New Year, New Currency

It may have seemed like a mistake, but it is now a done deal.  Latvia joined the euro zone at midnight on New Year’s Eve, replacing the lats that had been in circulation since the early 1990s. 

I use the word “mistake” because Latvia’s accession to the zone is occurring at a time when several euro zone countries in southern Europe are in dire financial straits, and that raises the question of the extent to which our country will have to take part in rescue efforts.  To be sure, given that ours is a small country with a small economy, Greek and Spanish profligacy will not empty out Latvia’s coffers, but that remains a concern nevertheless.

Still, in general terms the adoption of the euro is a good thing for the country and its economy.  For one thing, the lats was so closely linked to the euro that for all practical purposes, the European currency was in use in Latvia anyway.  Many, many bank loans, for instance, are denominated in euros, not least because the relevant interest rate tends to be lower than was the case with the former Latvian currency.  It is also true that businesses will no longer have to deal with currency exchange issues and costs.  The euro should make it easier to refinance Latvia’s government debt, and the fact that Latvia satisfied the so-called Maastricht criteria so as to be accepted into the euro zone certainly sends a positive signal to international investors, showing that the country’s economic situation is at least stable, if not very good.

Early reports show that the introduction of the new currency proceeded fairly smoothly.  There was a ceremony at 12:30 AM at the main headquarters of the Citadele Bank during which Latvian Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis withdrew the first euros from an ATM.  He was joined in the process by Estonian Prime Minister Andrus Ansip, whose country introduced the euro two years ago.  Estonia’s experience has by no means been unimportant for Latvia, and officials from that country have said among other things that it is a myth that the implementation of the new currency will automatically mean higher prices.  There may be unscrupulous businesspeople who take advantage of the situation to boost prices, but many Latvian companies have signed up to the so-called “Honest Euro Implementer” programme (it sounds better in Latvian), which posits that prices will be based on the official exchange rate between the lats and the euro that has been defined by the Bank of Latvia.  It is also true that during the first two weeks in January, people can continue to spend the lats which they still have in their pockets or purses, though change is issued only in euros.  Last night I went to the store to purchase some wine and other things and found that because I had only a two-santīms coin, I paid one santīms more than was required.  I received one euro cent in return, even though a santīms is more valuable than a cent.  Such is life.

Latvia introduced the euro despite the fact that public opinion surveys that were conducted last year consistently showed that a majority of respondents were opposed to the process.  It was only in late December that the percentage of supporters rose above 50%, probably in large part because the process was inevitable.  The euro has particularly been opposed by several of Latvia’s political parties, which have been pandering in relation to public opinion.  It is true that there is the emotional issue of saying farewell to a currency which was a symbol of Latvia’s independence and sovereignty, though those who believe that sovereignty has been lost might well be asked why they have not opposed Latvia’s membership in the EU, NATO, the Council of Europe, the United Nations, the World Trade Organisation, and other organisations which equally level obligatory demands against member states. 

There is also a positive emotional effect in the process in that because the lats was more “valuable” than the euro, people who took a look at their bank accounts after the euro was implemented found that they had “more” money than before.  What had been 600 lats on December 31 was nearly 1,000 euros on January 1.  Of course, that is an ephemeral effect, because the value of the sum of money is the same as it was before, but I’m sure that I was not the only one to get a little frisson of joy in discovering that the three-figure amount in my bank account had turned into a four-figure amount.

It will indubitably take some time to become accustomed to the new currency.  The banknotes and coins will be different, and there is no doubt that for some time to come, people will be calculating the exchange rate in their heads to see how much the relevant product or service once cost in lats.  On the other hand, this is not the first time in most people’s living memory that there has been a replacement of currencies.  The collapse of the Soviet Union also meant the collapse of the largely worthless Soviet rouble, and so newly independent Latvia quickly had to introduce the so-called Latvian rouble and then, a few years later, the lats.  Older people recall that currency replacements and devaluation were nothing uncommon during the Soviet era, either, with so-called Khrushchev roubles replacing Stalin roubles and then Brezhnev roubles replacing Khrushchev roubles.  In none of those cases did the sky fall, even though then, too, there were emotional problems such as the fact that when the lats was introduced, it was at a rate of 200 roubles per lats, leading some people to believe that the value of their holdings had dropped by 200 times.  Of course, that was nonsense, just as is the case with believing that one has more money just because of the change in currency this time.

