunta Sproģe (JVLMA Chamber Music department chair), pianist Lauma Skride, duo pianists Antra and Normunds Vīksne, flutist Dace Bičkovska and composer Pēteris Plakidis. 

Artists and instructors from North America – Rasma Lielmane (violin, Mexico), Uga Grants (piano, USA), Pauls Berkolds, Jacqueline Bobak, Mark Bobak (Vir2ual Cage ensemble, USA, , Vija Vētra (dance, USA), Anita Kuprisa (conducting, USA), Janet Lawson (jazz vocalist, USA), Dana Paul Perna (composer, USA),  Europe – Gunārs Larsens (violin, Switzerland), Andra Dārziņa (viola, Germany), Nigel Smith (France),  Lauma Skride (piano, Germany),  Mārtiņs Viļums (composer, Lithuania) and Dimitri Maronidis (composer, Aristotle University, Greece), Asia – Anna Etsuko Tsuri (lighting designer, Japan) and Australia – Janis Laurs.  Latvian Radio 3 – Klasika and Estonian Klassikaraadio included the master classes in their “Radio Classics Project” and produced a special video about the master classes (

A series of lectures and discussions concerning New Dimensions in music pedagogy were led and coordinated by Aurika Gulbe (Rīga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy) and Gunta Melbārde (Jāzeps Mediņš First Music School).  Composer Pēteris Vasks encouraged an audience of music teachers to devote more time to the teaching of Latvian chamber and other music.  Pianist Liene Circene described her experiences in working with young children in an Orff-based music program at the Sigulda Arts School.  Many lecturers, such as Kaspars Bikše, Diāna Zandberga, Pauls Berkolds, Artūrs Cingujevs, Valters Pūce and Guntars Zvejnieks discussed a variety of topics relating to new developments in methodology, interdisciplinary approaches, performance practices and technology.  Gundega Šmite (Chairperson of the Latvian Composers’ Union) led and coordinated a series of lectures and activities for the Composition master classes, based on new electronic and computer technology.  One of the guest lecturers was the American composer Dana Paul Perna who spoke about music composition in the Digital Age.

The Latvian Minister for Culture, Žaneta Jaunzeme-Grende, attended the closing concert of the master classes and in congratulating young musicians, called on them to develop their individual and unique talents as fully as possible.  A concert of Latvian orchestral music under the direction of conductor Normunds Dreģis (Latvia) and choral music under the direction of Anita Kuprisa (USA) and Jānis Baltiņš (Latvia) brought the master classes to a jubilant conclusion, with many students expressing a great interest in returning to the next master classes in 2014.

From the beginning of the master classes’ opening concert, with different colors lighting up the Baltais flīģelis stage, to the John Cage students’ ensemble concert at the Spīķeri Concert Hall in Rīga, the theme of “New Dimensions in Music” was explored through lighting, music, improvisation, movement, video and poetry.  The young participants, ranging in age from 16 to 22,  were eager to explore these many dimensions and did so with great creativity, flair and enthusiasm.

The International Latvian Young Musicians’ Master Classes are unique, as they are the only master classes in Latvia that offer a comprehensive and varied program in almost all music disciplines, with a particular emphasis on Latvian music. The participation of Latvian and non-Latvian teachers and performers lends a special energy to the program.  Since the master classes are not a festival, donations and grant monies from Latvian organizations and individuals in North America and Latvia, as well as student participation fees, provide the main sources of funding.

Young musicians from music high schools, academies, conservatories and universities are encouraged to consider participating in the XI International Latvian Young Musicians’ Master Classes, with the theme “The Baroque and Our Time”, from June 30 to July 9, 2014 once again in Sigulda, Latvia.  Information will be posted soon on the following website:


Chamber orchestra of the Master classes. Photo: Alberts Linarts.


Artistic director of the Master classes, Dace Aperāne. Photo: Alberts Linarts


Gaŗezera audzēkņu Olimpiādes akcija veiksmīga


GVV audzēkņi līksmo, kad NBC pārraida Baltiešu iesoļošanu Olimpiādes atklāšanas ceremonijā. Foto: Ilze M. Kalniņš.

2012. gads Gaŗezera vasaras vidusskolas skolēnu un audzinātāju atmiņās paliks ar kādu īpašu notikumu, proti, viens no nozīmīgākajiem un svarīgākajiem 2012. gada GVV audzēkņu un darbinieku panākumiem bija iniciatīvas uzsākšana saistībā ar Londonas Olimpiskajām spēlēm. Pateicoties ģeogrāfijas skolotāja Arta Inkas ierosinājumam un piesaistot latviešu valodas skolotāju Zandu Vēveri, kopā ar GVV Skolēnu padomi tika uzsākta akcija “Pārraidiet Baltijas valstis Londonas olimpiskajās spēlēs”.