All will be well.  Introducing the euro is simply another step in the process of Latvia’s Euro-integration, and if we want to be a part of the European Union, that merely makes sense.

Kārlis Streips was born in Chicago, studied journalism at the University of North Illinois and University of Maryland. He moved to Latvia in 1991 where he has worked as a TV and radio journalist. He also works as a translator and lecturer at the University of Latvia.

Obtaining Latvian Citizenship

Since October 1 of this year, the Republic of Latvia has once again been allowing Latvians abroad to obtain Latvian citizenship without giving up their original citizenship. This was possible in the early 1990s, but not afterward. Now it is possible once again.

The process is open to people who were citizens of Latvia prior to June 17, 1940 (the start of the Soviet occupation) and to their children and grandchildren, provided that the original citizens departed from Latvia after the occupation began and could not return to Latvia because of it (the process is different for those who have ancestors who left Latvia during the interwar period or even earlier, but I will assume that most readers of Latvians Online do not fall into that category).

In order to obtain citizenship, you can visit the Citizenship and Migration Board in person in Rīga should you happen to be visiting, or you will have to contact the Latvian Embassy in your country of residence. You will have to submit an application for citizenship. The relevant application form can be found on the homepage of the Citizenship and Migration Board.

The homepage offers an English version, so if you don’t speak Latvian, you can still take a look. Latvian language skills are not necessary for émigré Latvians and their successors to obtain citizenship, as is the case for those who seek naturalisation in Latvia, so that is no worry for you. You will, however, need to provide personal identification, as well as evidence that you have ancestors who were citizens of independent Latvia prior to World War II. If you have your father or mother’s birth certificate, that will be sufficient. If not, you may seek information from Latvia’s state archives, which have census records and other documents that may be of use. Please note that in some cases, the relevant documents will have to be notarised (the homepage goes into detail about this). If you have children, once you have obtained citizenship, they will only need to fill out the application form and present personal identification to do the same.

If you live far away from the Latvian Embassy in your country, contact it anyway, because the Citizenship and Migration Board says that embassies are organising field trips to locations where Latvians live in order to help with the citizenship issue. Perhaps the embassy in your country is planning to do so in the foreseeable future. Of course, you may also submit documents to the embassy by mail, though perhaps you will not wish to send your passport in the mail, lest it be lost on the way.

Another source of information about this may be your country’s central Latvian organisation such as the American Latvian Association in the United States, because they will surely have collected all of the information that is needed.

What are the benefits of Latvian citizenship for you? Of course, there is the symbolic element of wishing to be linked to your fatherland and to have a document which testifies to this. In practical terms, a Latvian passport will allow you to travel freely in the countries which are part of the European Union’s Schengen system without having to show your passport on the relevant borders (though, of course, you will have to present it when entering the zone). Also, you will be able to vote in Latvian elections, though only in national, not local ones, because local elections, of course, depend on your place of residence. I would like to say that if you do not regularly follow political and social events in Latvia, you might refrain from voting in parliamentary elections, because you will not be aware of the issues that are of importance or the things which political parties that are seeking election are saying about them, but the possibility is there nonetheless.

Above all, there are comparatively few Latvians in the world, and Latvia is happy to welcome one and all. The Latvian passport will allow you and your children to travel freely to Latvia, and that is something that is to be recommended for every single person of Latvian origin, much as a trip to Mecca is strongly recommended for every Muslim in the world. Perhaps your children will someday wish to study at a Latvian university (though in that case, of course, they will require excellent Latvian language skills), and citizenship will make that easier (and in many cases less expensive), as well. One way or another, please check out the opportunity. I do believe that you will be glad that you did.

Kārlis Streips was born in Chicago, studied journalism at the University of North Illinois and University of Maryland. He moved to Latvia in 1991 where he has worked as a TV and radio journalist. He also works as a translator and lecturer at the University of Latvia.