GVV skolēni un darbinieki nosūtīja NBC vadībai atklātu vēstuli, ko parakstīja 168 atbalstītāji, lai mudinātu „National Broadcasting Company” (NBC) mainīt tās ilggadējo praksi, ignorējot Baltijas valstis olimpisko spēļu atklāšanas ceremonijas tiešraidē. Audzēkņi un skolotāji lūdza nodrošināt Londonas Olimpisko spēļu atklāšanas ceremonijas pārraidē dažādību, vienādu attieksmi un pilnīgu nacionālo komandu parādes atspoguļošanu.

Turklāt GVV uzsāka akciju sociālajos tīklos, aicinot visus Baltijas valstīs dzīvojošos un viņu draugus ASV, Kanādā un citviet pasaulē sazināties ar televīzijas translācijas nodrošinātājiem NBC un pieprasīt pilnu Londonas Olimpisko spēļu atklāšanas ceremonijas pārraidi nacionālo komandu parādes laikā. Akcijas ietvaros tautieši tika aicināti nosūtīt vēstuli NBC vadībai, kā arī pievienoties GVV izveidotajām mājas lapām un, kā arī sekot brīvprātīgās atbalstītājas Katriānas Zommers ierakstiem Twitter.

Akcijas uzsākšanas iemesls bija daudzu Amerikas latviešu vilšanās un neapmierinātība ar NBC ierasto praksi, kad olimpisko spēļu atklāšanas parādes laikā Baltijas valstu komandu iesoļošana netika atspoguļota, tās vietā rādot reklāmas. Daudzi Amerikas baltieši atceras, kā 1992. gadā, tikai vienu gadu pēc neatkarības atjaunošanas, saviļņoti skatījušies Barselonas Olimpisko spēļu atklāšanu. Taču nacionālo komandu parādi bieži pārtrauca reklāmas, un Latvijas un Lietuvas komandu iesoļošana olimpiskajā stadionā netika pārraidīta. Diemžēl arī nākamajos gados pārējo Olimpisko spēļu atklāšanas ceremoniju tiešraides izraisīja līdzīgu sarūgtinājumu.

GVV akcijai nekavējoties pievienojās un to atbalstīja daudz līdzjutēju gan ASV un Latvijā, gan Vācijā, Igaunijā, Anglijā un citviet pasaulē. Liels panākums iniciatīvai bija Latvijas Olimpiskās komitejas (LOK) atbalsts, izplatot preses relīzi, kurā Ilze Āķe-Vīksne, LOK speciāliste sabiedrisko attiecību jautājumos, norādīja, ka „Latvijas Olimpiskā komiteja atbalsta ārzemju latviešu uzsākto iniciatīvu, jo iestājas pret jebkādu Olimpisko komandu diskrimināciju vai ignorēšanu atklāšanas ceremonijas un Olimpisko spēļu laikā, kā arī uzskata, ka šajā gadījumā nekādas reklāmas devēju un komercintereses nevar stāvēt pāri Olimpiskajām interesēm”.

Pateicoties LOK atbalstam, GVV Olimpiādes akcija piesaistīja preses uzmanību Latvijā un citviet. Par šo iniciatīvu vēstīja gan LTV, TV3, Radio 1, gan interneta mediji kā,,,,,, u.c. Turklāt atbalstu sniedza un GVV akciju medijos popularizēja arī citas iestādes un organizācijas kā Latvijas Institūts, Pasaules brīvo latviešu apvienība (PBLA), Amerikas latviešu asociācija (ALA), Amerikas baltiešu brīvības līga (BAFL), Latviešu fonds un, protams, Latviešu centra Gaŗezers administrācija.

Ar sajūsmu un aplausiem Gaŗezera vasaras vidusskola saņēma vēsti no NBC, kad tā dienu pirms Londonas Olimpisko spēļu atklāšanas izplatīja preses relīzi, apstiprinot, ka NBC tiešraide „ietvers katru (NBC pasvītrots) valsts delegācijas iesoļošanu atklāšanas ceremonijā”. GVV audzēkņi un darbinieki jutās patiesi gandarīti un pauda pārliecību, ka ir spējuši šo procesu ietekmēt. Par to liecināja NBC strupā atbilde vienai no GVV skolotājām: „Mēs paziņojām vakar, ka visas 204 nācijas būs redzamas NBC. Lūdzu pasakiet to saviem draugiem!” Šāda reakcija apliecināja, ka GVV uzsāktā akcija patiešām bija veiksmīga un spēja panākt šķietami nepaveicamo!

Ar nepacietību un saviļņojumu Gaŗezerā tika sagaidīta NBC Londonas Olimpisko spēļu atklāšānas pārraide. NBC turēja solījumu un pārraidīja visas valstis, taču GVV cerības viņi attaisnoja tikai daļēji. Latvijas iesoļošana tika parādīta nepilnīgi un ļoti īsu laika sprīdi. Neskatoties uz to, akcijas organizētāji bija gandarīti par paveikto un lepni, ka pēc ilgiem gadiem bija iespējams redzēt Latvijas komandas iesoļošanu olimpiskajā stadionā. Latvijas komandas parādīšanās TV ekrānā  tika uzņemta ar patiesu saviļņojumu, skaļiem aplausiem un gavilēm!

Vislielākais prieks un gandarījums Gaŗezera vasaras vidusskolas audzēkņiem un skolotājiem bija par to, ka viņi – skaitliski maza grupa – ir spējuši ietekmēt tik ievērojamu notikumu. Ar šo iniciatīvu GVV ir nesuši ne tikai skolas vārdu pasaulē, bet arī pievērsuši pasaules uzmanību mazajai Latvijai un kārtējo reizi apliecinājuši, cik svarīgi ir latviešu kopienai būt vienotai. Turklāt, uzsākot Olimpiādes akciju, 2012. gada audzēkņi un skolotāji ir turējušies pie GVV mērķa un moto: „Gaŗezers – Dievam un Latvijai!”

Vairāk informācijas: Garezera mājas lapā., vai


Gaŗezera Vasaras Vidusskolas audzēkņu komanda, kas uzsāka akciju “Pārraidiet Baltijas valstis Londonas olimpiskajās spēlēs”. Foto: Ilze M. Kalniņš.

Latvia’s beach volleyballers poised to advance

Latvia’s beach volleyballers are off to a great start at London in the preliminary round of 24 teams playing in 6 groups. Both pairs won their first two games and are in a good position to advance to the next round.

Ruslans Sorokins (b. 1982) and Aleksandrs Samoilovs (b. 1985) are ranked 13th and defeated 7th-seeded Poland in three sets after losing the first. They had a much easier time with South Africa winning in two. They now face the 4th ranked duo from the USA on August 1. That should be a treat for Latvian fans in Canada and the United States because the game will be televised. It starts at 4:30pm local time or 11:30am Eastern.

Meanwhile 14th ranked Martins Plavins (b. 1985) and Janis Smedins (b. 1987) also came through big disposing of an 8th-ranked German pair in three sets and Venezuela in two. They face the 5th-seeded Dutch a day later on August 2.

The preliminary round will finish on August 2. The top two teams in each of the six groups advance.  They are joined by the top two third place teams. The remaining four third place teams then compete for the final two places. From that point on it’s winner takes all as the sixteen qualifiers drop to eight, then to four and then to the two finalists.

Samoilovs and Plavins played together going into the 2008 Beijing Olympics where they beat the heavily favoured Americans in the preliminary round and then made it to the round of 16 before losing. Plavins and Smedins won bronze in the 2010 European championships.

As for other action, Latvian fans have to bide their time as the bulk of their athletes have yet to compete. Not so in neighbouring Lithuania which is basking in glory at the surprise 100m breaststroke gold win by 15 year old teenager Ruta Meilulyte. Now based in Britain, she stunned the sporting world and catapulted to instant fame. Basketball-crazy Lithuanians momentarily forgot about their team which stumbled in a opening loss to Argentina but then defeated Nigeria and could still go far. Like Latvia, Estonia also hopes to pull in a few medals but there’s nothing to report yet.

Latvia does not have a tradition of excellence in any summer discipline so predicting medals is difficult. One group to watch is the team of four Latvian BMXers. Led by Beijing gold medalist Maris Strombergs who is still considered an elite cyclist, they will compete from August 8-10.

The Games are over for a number of Latvia’s athletes. Road cyclist Aleksejs Saramotins finished 56th, Dimitrijs Trefilovs finished 38th in men’s gymnastics, Konstantins Ovchinnikovs lost to a Brazilian in judo, Matiss Burgis made it to the second round of table tennis before bowing out and Uldis Kalnins, who, despite coming in 2nd in his 100m freestyle swimming heat, placed 30th overall and did not advance.